"What do you think?"

"I think she'll love it."

"Are you sure? I'm worried -,"

"Finnick, she loves you. She'll love it. You could give her a tied string and she'd love it."

"A tied string? I spent hours on this, so I hope you're not -,"

"Oh, shut it. You asked me for my opinion and I gave it now stop fretting over it. When are you going to do it?"

"Soon. Very soon. I want to have it before anything else happens. Before we make the next move."

"Good idea. I wish you the best."

The smell of alcohol disappears the moment he's left. I don't know why I chose him of all people to talk to this about. Maybe it's because he's always drunk so I don't feel quite as nervous around him. Or maybe I just don't feel like dumping on Katniss anymore.

I step out the door that Haymitch had just walked through and move down the hallway slowly. The small box that contains a tiny object that I've put my heart and soul into is clutched in my hand. I keep thinking she won't like it but I know that's silly. She's loved me through all of the pain I've put her through. That kind of love isn't superficial.

The door creaks as I push it open and a moment later I'm through i and into the small room. I don't like it down here. I'm not necessarily claustrophobic but there's something about living underground that unnerves me. I've gotten used to it, though.

"Annie?" I whisper into the dark. There's a sound of shuffling feet and then a petite figure is flinging itself at me. I catch her against me and laugh softly, my arms tight around her waist as I hold her. She buries her face against the side of my neck and I don't protest.

I almost forget that I'm holding the tiny box in my hand. Once I remember, though, my hand starts to shake around it. What will she say? She'll say yes, of course. Of course.

I pull back a little, moving one to her side and holding her a little bit away from me. I can barely see her in the darkness, though her eyes stand out somewhat: green, glowing in the midst of the blackness around us.

"I love you, Annie," I whisper, leaning forward to press my lips to her forehead. I hear the smile in her voice when she speaks.

"I love you, too."

My hands lower from her and then I'm down on one knee in front of her. She tilts her head a little; I see her hair shifting in the blanket of darkness from the subtle movement.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gotten the chance. We both know the reasons," I swallow hard. Why won't the proper words come? Maybe there are no right words. Maybe there's only the truth, because other than that there are no words to even describe how I feel. "I need you to be my wife, Annie. You can't say no. Alright? I need...I need that bond. I can't even describe, I just -,"

While I'd been speaking, I'd been staring down at the box in my hand, not paying attention to what she'd been doing. Before I can finish what I'm saying, she's wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. She must have knelt down while I was rambling.

"Finn...How could I say anything but yes?" she murmurs. Her lips are still lightly against mine. My heart hammers in my chest. That's a yes. That's a yes, right? Yes, that's a yes.

"Thank you," I choke out. Tears drip down my cheeks, much to my surprise. I haven't cried for joy in a long, long time. We sit there in the darkness for a long time. I've forgotten about the leather ring that I made by hand. It fell from my hand and my arms are around her. I love the feel of her body against mine, the sound of her breathing in my ear.

Somehow, I know this is what heaven feels like.