Chapter 13: The Journey Back




The group of prisoners woke up expecting to be tortured, but only to meet silence. They looked at each other questioningly, thinking that their captors were up to something. They begun to get ready for the day and whatever was to happen. Once everyone was done, they gathered and sat down on the grass, deciding to chat while they could. Only minutes into their conversations, they heard a bush rustle, which startled them.

"Hey! Come out. This ain't funny!" Gajeel growled. Then the group heard a yawn and knew for sure it was another person. Then another rustle of the bush. They waited for a few seconds and finally a person stepped out.

"Hey guys!" The blonde haired girl exclaimed, smiling tiredly.

"L-Lucy?" Everyone shouted.

"Yup, that's me."

"We thought you were dead!" Levy cried, running over to Lucy and crushing her with a hug, which was gladly returned.

"Wait! Don't be so loud you'll awake our captors," Erza reminded them, which seemed to quiet everyone down.

"Huh? Oh, don't worry 'bout that. I took care of 'em," Lucy said lazily, waving a hand in dismissal.

"What? Where are they? How long were they out? We gotta get a move on!" Levy panicked.

"You don't have to rush...I killed them," Lucy sighed, staring at the floor.

"Y-You what?" Levy asked, wide-eyed.

"I had to, it's not like I wanted to, okay?" Lucy growled. They were silent for a few moments. They had to kill during the war too...So, they all just shrugged,dismissing it, and got ready to go. Meanwhile, Lucy just walked away from everyone and sat on a rock. After a while, she heard footsteps and then she was caught in a hug. She looked up and immediately smiled seeing who it was.

"Hey Natsu," she whispered leaning into his embrace.

"Hey," Natsu spoke softly. After a minute of silence, he spoke again.

"You really had us scared, Lucy...," he whispered.

"Sorry to worry you," she replied, before turning to face him and returning the hug. "You know it was hard to catch up with you guys, but I managed."

"You ran all the way?"


The next few minutes, the two of them enjoyed the comforting silence in the warm embrace of each other.

"Let's get a move on people!" Makarov shouted. Everyone got up and started to walk in the direction of what they thought is the direction of their guild.

Twenty minutes into the walk...

"Are we there yet?"


"...Are we there now?"


"How about now?"


"Are we"

"No, Natsu...," Lucy sighed, but smiled.

There was a couple minutes of silence, but it was broken by Natsu, "Are we there now?"

"For crying out loud! Would you shut the hell up, idiot?" Gajeel shouted. Natsu reacted by punching him and they fought, somehow causing everyone else to fight as well...

"QUIT IT!" Erza shouted, glaring at everyone.

"A-Aye," Natsu muttered, and they continued on their way...

20 more minutes later...

"Hey, we're almost there, everyone!" Levy exclaimed happily.

"That's great news, Shrimp," Gajeel said.

"Don't call me that!" Levy shouted.

"Gihee," Gajeel smirked, and the two of them continued their bickering.

"Yes, we're almost home!" Natsu cheered, causing Lucy to laugh.


"Are we there yet?"

"Not this again," Gajeel groaned.

"No, Natsu," Lucy said.

"Are we there now?"

"Shut-" Gajeel started to say, but everyone came to a stop at the sight in front of them, smiles appearing on each of their faces.

"Aye, Natsu! We're here," Happy smiled, flying off towards the guild, everyone running after him. Natsu kicked the doors of the guild open and walked in grinning.

"We're back!" Everyone shouted. And so they finished their journey and was back to fill the guild with their rowdiness.

And so we made it back to the guild, all of us. None of us dying in the war. And we were back, filling the guild with our rowdiness once again. The war, the rescuing, and the journey back being one adventure that we have now returned from...I'm just happy everyone is alright and still themselves.

I miss you Mama...


Lucy Heartfilia

"Whatcha' writing Lucy?" Natsu asked as Lucy placed her pen down and folded her paper in half, pushing it to the side of her desk.

"Nothing," Lucy smiled, standing up and walking to the kitchen. "Want something to eat?"

"Yes!" Natsu exclaimed happily, bouncing up and down eagerly.

"Do you have fish, Lucy?" Happy asked. Lucy nodded and held out a fish for him. Happy grinned as he flew and took it from her and sat on the table, nibbling on the fish.

"Here Natsu," Lucy said, handing Natsu a plate full of food, which he grabbed and ate eagerly. Lucy giggled as she left the kitchen and went back to her desk, grabbing a box and then the paper she was writing on earlier, placing it into the box, and then placing the box away. Grinning, she turned around and headed back to Natsu and Happy in the kitchen.

Once they finished eating, Lucy went to take a shower only to return finding Natsu and Happy sleeping on her bed. Shaking her head and smiling softly, she climbed into bed deciding not to wake and kick them out this time. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Natsu opened his eyes and grinned. She hadn't kicked them out. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him and she snuggled into him. He closed his eyes. She's probably gonna kick me out of her bed tomorrow morning to wake me up..., he thought with a smile as he drifted off to sleep.

-End of Chapter-

Heh heh...Hey guys! Sorry to keep you all waiting, I had this chapter ready for a while now, just forgot to post it...Sorry! But here's the update. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please review!