I am so sorry I took so long to update. I'm wrapping this up in this chapter, thank you for trying to stick to this story.
"Jack and Sandy are under here," Bunny said. He stood at full height, thumping the ground to try to create his tunnel. He hopped down, only coming back in a huge loop.
"It's just a huge loop! I can't get through."
"Step aside," North smirked, rolling a snow globe in his hands. He threw it at the same spot where Bunny made his tunnel. It shattered, creating the swirling vortex of colors. He leaped though, landing on the ground right were he was.
"Pitch must have it blocked," Palla said. She transformed back into a wolf, trying to dig her way down.
"Palla, Palla," Tooth, gently laid a hand on the wolf's shoulder. She slowly stopped, sitting back with a whine.
"It is alright my daughter." They turned to see Mother Nature and a tall man standing beside her. They could only guess was Father Time. He wore a long wood colored robe with the hood up, covering everything above his beady eyes, He wore a long golden necklace with a clock at the end. His pale wrinkled face smiled, then changed into a very young version of himself.
Mother Nature slowly lifted her hand above where Bunny's tunnel and North's snow globe was. It split, rumbling and opening wider.
You must move, now," she commanded. The Guardians and Palla quickly jumped in, falling pass different shades of darkness and shadows until they landed on the cold had floor. Once they sat up, groaning and rubbing their now sore bottoms, they heard a cackle followed by a yelp.
"Jack!" Bunny rushed to where he heard the distress.
"Oh, looks like we have guests," Pitch smiled at where Jack and Sandy laid crumbled on the floor.
"Pitch! You shadow sum bag coward!"
"Ah-ah-ah, not so fast, Bunny," Pitch held Jack in one arm with a dagger pressed to his throat. Bunny growled, lowering himself down as his large ears flattened.
"Bunny! G-Get out of here!"
"Shu-shush shu, Jack. There's no need for that."
"Pitch!" Palla yelled.
"Ah, Palla my darling, you've returned. What a good job you've done leading the Guardians here."
The remaining three Guardians looked to the wolf child in a mixture or concern and questioning.
"Shut up! Let Frost and Sandman go."
"And why would I do that?" Palla looked down, trying to come up with a answer.
Using the wait to his advantage, Jack struggled, kicking Pitch where the sun-don't-shine.
"Ah! You little bastard," he hissed, turning the knife into a sword. He pointed the tip down, raising it above his head.
As Bunny started to try and do something, Palla rushed over, pushing Jack away as the sword came down, stabbing her in the shoulder and down to her stomach.
"Ah, Palla," Pitch gasped.
Bunny quickly scooped the winter fairy into his arms as North and Tooth checked on Sandy.
"Ooh, that was a very stupid thing my dear. Why would you do that?" Pitch held the wolf girl.
"Be-because," Palla gasped, "I didn't want to be like you." She tried to swallow the blood that rose in her throat, dribbling over on her chin and neck.
"Oh my dear, my darling Palla… look at you," Pitch cried.
Bunny and North shared a look, wondering what to do. It's not like they had a jail they could throw Pitch into.
"Pitch Black, you are here by- Here by placed under I, Father Time, watch. You wi-will-will be kept under constant serv-valence." Father Time seemed to repeat his words like a static recording when he changed age.
Father Time left with a smile to the guardians, pulling Pitch awake into a portal. Mother Nature looked sadly at Palla who laid in a pool of her crimson.
"Mother Nature," Palla whispered.
"Yes, my dear child?"
"Just… end it for me."
Mother Nature kneeled down, cradling the wolf child's head in her arm. She leaned over to hear what Palla whispered. Mother Nature nodded then kissed her forehead, placing her head over Palla's chest. She raised it, pulling out a small purple dim light.
"Is that?"
"Palla's soul," Bunny answered Jack.
Mother Nature carried the now lifeless body and bowed her head to the Guardians.
"Palla wanted me to tell you that she is grateful to you, for helping her find her path once again. Bunnymund, After I take care of Palla, I will help you regain your rightful body."
"Thank you," Bunny nodded. As Mother Nature left, North threw a snow globe, taking them back to the North pole.
For a few hours, Jack and Bunny cuddled on the red velvet arm chair. They said nothing, just happy to have this while thing over with and Pitch under Father Time's watch.
Mother Nature showed up, dressed in a snow white coat, with snow flake patters that moved as though they were actual snow flake, gently laying themselves in the white sheet. She offered a small smile, taking Bunny to North's potions lab.
It felt to long for Jack. He wanted his giant kangaroo back. And after an hour or so, that same Pooka emerged, with the snow fairy's favorite little buck tooth smile.
"Mother Nature, I am sorry about loose of Palla," North said as Jack leaped into Bunny's arms in the background.
"It is alright North, I am just glad she passed finally accepting herself."
"Hum da."
That's it, thank you for sticking with me.