"Just because I'm on a different path doesn't mean I'm lost"

- Author unknown.

Everything is quiet..everything is still.

Maka's holding her breath as her green eyes fall once again on that small house...the place she use to call home. She's very much relieved that they are here and not...in the grave yard.

She doesn't know if she's ready for this...what if she sees that...madness again?...What if it's gotten worse?...What if-

Maka shakes her head. Thoughts like that would drive her mad.

"..." Death doesn't look at her as he walks towards the home, his yellow eyes as cold as always. Maka can't help but to frown slightly as she follows him...somehow she feels Death is being more distant than usual...if that's even possible... Maka looks away with a glare on her face. She doesn't even know why she cares! But... she looks back at the boy...so he's a jack ass...then he's nice...then he's distant. He doesn't make sense..and if all else fails he will be the person to drive her mad.

"Wait." He holds out his arm and she pauses. He closes his eyes. "...Your mother is in the living room, we have to wait for her to leave."

"Couldn't you just like...use your reaper powers and teleport us inside or something?" She grips her robe a little...She doesn't know if she could wait...She has to see her mother...She has to prove that demon wrong...Her mother's not insane...She's not mad.

"I can not enter a home that has no death...I must walk through the door for if I tried to walk through the walls it would just reject me." He comments not looking at her.

"...So your kinda like a vampire?" She blinks looking at him with an eye brow raised.

"What foolishness are you speaking of mortal?" He growls looking at her with is yellow eyes flaring. "You dare say I am like a demon? A creature of the night?"

"No I wasn't I..." She sighs putting her hands up defensively. "...There're stories that a vampire can't be let into a home unless you invite them...of course no one really invites you in...you always show up uninvited huh?" Maka means this in two ways...literally he comes in uninvited by just opening the door and...well Death is never invited anywhere...who would want him as a guest in there home? No one...he never gives, he only takes away.

"I don't need to be invited. I am Death. I am apart of life..." He glares at her...it still hasn't fallen. " I am always invited...I am always allowed to enter."

"...Is my mom out of the living room yet?" Maka averts her gaze but she knows she has a glare on her face too.



Suddenly something hits her..its like a wind pushing on her back, a urge and she follows it...almost like in a trance she walks slowly towards her front door...and she can't stop her self.

"Mortal what are you doing?" The reaper growls. "Come back here now, we can not go in there."

Maka tries to stop, to tell her legs to go back to the boy but they don't listen...they continue to walk forward and for some reason she can't speak. She doesn't understand this...and she's scared.

"Mortal!" Suddenly the reaper is right in front of her, his teeth gritted. He looks pissed. "Do you continue to disobey me?! I have no choice but to-" Death's eyes flare as his hand lights up but suddenly his expression changes as he studies the girl that is continuing to walk towards him...she can't stop...can't speak. "...What witch craft is this!" He growls as he grabs a hold of Maka, her legs continue to move but he holds her in place. "Release her!" He touches her forehead with his hand lit up.

At the contact, her legs finally stop moving and she falls to her knees...she pants, her eyes shaking.

"What...what was that?!" She looks up at Death with wide eyes, her body trembling...she had felt overwhelmed with such a dark feeling...it took hold of her and she couldn't control her actions...even though she was afraid of the reaper she continued to walk forward...what is going on?

"Witch craft." The reaper holds out his hand, his yellow eyes holding something different in them. "Stay close to me, someone is trying to put a bind on you."

"Witch craft?...A bind?" She grabs his hand and he helps her up. As soon as she's up the front door of the home opens...by it's self...Death didn't point at it...it opens slowly, eerily creaking. The inside of her home looks pitch black...Maka can't see anything but she feels that dark feeling again...and her legs start to twitch but death just tightens his grip on her hand.

"Seems for once we are being invited in..." He glares into the darkness. "...We are not alone."

"What are you talking about?" Maka looks at her use-to-be home and then to the reaper. "...What's happening? What is a bind? Who's there?"

"Come." He starts to lead her into her dark home...that glare never falling. "Stay close to me mortal...I have a feeling."

"...What's going on? Isn't my mom in here?" Maka's eyes shake as they walk into her home...the dark feeling grows and dread grips her heart.

"Yes but she isn't alone."


Her sentence dies on her lips...everything freezes...everything is wrong.

Her mother...her beautiful mother sits on the living room floor...candles surround her and she has that black book sitting in front of her, and it's open. She grips the green necklace in her hand tightly...it's gold chains have been tainted with something red.

"By the power in me...by the power of my suffering, of my pain, of my tears...give me my daughter...let me see my baby, let me talk to her." Her mother chants in a low voice...a hood is covering her face from Maka.

"What is she doing?" Maka's heart is beating so fast...this feeling of darkness is to overbearing.

"She is going against God by calling on the power of Lucifer to try to summon you." He growls, his body shaking out of anger. "Foolish! Why must humans be so foolish! Even if you are to see the dead nothing good can come out of it...by her doing this she is opening a portal to hell. The power she is calling on is of hell, and for that power hell will want something in return."

"What?! No! No!" Maka's almost hysterical as she tries to run to her mom but Death holds her back, she struggles against him. "Mom stop! Stop! You're in danger! Please, what are you doing?! You're against this stuff mom! You're a Christian!"

"Not anymore..." Death's eyes fall on the girl he's holding...she doesn't see the look he's giving her...but it's almost pity. "...I can feel that her sorrow has turned into something evil...she has turned away from the light to play with the dark."

"You're wrong!" She struggles with him, tears threatens the corner of her eyes. "No! Stop speaking lies!"

"...I can not lie." It almost sounds bitter. "I am the truth."

"I hold here...something that belonged to my beloved daughter..." Her mother holds the necklace above her head. "Use this...give me my daughter back, steal her away from Death and bring her back to the living..."

"...She is no threat to me." Death glares at the woman at her words. "You are mine mortal...I will not be cheated."

"Mom!" She feels weak...oh she feels so weak...all she ever wanted was a good life for her mother...all she wanted was for her to be happy but...look at her...just look at her and it's all her fault...

"With this sacrifice..." Her mother's voice is so low as she takes a black covering from off the floor...a cat is tied down to the floor. Her mother picks up a dragger that was laying next to her...

"Mom...mom what are you doing?" Maka's eyes shake as she watches her mother lift that knife above her head.

"Die so my baby can have life!" Her mother screams as she brings the knife down on the cat's head...it goes through piercing the skull...the animal's blood leaks all over the floor. "Ah...the life water..." She mumbles as she brings the necklace over and drenches it in the cat's blood.

Maka's about to faint, she's about to lose her fucking mind...she just watched her mother kill...her mother who loved all life...just killed...and she didn't even flinch.

"Vile." Death looks over at Maka. "...I believe we should-

"Now with this blood, with my suffering I call upon you! Bind my daughter to this necklace, so that I may have her again, that I may see my baby again!" The words are said as a chant. "Death is life, and life is death, give me my child!"

Suddenly a darkness surrounds Maka, she feels her self being pulled towards her mother...towards the necklace.

"Enough!" Death growls as he grabs Maka pulling her out of the darkness he holds her to his chest. the mark on Maka's palm lights up as his does...the darkness suddenly cracks falling to pieces as if it was glass. "She is mine! You will not take her from me!"

"Ahh..." Her mother smiles and...it's warped. "...He's here...Death's here...but where is my baby?...I feel her now she's here." She looks around the room. "Come to me Maka...mommy just wants you back...we can be together again."

"M-mom..." She feels weak and she wants to walk to her mother...she wants to be with her but Death pulls her closer to his chest.

"No!" A growl emits from the reaper's throat as he flings his arm towards her mother...all the candles are burned out instantly.

"Ohh...you're angry huh Death? You have no right to be...you took my daughter from me...you stole my joy...I want her back."

Death tightens his grip around the girl on his chest protectively. Maka can practicably feel the anger coming off of him.

"Foolish mortal, you dare challenge Death? You are walking the path of the damned! Can't you see what you're trying to do is damn your daughter?!"

Maka looks between both of them...her mother...and the reaper...this is to much...she's shutting down...she can't believe this...how could it have come to this...what happen since she's been gone?

"God damn it Kami!" Spirit suddenly comes through the front door, a bottle in his hand...his blue eyes shaking. "Not this again, are you fucking crazy?"

"Oh hello honey...no I'm not crazy..." Her mother pulls back the hood and...Maka would have fallen to her knees if not for the reaper holding her. Her eyes...there's nothing but madness...it's not only grown...it's taken over. She gives Spirit a warped smile. "I was very close this time...I felt her...soon we will have our daughter back."

"...What ever you bring back won't be our daughter." He growls his eyes becoming glossy. "...hell Kami what are you doing?...Just look at your self! Your covered in blood...do you think are daughter would even want to see you like this?...Say she does come back?...She would hate to see you Kami...hell I hate looking at you."

At his words her mother frowns...her eyes becoming normal again as the tears fall down her face.

Maka's heart hurts...it hurts so much.

"I-I know my baby...wouldn't like this but...I need her...I promised her..." Her mother trembles, the tears won't stop. "I promised her we would always be together! That death wouldn't separate us!.."

"Mom..." Tears are falling down her face now...Death pushes her face into his chest allowing her to cry into his robe.

"Mortal...we can leave." Death speaks...softly. "This can not be good for you-"

"I don't care Kami! Our baby wants to rest in peace...she doesn't want this out of you...and neither do I..." Spirit walks over slowly towards her mother...and he wraps her in his arms. "Please stop this!"

"Spirit..." Maka is looking at her father with wide eyes...she's never felt this before towards him...is it respect?...That he is holding her...comforting her mother while she can't...he's trying to put her in the right path...trying to bring her back.

"...I'll stop..." Her mother trembles in his arms and he just tightens his grip. "...Just stay with me Spirit...just stay by me..."

"I will. I'm here for you Kami." He speaks so softly, so tenderly.

Maka looks at them...she looks at her parents...a light breaking threw all that darkness she just saw..

She hates Spirit but...maybe he can save her mother...maybe he can actually be the one to make her happy...what Maka wanted all along.

"Ah, now that's better." He gives Maka a small smile as she looks up at him. "...Your mother's heart is stabilizing...maybe her soul can be saved."

"..." Maka just nods numbly...it's still all so much...she has saw things she can never unseen.

"...Let us go, we have a lot of work to do." He looks at the two people hugging for a moment. "...Does this make you happy to see this mortal?"

"...Yes actually...I just feel relieved." She sighs putting a hand to her heart.

"..." He looks at her a moment before averting his gaze. "I must warn you what we are about to do will not be a pretty sight...we have a couple people to collect."

"...alright so like am I your partner in reaperin or something.." she grips her robe. "..like am I-

"we are not partners, to say we are partners would be saying we are equals and we are not." he looks down at her coldly again. "I am the master and you are the servant..you are to just accompany me to my collectings, nothing more."

"..." Maka just bows her head...she's to weak to fight him...or to do anything really.

Death holds her close, his lips get close to her ear. "...Have you lost your fighting spirit...already? Such a shame..."

At his words Maka snaps to attention, a new fire burning her being...he was mocking her!

Before she can say anything they disappear...Death still holding her close, holding her protective as if he would lose her.

"I haven't lost anything!" She growls when they reappear in what looks to be a abandoned home. She pushes her self out of his arms. "Don't mock me! I've seen some pretty messed up-"

She stops as her eyes fall on what's in front of her.

...A man swings slowly...hanging from the wall by a rope around his neck.

His face is frozen as a grimace...his body dirty from head to toe.

"Seems we have a suicide." Death walks up to the dead hanging body like it's nothing looking at him with cold eyes. "...Such a foolish reason for me to take him. They try to take the job from me but in the end I still claim them."

"...Why did he do it?" Maka finds her self asking as she takes careful steps closer to the body.

"I do not care." Death closes his eyes as his hand lights up.

Maka gives him a little glare before she starts looking around for the suicide note...there isn't one.

Death sticks his hand into the dead body...maka watching in fascination as he brings out a small blue soul...a bag appears in his head and he shoves it into it. Maka's face falls.

"Do you really have to carry the soul's in a bag like that?...Isn't there a better way?"

"No." He turns his back on her as the bag disappears...Maka sighs...she feels that distance between them again.

"...Can I ask you something?" She looks at the back of Death. she shouldn't... but she has to...

"I suppose." He doesn't turn to look at her.

"...What would have happen if my mom succeeded?" Maka tenses when Death turns around giving her a glare.

"What would have happen is, you would have been stuck to that necklace. You would be stuck on earth for a short period but it's likely a demon would come snatch you up. You would have been a fish out of water just waiting for a predator to snatch it up." He looks away from her his eyes flaring. "If it wasn't for me, she would have succeeded. But you are mine mortal and I will not be cheated!"

"...So you actually want me with you?" Maka's stomach turns...she doesn't understand this feeling at all! What the hell!

"It's not about me wanting you, for I already have you." He glares at her. "No one likes their things to be stolen from them...I am the same, no one takes my property."

"Property?" Maka snaps, ok that's going to far!

"Yes, property, what else would you be?" His eyes are so cold.

"...You know what I don't know what else I could be to you Death but I'm a person damn it! I'm not a thing, and I have a name!" She growls, a deep anger burning inside her.

"You are the mortal, and you are mine." He glares. "You are my servant, nothing more."

"...Crona treats me like a person." Something flickers in Death's eyes, this encourages her. "Crona knows my name! He treats me like an equal not fucking trash! He calls me his friend, and he cares about my feelings-"

"Do you belong to crona? No you don't. You belong to me. You are the one who made a deal with me." His voice is...dangerous. "Why would I care what that weak angel does? He treats you as an equal for you pretty much are! He is the weakest angel there is!"

"He's more of a angel then all of them in his heart! He doesn't just see me as a sin, he-"

Suddenly she's pinned against the wall, Death glaring dangerously at her, his face close to hers.

"Stop comparing me and him. I know we are not the same." He grips her arms tightly above her head, Maka's eyes are shaking. "If you wish to continue this I will punish you, and him."

"You can't do that! Crona hasn't done anything!" She glares, she's almost growling.

"I can do what ever I want. I own Crona, just like I own you." His voice is dark and sends shivers down her spine. "I decide that boy's fate just like I do to you."

"...Don't hurt him ok? I'll stop..." She bows her head.

"Why do you care for him so much?" He forces her head up...his yellow eyes holding something she doesn't understand.

"Why does it matter to you?" Maka moves her face away from him, a glare frozen on her face. "I'm nothing but a thing to you...so why do you even care?"

"You're right I don't care. You're nothing but a burden, just a trouble." He lets go of her backing up. "Nothing good has come from you being with me! You never listen and you always complain! And the way you look at me..." He grips his cloak looking away from her. "Come on, I'm done talking to you." He reaches out his hand.


"Don't speak. Don't speak at all. I don't want to hear anything from you from the rest of this collecting or you will be punished." He growls and Maka shuts right up.

She glares at him a moment but she doesn't speak.

"Good, now come mortal." He speaks mortal so sharp, it's almost a growl.

"..." She walks over with out a word and takes his hand.

He grips it tightly before they both disappear again.

If he didn't want her to speak...fine she wouldn't speak.

They reappear in a forest...it's creepily quiet. Maka looks around looking for the next poor soul they would collect. Her eyes get wide and she hast cover her mouth before she screams. A girl lays on the ground in front of them...naked, her neck slit. The blood still slowly leaks out from the gash...Maka feels sick. She watches as Death walks over to her, his expression hasn't changed as his hand lights up.

Then Maka sees it, a snake looking thing has just appeared behind the reaper...it's scales all red, it's fangs large...it pulls back about to strike the unsuspecting boy.

"Death behind you!" Maka screams. The reaper turns around at her voice and grabs the snake by it's mouth before it can sink it's fangs into him. Death glares at the thing as his hands light up but the snake just disappears from his grasp.

"What is a demon doing here?!" Maka shouts looking around for the snake.

"Death you can't take that soul, the witches gave her to me...she's mine." It's voice is coming from all around them...she doesn't know where it's coming from.

"...That's what I was feeling." Death growls as he turns towards Maka. "Mortal come here now!"

Maka starts to run over to him-

"Ohh anther soul?" The snake comes from out of the ground right in front of her, it's mouth wide open. She's going to run right into it's mouth! Oh god she can't stop she-

Death is suddenly right in front of her, shielding her as the snake bites down into his shoulder. instead of it eating her...it bit him. The reaper grinds his teeth as he grabs a hold of the snake by it's body and rips it's fangs out of him.

"You're finished!" Death growls as a brilliant light surrounds them...Maka has to shield her eyes but when she looks back...the snake is gone and the reaper is lying on the ground.

"Death!" Maka knees by him, flipping him over a she holds his head up with her arm. To her relief his eyes are open and he's looking at her. "Are you alright? It bit you..." She looks at the wound on his shoulder...the fang had gone all the way through.

"...You disobeyed me." He looks at her, a glare on his face but it's weak.

"What? How?" Maka frowns as she keeps looking at the wound...a wound he got from protecting her.

"You spoke." He keeps staring up at her. "You spoke when I told you not to."

"Are you serious? I had to warn you! I couldn't just let that thing attack you!" She puts a hand on his shoulder to stop the bleeding though he doesn't seem to effected by it. "What did you want me just to let it kill you with out trying to warn you?"

"It wouldn't have killed me." Something flickers in his yellow eyes. "...Why do you care if I am to die?...Wouldn't you be happy? You would be free..."

"I wouldn't be happy!" She trembles but keeps her hand on his wound. "I don't want anyone to die...I just..."

"But everyone will die." That odd look in his eyes hasn't left as he looks up at her. "I am death...I am what takes away life...so why would you care if I die? If I treat you so bad...why do you hold me in your arms...why do you treat me with kindness now?"

"...Because you know I was wrong." She bows her head. "...I should be happy for what I have...and you have been nice to me...you took me to my mom...I was being selfish I suppose by wanting to be a little more then a thing to you but if that's what you see me as oh well." She looks at his wound sadly. "...I'm being nice to you because you were nice first...you got in front of me and took that bite...I wouldn't be here if you didn't do that...you saved my butt again."

"...Gratitude?" He mumbles, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Yes...and..." She looks away a moment, trying to sort out her feelings. "...and loyalty."

"You're loyal to me?" He blinks, that different look in his eyes has grown.

"Well yeah...I didn't let that snake eat you did I?" She blushes slightly.

"...No you didn't." He grabs her hand "It's ok now, the wound is gone."

She pulls her hand away and he's right...there's no wound, he's completely healed. "Wow..." Maka stares at it with wide eyes. "H-how can you just..?"

"I'm Death. Death can not die." He sits up but his eyes still haven't left hers...that odd look still inside them.

"..So nobody can kill you? Even in limbo?" Maka blinks...well it would make sense...how could Death die?..if Death died...would no one else die?

"Well I suppose it is possible for me to die there but it would take a lot, also God would not allow me to die until a new angel was chosen to be Death."

"...Another angel could really be Death?"

"Of course if God chooses them for that role...the only reason I am Death is God has chosen me to be it." He averts his gaze...his eyes almost look glossed over. "I was not always Death. I use to be an arch angel. I was and still am close to God so he chose me for the important job of Death when you humans sinned for the first time."

"..." Maka can't help but to wonder...back before Death was...well Death how he was..if he was as cold...what kind of person was he? "I-"

"Get down!" He growls harshly as he pushes Maka down getting on top of her.

"What are you doing?!" Maka can't help her blush but she tries to get out of his grasp.

He just tightens his grip. "Calm down. A human approaches...and if I'm correct..." He trails off looking to the side of them.

Maka turns her head confused but then her breath hitches...it's..him...

The creepy scientist man is walking slowly towards them...he holds what looks to be a scalpel in his hand...blood staining his lab coat. His glasses have a glare so she can't see his eyes but...she can see the dark bags under his eyes and how pale he is...he looks as if he hasn't gotten any sleep or even been out in the sun at all in a long time. Death leans against her more, glaring at the man Maka now realizing he's shielding her from that creepy man...so he doesn't see her.

"It's that guy...what is he doing here?" Maka comments thinking about Sid...and how he thinks this man is going to bring him back...

"I don't know." Death watches as the man stops by the dead girl...the scientist glances down at the body a moment before he takes off his lab coat and puts it over her. The man bends down and picks the body up, his glasses still have that glare so Maka cant see his eyes.

"Such a pity...you were a young thing but your organs are the exact thing I need..." The man puts a hand on the dead girls neck, his lips twitching in a unnatural smile. "You haven't been dead for too long...perfect. With you my dear...I will be able to finish my experiment...it's all falling into place..."

"Death he's going to take that girl!" Maka can only watch in horror as that man starts to walk away with that girl in his arms...the girl who has already been abused so much. "You have to-"

The reaper is up in a flash, and then he's right beside the man...Maka watches wide eyed thinking Death is actually about to help someone but then he...he just reaches into the girl and takes her soul. The reaper puts the soul into his bag as that crazy man walks away with that poor girl.

"...Really?" maka looks away.

"What does it matter what happens to the body? She is dead, I am the one who holds her soul, the only thing that truly matters." The bag disappears as he looks back over at her.

"...That man...what the hell do you think he's going to do..." Maka's eyes shake...can he really be using that girl...to bring Sid back? He mention that experiment again...what the fuck is he planning!

"I do not know but really that does not concern me." He holds out his hand. "Come, we have one more soul to collect."

"...I have a question." Maka walks over slowly to the boy, a frown on her face. "...How was there a demon here?...Could there have been a fight back at limbo since we have been gone?" She can't help but to be worried about Liz and crona..

"No, that demon was brought here by humans." Death looks at her blankly. "...Witches summoned him by sacrificing that girl...they wanted his power...by their witch craft they opened up a portal to hell."

"...If a portal can be opened and a demon can get here with out having to go through limbo..." Maka's eyes widen in horror. "What if a whole bunch push there way through?! We wouldn't even be able to stop them..."

"Well these portals are only big enough for one demon...and only the weak can move through them." Death waits till her hand is in his before he wraps his fingers around hers. "They can't cause so much damage...only the ones who get through limbo are the demons that will cause the most damage."

"...That demon seemed strong..." Maka looks at Death's shoulder...where the wound use to be. "It was strong enough to bite through your shoulder..."

"That is only because earth slowly drains my power and that weak demon got a power boost from the sacrifice." They both light up but Maka closes her eyes...and when she opens them...they're in a park...and it's day time...there a lot of people here...families, dogs,...everyone is smiling.

"...There is a dead person here?" Maka looks around searching for any signs of death but...all she sees is life.

"Yes." He keeps a hold of her hand as he starts to walk down to a pond that's in the park.

"..." Maka keeps her gaze straight...not wanting to look at all the happy people...all the happy people who are alive and who are with their families. They are enjoying the warmth of the sun, the warmth of life while she is holding the hand of Death. It's to painful to look at them...to see what she used to be...but no longer is. Death jumps into the pond, dragging Maka down into the murky water with him. Maka closes her mouth and eyes...waiting to feel the wetness of the water but...she doesn't feel anything.

"Open your mouth and eyes mortal." She hears Death speak so she opens her eyes but not her mouth. He looks at her blankly, his hair moving around slowly in the water, his cloak swaying behind him. "Open your mouth, you can not drown, you are already dead."

"...Ok." She opens her mouth and waits for the water to fill her up and choke her but...she doesn't feel anything...as if she was out side and surrounded by air.

"Good you listen." He begins to pull her along, Maka swims with him.

"...The body is down here?...Why?" Maka looks around the murky waters...a little afraid to see the body.

"Someone put it here." He comes to a stop.

"Oh..." Maka's heart is gripped...she hates seeing this...

A small girl sways slightly in the water...her arms are tied so that she couldn't try to swim and her legs are tied to two large rocks...to keep her at the bottom...she looks no more then seven...and her eyes are open. Those dull blue eyes stare at Maka causing dread to grip her heart all the more.

"Who...who would do this?" Maka's eyes shake as Death just swims up to the girl, reaches inside her, and pulls out the small soul. He snaps his fingers and it's gone.

"A corrupted soul." He looks at her from the corner of his eye...he can see her eyes become glossy. "Do not be sad for this girl...I am not the judge but her soul felt clean. The human who did this will be punished, he will wish he was never even born."

"...I hope so." Maka feels an anger burn her as she stares at this little girl in those dull eyes...someone had taken this girls life away...when she had just started. This person had killed the most innocent...hell is to good for this person.

"Control your anger mortal." He grabs her hand and as he starts to swim up. "Or you will end up like the person who did this."

"...Aren't I anyway?" Maka swims with him...thinking about her dress. "...I'm too far gone anyway right? At the end of all this...I'm most likely going to hell right?"

"..." Death is silent as he pulls her out of the water.

Maka is silent too...maybe it's best he doesn't answer.

"Let's go bac-" Death suddenly stops...his expression falling in confusion.

Maka raises an eye brow and follows his gaze.

To teenagers are hugging and laughing...nothing odd about that...

"Why are they doing that?" Death watches the two, his confusion seeming to grow. "...They aren't about to die...and there's no liquid..."

"What are you talking about?" Maka looks at Death not really understanding.

"I see humans do that all the time when I am about to take someone...they embrace, holding the body close as if that would stop me from taking them...and then there's that liquid that falls from there eyes." He watches the two teenagers hold each other so close. "...But these two aren't about to die...and there not sad so why are they doing that?"

"Because they're showing affection for one another. People don't have to be dying for you to hold them...it's a way to show love and care..." Maka looks at the couple and can't help to smile. "...They're holding each other because they want to...they just enjoy each other's company."

"Affection?" Death looks at the two, looks at the smiles on their faces.

"Yes, affection."

Death looks over at Maka, the girl is smiling at the couple and if she was looking...she would have seen the ghost of a smile on Death's lips but when she looks at him, it's gone.

"...Come on, it's time to go back." He holds out his hand for her to take.

"Ok.." Maka puts her hand in his and once again they light up. When Maka opens her eyes they're back in her room...she lets out a sigh of relief...geez what a day...

"If you wish you may rest." Death isn't looking at her, he's looking at the door out. "I understand we have done a lot today, so feel free to sleep." He starts to walk towards the door.

"What about you?" He pauses and looks back at her. Maka shifts her feet a little under his gaze. "...You have used a lot of power today...shouldn't you rest too?...I mean you had to deal with that snake..."

"I am fine. I do not need your concern mortal." He speaks harshly yet...his eyes speak a different story...but Maka can't sort it out.

"Well sorry." She sighs. "...I just don't want you over working your self."

"Why do you care?" He growls...but again his eyes...are...

"I don't really...it's just..." Maka averts her gaze but she can feel her face get a little red.

"Just what?" He takes a step closer...his body is almost pressed against hers.


"My lord!" The door to Maka's room suddenly swings open with Liz looking out of breath and panicked, Crona right by her looking the same. "We have a problem!"

"What is it?" Death growls turning his back on Maka to look at the arch angel.

"A soul has escaped the chambers!" Liz's eyes shake.

"What? How could you have let this happen?!" Death is suddenly right in front of the arch angel, his hand is around her neck, choking the angel. "A soul escaping the chambers?! That is unheard of! Someone had to have let it out!"

Liz's face is becoming red, her unable to speak, unable to answer him.

"Death stop! Let her speak!" Maka screams and the boy lets go of the angel at her voice.

"Speak. You have 5 seconds before I kill you." Death's voice is so low...it rumbles in his throat.

"My lord the soul was able to move through the bars! And when we tried to grab him we could not!" Liz chokes out looking at the boy in fear. "Please my lord I did all I could, I could not prevent this!"

"A soul does not just get out Liz!" He goes to grab her again.

"P-please she is telling the truth!" Crona speaks up...he's trembling, his face pale with fear.

"..." Death looks at the boy dangerously for a moment before glancing back at Maka...he stays silent for a moment before looking back at Liz. "...Tell me this soul's name...I will go and retrieve it back myself since you all are useless."

"I don't know..." Liz is shaking now too...and Maka doesn't like it.

"You!" Death growls and raises his hand.

"W-wait!" Crona crys and Death pauses. "...I-I know the soul's name..."

"Then spit it out boy!" Death's voice is sharp when addressing Crona.

"T-the soul's name is..." Crona glances at Maka...so many emotions swirling inside of them before he looks back to Death. "...H-his name is Sid."

Got you the next chapter! a little bit faster this time huh? i'm sorry it's been taking me so long, i'm doing a lot at a time. so i hope you enjoyed this :)