Yes this is an Author's Note update. I apologize but this is going to be posted to each of my stories to get the message out.
Due to a certain array of circumstances that have struck since the beginning of last month I have lost all of my work, pertaining to my current existing stories, the challenges I took and worked on to post after one of the published works were finished, and my spare ideas I worked on when I had writer's block.
I'd been trying to write a new bit for all of my stories so I could reward everyone's patience with me by giving all of them a new chapter but it seems my luck decided to take a rain check with me so I'm gonna be playing catchup for a bit.
Fortunately thanks to a constant conversation with Kamen Rider Arashi I should be able to salvage a good deal of my existing work…but my side stories are pretty much dead in the water until I can get them up and running in my spare time again.
My apologies once again and I hope you all remain around to see the new stuff when it gets here.
That's all I have to say for now, Yurei King signing out.