** A/N: Hello everyone! Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to those who don't celebrate! I woke up today deciding that this would be the best way to have things go for Frozen Impulse. I decided that I will complete the story with the 20 drabbles I did, and ending here today on Christmas. I've been running low on ideas and I didn't really want to give you guys something that wasn't worth reading. And, as some of you may already know, I am leaving tomorrow for vacation, and I've become quite busy and I will be even more so when I leave. If I have time today, I will, as a gift to you all, write the sequel to Presents. Ignore the A/N at the end of the last drabble, I think this will be the best way to get things done in time. I hope you all understand! Look forward to the sequel everyone! Thank you all for your support and happy holidays to you all again :) **