Title: Two Idiots
Pairing: Harry/Draco (pre-slash), Hermione
Rating: G
Summary: Hermione helps them solve a silly issue.
Prompt: awdt's Advent Quickies #1 candy cane pops and AdventDrabbles #1 gingerbread house
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and publishers. No offense is meant by this fan fiction and this is made purely for fun.
Word Count: ~650
"Draco, is that the same candy cane pop you're eating?" Hermione asked.
"Mmm?" Draco hummed. He pulled the candy cane from his mouth, minus the chocolate dipped marshmallow top. "No, Granger, how long do you think it takes me to eat one of these?"
"Well, you've had that in your mouth for the better part of two hours," she frowned.
"This is one of... a number of them," he drawled.
"How many of those have you had?" she asked, glancing back at the table filled with treats. There were a considerable amount of them missing but she had attributed it to the number of guests at the party. "Draco?"
"You don't need to know," he sniffed and turned away.
"Ar- Are you sulking right now?" she whispered.
"I am not sulking," Draco denied, before muttering to himself. "Even if Potter's a bloody idiot."
She frowned but left the man to his binging.
"'Mione," Ron called, in a way that let her know something had gone wrong. "Harry's been brooding all night and... well... there might be a small dent in the gingerbread house now."
"What does that have to do with Harry?" she asked, following Ron.
She stopped when she saw that most the shingles on the elaborate house were gone and that the charmed gingerbread family was cowering on one side of it. She went closer and then spotted Harry plucking the shingles off one by one as he ate them with knitted brows.
"Harry," she called, "why are you demolishing the gingerbread house?"
"Why am I whuh?" he asked, around a mouthful of gingerbread. He swallowed. "Oh. Oh! Sorry, I was... sorry."
Hermione sighed.
"Ron says you've been brooding," she said.
"Wh- No, no," Harry denied, with a shake of his head. "I am not brooding. I mean what do I care if Malfoy didn't ask me to the bloody party despite all the flirting I've been throwing his way. I mean it's not as if I hadn't been hinting that I want to come here with him. Nope, not brooding at all."
"Have you been abusing the eggnog?" she asked.
"You can't abuse eggnog, Hermione," he said, brandishing a piece of gingerbread in her face before eating it.
"Stop that," she hissed, and grabbed his hand. "I'm taking you away from the gingerbread."
She dragged Harry to the balcony and told him to stay put before going back inside and hauling Draco over there as well.
"Now, you two need to stop being pissy and sort this rubbish out," Hermione scolded.
"It's not my fault Potter can't take a hint and ask a bloke out," Draco mumbled.
"Wh- I can't take a hint? Bloody hell Malfoy, I've been hitting on you all week and you couldn't get it through your head that I was waiting for you to ask me here," Harry complained.
"Oh, so I have to ask you out?" Draco asked. "Potter, get over yourself."
"What, your privileged arse couldn't do it?" Harry countered.
Hermione gaped at them in disbelief as they had probably the most ridiculous argument she had ever heard. She held her hands up and she began to shush them into silence. This really could not carry on. She might lose a few brain cells if it did.
"Harry, you wanted to attend the party with Draco. Draco, you wanted to attend the party with Harry. You both wanted to attend this party together. What in Merlin's name is there to argue about right now? You're both interested in one another," she pointed out. "How about you mull that over for a second, hmm?"
"So you-" they both started, after a bit of staring.
"Yes-" they went again.
"I reckon we could..." Draco began.
"... Attend the rest of the party together?" Harry finished.
"Yes," Draco nodded.
"All right," Harry agreed.
"Idiots," Hermione breathed. "The both of them."