Chapter 1: Forgetting




It was night.

There was blood all over the walls, floors, and well, simply everywhere in that room. Her father was laying on the floor, dead. All around her laid the maids and everyone else who worked in this house. Their murderers had already left. The ten year old blonde haired girl looked for her mother. She found her on the floor in the center of the room...She was still breathing! Her eyes widened as she ran over to her mom.

"Mama!" The girl shouted, sitting down next to her mother, not caring if she was sitting in a pool of blood. All she cared about right now was her mother.

"L...Lucy...My lucky...Lucy...," her mother whispered as tears ran down her face and she gave her daughter a gentle smile. "Lucy, dear, I...I'm sorry..."

"S-Sorry for what, Mama?" Lucy asked, tears of her own falling from her eyes. Her mother raised a shaky hand and wiped Lucy's tears away.

"Shh...Don't cry sweetie...," her mother whispered, "You'll find out why I am sorry...but...I love you...Your father and I both love you dearly..."

"Mama, please...Don't talk...Please...I...I...," Lucy sobbed. More tears flowed from her mother's eyes and she continued.

"I want you to pack your most needed things and of yourself...Okay? Do it...for me...," her mother coughed and some blood dripped from her lips. Lucy watched as her mother's eyes started to dim.

"Mama! Don't leave me!" Lucy yelled as she grabbed her mother's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I have to...Lucy...I'm sorry...But, remember...I will always love you and I will watch over you...," her mother gave her another gentle smile, "After all," tears escaped her mother's eyes, but her smile did not falter, "you are my Lucky Lucy! Promise'll try your best to become the best Celestial wizard...Because I know you can if you try. The spirits love you, I know it."

"Yes, Mama! I promise. I promise...," Lucy cried, squeezing her mother's hand tighter.

"That's my Lucky Lucy...," her mother whispered softly before her eyes dimmed, her breathing stopped, and her hand fell out of Lucy's onto the floor. Lucy's eyes widened as she shook her mother.

"Mama! Mama! No...No! MAMA!" She cried. Her screams filled the, otherwise, quiet mansion.

The ten year old blonde haired girl sat on her bed in her room. She just finished packing. A few tears escaped the girl's eyes as she looked around the room to make sure she got everything. When she realized that she did, she grabbed her bag that had everything that she wanted to take and keep with her. She opened her door and ran out of her room. She went downstairs and made her way to the exit of the mansion. She opened the door and exited. Once she stepped outside, she sighed. She turned around and looked up at the house, her home, she was about to leave.

"Mama...," little Lucy whispered. Tears streamed down her face as the memories came back. She quickly shook her head, trying to get rid of them, and turned back around. She began to run. She ran far away from her home...Far away.

It was morning, and Lucy had finally made it to a town, but she didn't exactly know what town she was in. She decided to wander around the town. After a few minutes of walking, someone bumped into her. It was a pink haired boy. He looked around the same age as her, if not a little older. He looked sad and frantic. Kind of as if he was looking for something or someone.

"Sorry," the boy muttered, about to run away, but Lucy grabbed his wrist. The boy looked at her in slight annoyance.

"What?" He snapped at her.

"Do you know what town this is?" She asked, ignoring his rudeness.

"Can't you tell I'm in a rush?"


"I'm trying to look for Igneel! My father!" He shouted, pulling away from her grip. "This is Hargeon...," he added and then ran away. Lucy shook her head and ran after him because something told her to. She followed him into a forest and then into another town. The boy was asking everybody if they saw his father. She noticed how he described his father: A big, red, fire-breathing dragon. Lucy started to get exhausted from all the running, but decided to continue since she made it this far. They kept running and running for what seemed like hours. Then, the boy finally stopped and sobbed.

"Igneel...Where are you?" The boy cried, "IGNEEL!" Lucy thought about this for a second. If Igneel is his father...Did his father...disappear? It reminded her of her parents...except his father was just missing. The boy could always find him...Lucy knew her parents weren't coming back, but at least her mother and father would be looking after her, right? She watched as the boy fell to his knees and cried harder. She ran over to him and gave him a hug. She felt like she should. She felt bad for him...She wished someone was there to hug her when she was crying...She hugged him tighter because of that thought.

"W-What...are you doing?" The boy asked, tears falling from his eyes as he pulled away from her hug.

"I'm just comforting someone who needs it. I know how you feel...I've been through sort of the same thing...probably worse if not the same...," she whispered. Then she smiled warmly at him, "Oh! I'm Lucy."

"I'm Natsu Dragneel," the boy smiled weakly at her.

"So, Igneel is your father and he's a dragon?" She asked him.

"Y-Yeah," he said, "Well, he's not my real father. I don't know my real parents, but he is like a father to me. He raised me, taught me magic...Then, he disappeared...I'm looking for him."

"I believe you'll find him one day. You don't look like the type to give up. But I think you should start to live out your life," she smiled and stood up. He stood up right after her and nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll find him for sure!" Natsu grinned. Lucy giggled. "What?"

"Nothing~!" She laughed and ran away as he chased her.


When he stopped chasing her, they both sat down in the grass. They were currently in a meadow.

"Its pretty here," Lucy spoke up.

"Yeah...," Natsu sighed.

"So? If we're gonna be friends, tell me about yourself," Lucy commanded.

"Well, like I said, my name's Natsu Dragneel. I'm a fire dragon slayer. I like to eat, have fun, beat up people...," his list went on and on...,"I am going to be the strongest mage!" Natsu declared. Lucy giggled and nodded. "Your turn, Luigi!" Natsu grinned.

"IT'S LUCY! Get it right!" She shouted and whacked him on the head.

"Ouch!" Natsu yelped.

"Hmph! Okay, as you know, I'm Lucy. Lucy...Heartfilia...," Lucy said her last name sadly, Natsu noticed but did not interrupt. Lucy continued, "I'm a Celestial mage. I like to read, write, have fun...," her list went on and on..., "I'm going to be the strongest Celestial mage there will ever be!" Lucy declared.

"Now that we know each other," Natsu grinned, "Guess we're best friends now, right?"

"Yup!" Lucy smiled.

A few day passed...

Natsu and Lucy traveled together and decided to get stronger together as well. They beat up several bandits, monsters, and helped out people. They were currently in a town called Magnolia. Natsu and Lucy were searching for this dark guild who has been capturing people and torturing them. They finally found the dark guild and entered it quietly. When they went inside, though, Natsu and Lucy were attacked by the guild members. Natsu ended up being captured, while Lucy managed to escape. Lucy felt fear for her best friend as she frantically searched for their torture room. She finally found the room and kicked it open. Natsu was sitting on a chair with the master of the dark guild standing in front of him.

"LET NATSU GO!" She shouted. The master laughed darkly.

"You're right on time, girl!" He laughed evilly.

"Natsu!" Lucy shouted, running up to them. The master of the dark guild, hit her back though.

"LUCY!" He shouted. Tears escaped the blonde haired girl's eyes.

"NATSU!" She shouted as she watched the man use some sort of magic on him. Natsu just smiled weakly at her as his eyes started to close. "NATSU!"

"Lucy...," he whispered before everything went black for him.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Lucy shouted as she stood up and ran towards the man.

"Just erased his memories," he laughed. Lucy's eyes widened and she stared at him with anger. "Oh, don't worry. Just his memories of you," the man laughed.

"How...HOW COULD YOU?!" She yelled punching the man in the stomach. The man continued to laugh.

"I'll take this all to my advantage. He will join my guild!" He exclaimed.

"Over my dead body!" The girl shouted. "OPEN THE GATE OF THE GOLDEN BULL! TAURUS!" Lucy shouted.

"Moooo!" Taurus exclaimed, "What can I do for you, Luuuuucy?"

"Beat him up, Taurus...Make him unable to walk for months," Lucy commanded darkly. Taurus could tell she was mad. He saw the pink haired boy Lucy had become close friends with, unconscious on a chair. He nodded, understanding the girl's anger. Taurus beat up the master of the guild withing minutes and the man was on the floor unconscious.

"Thank you...Taurus...," Lucy whispered. Taurus nodded and disappeared. Lucy ran over to the pink haired boy and unattached him from the chair. Then she started to shake him. "Please, please, please remember me!" She exclaimed as she continued to try to wake him. Finally, Natsu slowly opened his eyes and took a look around the room. Then he looked into Lucy's eyes.

"Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed and hugged him. Natsu pushed her away after a few seconds and stared at her. "Natsu?"

"Who...Who are you?" He asked and her heart shattered.

"Wh-What do you mean Natsu? Stop joking! Its not funny!" She yelled.

"I'm not joking, seriously! Who are you?" He asked again. Tears started to fall from her eyes as Lucy stared at Natsu. He forgot...He forgot her...He forgot THEM. How could he?

Natsu continued to stare at her. She seemed familiar...Her scent was so familiar...It was soothing...He liked it...He knew he would like her, but something was...wrong...He noticed that she was crying and started to panic.

"Hey! Why're you crying?" Natsu asked, only to be pushed away from her. She stood up and stared at him, tears still falling from her eyes.

"How could you forget, Natsu? How could you?" She shouted, then ran out of the room, far away from the dark guild. Natsu quickly stood up and ran after her. It seemed like the right thing to do...

He finally caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrist. He turned her around so she was facing him. She still had tears streaming down her face.

It hurt...Her heart heart. Everything hurt. Lucy couldn't look at him. It hurt too much. She turned her gaze away from him, looking anywhere but at him. How could he? How could he forget her? They were best friends...even if...for a few days...It seemed like years for her. Wasn't it the same for him? She knew it had to do with the magic...But...he really forgot?

"I...I...," Natsu stumbled over his words, snapping her out of her thoughts. He had no idea on what to say.

"What do you remember, Natsu?" The girl asked him. She was finally looking him in the eyes.

"I remember...Looking for Igneel, my father. Then I broke down and then someone came along," Natsu mumbled. His memories were really unclear. "I...don't remember who...though."

"...Just...," Lucy sobbed, "Just forget it." She shoved him away from her and ran away. She heard his shouts, but didn't stop. He forgot her...He forgot her...

"Wait! HEY! WAIT!" Natsu shouted, he lost sight of her...She was gone...

"Who was she?" Natsu whispered and walked off, wondering what he was going to do now. "Hmm...Join a guild?"

-End of Chapter-