A/N - So, my computer got a little bug. I had to have it fixed just so it would turn on. My user account had been deleted so I had no way of signing into my computer, therefore I had to reboot the whole thing. I lost all my files, so all the chapters I had halfway written for all my stories are kaput. I'm going to try to write a chapter for everything, because it's been over a YEAR for everything! And the computer thing didn't happen until a couple months ago, so I can't use that as a whole excuse...
I hope you guys are still sticking with me. If you are, thank you!
Disclaimer - I don't own Doctor Who or anything in it. I only own my OC, Emma Walker.
"They've gone and abandoned us. They just went into the TARDIS and flew off for another adventure. I expected it of the Doctor, but Amy? I'm her husband and you're her best friend! I thought she'd force the Doctor to swing by for us!"
"R-R-Ro-Rory..." Emma shivered, arms wrapped around herself and teeth chattering as she sat on a freezing rock. "Shut up. All you're going to accomplish is making us both lose all ho-hope."
"What hope do we have?" He moaned on, rubbing at his arms through his puffy, blue coat to try and warm himself up. "We're stuck in a cave on the side of a mountain, on a planet whose warmest weather in history was -25!"
She glared at him. "Be happy we found the cave! I can't imagine the co-complaining you'd do if we were stuck in snow."
"It's not like it's any warmer in here." He shivered, glancing at Emma. "I have an idea that might help us survive a bit longer if they do ever come back for us."
"What is it?"
"Well...you know on television shows, how they, um..." He sat beside her, shifting awkwardly. "When two or more people are somewhere freezing, they take off all their clothes and cuddle up together under them. To share body heat."
"Does that really work?"
"How should I know?"
"You're a nurse!"
"Well, they didn't teach me that stuff!" He sighed. "Look, I think it's best we just give it a try. If it doesn't work, you can put your clothes back on and hit me."
She looked at him for a long moment before nodding. "Alright. Your coat is big, so lay it on the flo-floor." She forced her teeth to stop chattering. "This rock is big enough to hold us both. Put the coat behind it, it might block out some wind." She watched as he took off his coat and did as she said. "Okay." She stood. She hesitated a moment before she took a deep breath as if breathing in courage, and then began to remove her clothes. "Bra and knickers, too?"
"You can le-leave those on. I'll keep my pants." Rory was shivering horribly now, shirtless and tugging his trousers off. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you should lay on top of me. Then I might be able to wrap the coat around us." He laid down in the middle of the splayed out coat. "Get our clothes, we'll put them on top of us."
"Got it." She gathered all their clothes, setting the bundle by their side as she crawled on top of Rory, pressing flush against him. She wasn't sure if the whole thing would work in the long run, but the sudden, surprising warmth of him for the moment was welcome. "You'll have to, I won't exactly see where I'm putting it all."
He started layering the clothes on them, over their torsos and legs, and managed to get Emma's jacket over their feet — it was a flimsy one. The Doctor had told her that the planet wasn't that cold, and that Rory was being a baby with his heavy coat. If she managed to get out of this alive, she was going to smack him. "There we are." Rory zipped the coat around them before slipping his arms inside, wrapping them around her. "If Amy saw this, she'd kill me."
"You? Only after she was finished with me. She would find a way to kill you using my body."
They shared a quiet laugh that trailed off quickly. "Emma, if we don't make it through this...I just want to say that you're amazing. The best friend a guy like me could ever ask for, even if you did usually side with Amy during an argument. Sometimes you sided with me and actually got her to apologize for me. So...thanks." There was silence for a long while and he panicked. First he feared that she had suddenly died, but he still felt her breathing; then he feared he had upset her somehow. "Emma?"
"I used to have such a stupid crush on you. Hell, when we were teenagers, I'm pretty sure I nearly loved you." She laughed. "I was going to tell you, but then Amy called and told me you were in love with her. I thought...he's in love with the girl whose only attentions to him were snapping at him, but he never loved me." There was another moment of silence before,
"I wouldn't say never."
She looked up at him suddenly to see if he was joking, but she didn't get a chance to tell before she heard it.
Over the howling wind, the Doctor's voice could be heard, soon followed by Amy calling out their names at the top of her lungs. Emma and Rory both started struggling to get up at the same time, only managing to tangle themselves up. "We're here!" They both yelled. "We're here, we're here, we're here!"
"Bloody..." Emma groaned. "I feel like a Who on a speck of dust. We're here!"
Two silhouettes appeared in the mouth of the cave and in stepped Amy and the Doctor, their hair blowing rather 'heroically' in the wind. The former raised an eyebrow at the two wrapped up in the coat, "What are you doing?"
"Oh, thank God!" Emma finally managed to crawl through the bottom of the coat, racing to the two and throwing her arms around them. "We thought you'd left us! We thought we were going to freeze to death, so we did that whole naked cuddling thing! But you're here!" She was forced to let go of Amy as Rory ran forward to embrace her, so she simply wrapped her arms around the Doctor. "I don't think I've ever been so happy to see you!"
"Er..." His cheeks were pink from more than just the cold. "Wouldn't you like to put some clothes on, Emma?"
"I would love to, but I think I just froze to you." With a little help, she peeled off him and gladly accepted his jacket as he shrugged it off to drape it over her shoulders. Her fingers were numb and fumbling at the buttons, so he fastened them for her.
"Come on, we can't have your feet frostbitten." He earned a surprised look when he lifted her into his arms. "Don't give me that. I'd hate to have to carry you all the time because you can't run when we're in danger."
"Uh, my shoes got frozen to the ground...what am I supposed to do?"
The Doctor rolled his eyes. "The TARDIS isn't that far, Rory. You'll be alright."
As they all hurriedly went to the TARDIS to warm up, Emma peeked over the Doctor's shoulder at Rory. He had his arm wrapped around Amy.
That seemed very Emma/Rory shippy, didn't it? Fret not. I'm sure you're all cringing from it, but trust me, it wasn't as shippy as it seems...I could reveal it in the next chapter? As always, requests are welcome! I'm sorry for being gone for so long! I also have a story, Let Me Down, that partly explains Emma's past with the Ponds, if you haven't read it yet :)