Author's Note:
MERRY FIRST OF DECEMBER! (Is that even a thing...? I'm making it a thing) Hello my lovely people, I bring good tidings in the form of a festive fanfiction, wrote as a present for my dearest Mush at Christmas time! (Merry Christmas Mush!) But, as always, I welcome you to join in on our gift giving by reading (And maybe following, favouriting and reviewing?) this story! Now...I know what you're thinking "Why are you giving the awesome Mush her present now...It's not Christmas yet..." Well yes Mr Smart Arse. I am aware. This is a four-shot (Or a mini Multi Chap...Whatever.) and will last until Christmas with a new chapter each Saturday or Sunday until Christmas! At least I think so...I haven't actually checked the calendar yet to see if this works. Oops. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and have a great first week of advent time!
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
Now please get well soon! (Please Mush! Lunch times are SO boring without my fellow fanficer!)
Ally xxx
I hereby dedicate this entire story to my dearest and awesome-est Mush. She is awesome and deserves the best Christmas present ever! I apologise I am unable to give you that but I will give you this instead and hope it is at least half worthy.
Merry First of December,
Ally xxx
When the Snowman Brings the Snow….
People always assume that you are more likely to crash in snow. Statistically less people crash in snow around Britain than in normal weather and, actually, when you think about it, that makes sense for three, well four, reasons.
Firstly, we have more 'normal' weather than we do snow so more people drive in normal weather…obviously.
Secondly, a lot of people just don't drive in snow full stop. The usage of public transport and taxis always goes up around snowy times because a person's worst nightmare is skidding off the road and being buried under snow while slowly freezing to death. Which is a very rational thought…If you lived in somewhere like Russia. But in England? It's pronounced a 'blizzard of the century' if we get 12cm's of snow….let alone enough to bury a car.
Thirdly, the brave people who do attempt to drive in snow drive carefully. Very carefully. And very slow. Like crawl-down-the-road-at-2mph slow.
And lastly, everyone seems to drive at the exact same time. Humans who drive have snow-dar (It's been scientifically proven…..kind of.) which is basically like a sixth sense they must teach you during your driving theory. As soon as a driver who drives to work sees snow they clock up- automatically- their three options. a) Have the day off, b) Catch a taxi or c) drive in rush hour. By driving in rush hour that means you are stuck in hours of endless stand-still traffic. But it also means you won't be alone on the roads where you're most likely to skid. And the more people who use the roads, the easier they are to drive on.
So these are the rules most people generally stick to when faced with snow. Catch a taxi, drive carefully and drive when people are most likely to be on the roads…
At least that's what any normal person would do…Unless, of course, your name is Elizabeth Bennet.
I don't like walking around this cold and empty house.
"Now move on down, into second gear." Elizabeth sang along with the radio (Altering the words slightly), while dropping down a gear.
The stairs creak as we sleep, it's keeping me awake.
"Oh my god the roads are like ice rinks." She crooned, shifting in her seat slightly.
Some days I can't even, trust myself.
"I'm gunna kill Jane later today." The snow crunched, thicker under her wheels.
And though the truth may vary this
Ship will carry our
Bodies safe to shore (Hey.)
"Don't listen to the "News Today"" Elizabeth turned into a skid, skilfully and turned up the window whipers to fend off the blizzard like snow.
"The say that we can't drive this way.
"And though the roads are icy this
"Car will carry my
"Bo-dy to Jane's house. INSTRUMENTAL!" She yelled punching the air, then simultaneously grabbing back onto the steering wheel.
"Sugar. I better keep hold of you."
The snow was falling thick and fast but Lizzie's car just drove on relentless. Nothing gets in front of a determined Elizabeth's way. Not warnings to stay in your homes. Not talk of cars really being buried under snow. Not even her mother phoning her up and telling her that if she went out there and died she'd never forgive her for not giving her grandbabies. No, not even grandbabies could stop her.
Elizabeth NEEDED to get to Jane's house before she left with Bingley, she HAD to talk to her or else she'd never forgive herself.
You see, Jane and Elizabeth where as close as- well, anything. They shared everything together, they did everything together, they were everything together…At least until two certain Gentlemen, by the names of Charles Bingley and Fitzwilliam Darcy, moved into their neighbourhood…No. Things had never quite been the same since.
Two years later, Jane and Bingley shared a house together living a viva loca. Whereas Elizabeth and Darcy…? Well…they left something to be desired.
Some people said they had never seen so much dislike between two people.
Others said they'd never seen so much sexual tension between two people.
They said they'd never seen someone they've ever wanted to hate as much as the other, but read my lips, my dear friends, when I say there is a thin line between love and hate.
Anyway, Jane and Lizzie had argued before (Many a times) but never like they had earlier that day. Jane was angry with the way Lizzie treated Darcy and Lizzie was angry with Jane for 'always taking his side'. And now, in an hour or so, Jane would be flying off with Bingley to go skiing for the weekend and what happened if Jane never made it back? What happened if she got caught in the storm?
I'll tell you what would happen…Lizzie would never forgive herself.
So you may laugh at Lizzie for driving like a maniac through how many inches of snow at half one in the morning, but trust me when I say, she has her reasons.
"Who is it?" A masculine voice croaked through the security device attached to the gate.
Man she thought Bingley voice sounds WAY deeper on record.
"BATMAN!" She replied in the deepest voice she could muster.
Slowly the gate creaked open leaving Elizabeth to start making her way up Netherfield's drive, while thinking about how Bingley seriously needed to improve his security.
"Right" She muttered zipping up her coat before facing the storm ahead of her. "Get in there, say sorry, get back out, go home, drink hot chocolate and catch up on T.V."
Taking a deep breath she swung open the car door, jumped out, and ran up to the porch with her hood completely covering her head.
What do I feel like watching…? The lights on the car flashed indicating it was locked.
I feel like Miranda…Or Parade's End…Or Spidey-man. Oh yesh…I could do myself a bit of Spidey-man. And the Hulk… MUHAHAHA! Dr Banner you green-ey piece of GOODNESS!
Elizabeth took a deep breath, rehearsing the apology that had lingered on her mind since she had stormed out her own apartment (Don't…Just don't.)
Ding, dong.
The alarm sang over Lizzie's shuffling.
When no response came, Lizzie pressed the small doorbell again. And again. And again.
C'mon she thought it's freezing out here….C'MON!
After what seemed like forever, the door swung open and the heat rushed over Lizzie in a desperate attempt to escape.
"You're back already." The door-swinger laughed "What did you forget this ti-"
Mr door-swinger's speech teetered off as he noticed that it wasn't Bingley standing at the door (Or Jane for that matter) it was the very person who'd been haunting his thoughts for a very long time now.
They both half gasped, half spat, at each other.
Well this can only end well…
"What are you doing here?!" Elizabeth asked incredulous.
"I could ask you the same question."
"You could but you didn't, now answer the damn question!" And cue the mad hand gestures…
Elizabeth had NOT risked her neck (And her beautiful little black beetle) driving all this way to argue with Darcy on Netherfield's doorstep.
"Charming as always Eliza." He smirked, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.
Ignoring the way his hair fell slightly in his eyes or how his shirt strained under his jumper when he did this, Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and drew herself up to her full height….Which really wasn't very impressive compared to Darcy's.
"Where's Jane?" Lizzie ducked to try and look around his tall frame "I need to speak with her urgently."
"You just missed her…She left around twenty minutes ago with Bingley."
"Curses…" She muttered, snapping her fingers.
"Can I pass on a message?" He raised an eyebrow, that god damn smirk still written across his lips.
"Would it be so very painful to stop acting like an asshole for just five minutes?" The snow fell around the house, reflecting in the Christmas lights adorned across the porch.
"Now, now Eliza… play nicely." The smirk was replaced with an outright grin.
What was it about him that infuriated her so much?
And why did he enjoy it so much when he did so?
"Eliza?" She questioned, archly "Someone's been spending too much time around Caroline…Then again that doesn't surprise me."
Darcy might know what it took to nark Lizzie, but she knew perfectly how to get on his nerves.
"You too make a nice couple…" She carried on "Really nice. Where did you take her for your first date? Down into city central so you could both bitch about everyone who walked past or the Ritz so you could both marvel at your riches and general splendour?"
This time it was Darcy's turn to stiffen his posture and glare.
"I'd rather not talk about Caroline right now…"
"What's wrong?" Lizzie cooed "Trouble in paradise?"
How'd you like me now BIATCH!?
"Me and Caroline have never, and will never, go out. EVER." His eyes darted from Lizzie's face and the snow falling behind her.
"Ignorance is bliss as they always say…"
"Beth." He mocked "Will you just, I don't know, shut up, to put it politely."
"The gentleman as ever Darcy…Truly the height of manners."
He muttered something incoherent under his breath before asking Elizabeth, rather harshly, why she was still here.
"The real question here Darcy, is why are you still here, inside Jane and Bingley's house while they're out?" She jabbed her gloved finger in his direction.
"I am looking after it while they're gone." He answered in a rather smug voice.
"Why'd they ask you and not me?!" Lizzie yelled, appalled.
She was just as good as Darcy, if not better.
How dare they ask him and not her!
They know how much she loves Netherfield.
In fact, thinking about it, she had even volunteered to look after the house but they had said that "wouldn't be necessary".
The cheek….
"Because they clearly wanted the house to be here when they got back…AND" He added as Lizzie tried to protest "Technically I own the house…so that would make sense."
Damn, she cursed in her head.
Elizabeth always forgot that it was kind of Darcy's house. He had inherited it or something, along with loads of other houses, but he thought it was too big so he let Jane and Bingley rent it out from him (They insisted on paying him apparently).
As much as Darcy loved the house and pretty much spent all his free time there, he couldn't have it as his own. There was too much space to remind him how lonely he really was, however much he tried to deny it. His apartment was small and cosy and was just big enough for him. There weren't shed loads of empty bedrooms, abandoned children's rooms, dusty nurseries and master bedrooms to remind him that there was still something (And a BIG something) missing from his life.
"They still could have asked." She mumbled, glaring at his shoes.
Darcy winked then smiled "There, there Ella…I know you're just desperate to spend some loving, quality time with me but…What can I say? Have you ever read He's just not that into you?"
Elizabeth looked at him, at loss of what to say.
"Me and you Darcy" She said, eventually. "We'd make the perfect strangers."
As if she'd nearly killed herself in some bloody car accident to end up arguing with Darcy!? This crap just doesn't happen! Lizzie was going to go home, throw a Marvel Marathon, pull her duvet out onto the coach and eat Ben and Jerry's till the Cows came home. All was not lost…yet.
"You know what?" He called as she spun on her heel and started towards the steps. "You're just like the wind Ella." Her newly created nickname rang through the snow and caressed her ears. "Cold and bitter."
While Will stood chuckling and looking rather pleased with himself, Elizabeth (Or Ella as she is now known) turned around and threw a glare that could melt even the coldest of lakes.
"Well would you like to know who you remind me of Fitzwilliam?" The venom laced around his name cut his laughter short as he stared at a fiery Lizzie.
Something tells me I'm not going to like this… A voice sung in the back of his mind.
"You remind me William" With each word she stepped closer and closer to her slowly retreating prey "of somebody I used to know called-"
The sound of splintering wood and a mighty crash echoed through the dark night surrounding Netherfield.
Lizzie grabbed onto the wooden beam at her side as waves of vibrations flooded the ground around them. This cannot be good.
"What was that?" She asked, squinting to look past the trees.
"Oh I'll just turn my action replay, x-ray vision on and find out for you shall I?" Will replied, sarcastically.
Slowly he leaned up off the door frame and walked towards Lizzie's side, still staring out into the inky darkness.
"The floor vibrated." He breathed, blue eyes darting back and forth "Whatever it was, it must have been big…"
"Are you sure it wasn't just you shifting from foot to foot?" She whispered back.
A slight pause ensued until the soft whistling of the snow was interrupted by Darcy's reply.
Before Lizzie could even stimulate a witty reply, Darcy turned around and walked back into the house.
Well that was a bit rude…She thought. He could have at least said bye…
Sighing, Elizabeth put her foot down on the first step. However disappointed she was to be leaving- Wait. She was disappointed to be leaving? That can't be right surely…? Maybe it was because she had so many awesome insults just waiting to be thrown in Darcy's direction?
Yeah…It's got to be that…Obviously.
Halfway down the steps, Elizabeth's journey was, once again, interrupted by the sound of a door slamming and quick footsteps.
"What the-"
Darcy walked out of the warmly lit door, swinging a very expensive looking scarf over his shoulder before pulling the door to behind him, walking down the porch, and jumping over the banister.
Lizzie gawped after the tall figure wearing a long, black, Sherlock style coat, flowing in the wind behind him. Well that's not something you see every day…
Just get in the car Lizzie, her mind instructed, Get in the car and drive back home before the snow gets too thick and you're stuck with that buffoon…Whatever you do, don't ask him where he's going.
"Don't ask where he's going" She repeated in her head like a mantra. "Don't ask where he's going"
But containing and restraining curiosity never was Elizabeth's strong point.
"Where are you going!?" She yelled after him. Schnitzel.
"To see what that was!" He shouted back, still trudging down the drive. "Are you coming?!"
It's not too late to redeem yourself Lizzie…Do NOT follow him!
She dithered on the spot trying to decide what to do.
Get into the car and DRIVE Lizzie! And maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky enough you can run the douchebag over while you're doing so…
Yet something was stopping her. Like a magnet she felt herself being pulled towards him, eager to follow him.
Then again Lizzie, you can't just leave him… She reasoned …I mean, Jane would KILL me if something to him…
As the saying goes, opposites attract.
Elizabeth tried (And failed) to jog silently up to William without being noticed. For every step Darcy took Lizzie found herself taking at least two and the thick snow that curled around her boots wasn't exactly helping the situation at all.
"Oh. How lovely to see you again Ella!" He smiled, glancing at her slightly as she gasped, finally catching up with him. "How kind of you to join me."
"Shut up." She muttered between shallow breaths.
On any other day they probably would have descended into a deep pit of awkward silence but it seemed as though Darcy was in quite a…testing mood this evening.
"And here I was thinking you followed me for my stimulating conversation." He grinned, eyes dancing.
"You couldn't hold a stimulating conversation with a loaf of bread!" The ground crunched under their feet, the whole expanse covered in a thick, soft white blanket.
"That's partly because LOAVES OF BREAD DON'T TALK!"
"You get what I mean!" She hissed back, wishing she had just got in the car and ran him over as planned. She could have easily just said she'd skid and thought she'd hit a rock or something.
"What? That you're a crazy and slightly delusional?" He mocked.
"Clearly I am" The heat rushed to Lizzie's cheeks as argued back "I should have got into my car and drove as FAR AWAY from you ASAP!"
They walked on in silence as the snow fell fast around them. Both were wrapped in thoughts of the other, neither willing to admit the truth behind them, until Darcy couldn't cope with the suffocating silence anymore and felt a dire desperation to hear her voice- I mean, annoy her (Of course) some more.
"ASAP" He muttered "Who abbreviates when they talk?"
Have you ever heard the saying they get on like a house on fire?
Yeah, well Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth…They got on like a bloody inferno.
"Well I'm sorry Mr I've-just-stepped-straight-out-of-the-18th-century, if my use of colloquial English irritates your high and mighty ASS!" Elizabeth stopped out of breath, chest heaving. William cocked his head to the side slightly and looked at her with a look of innermost curiosity.
"I have had my ass described as many things Ella, but high and mighty is definitely new…" He nodded his head slowly in approval "I am glad you think so, thank you. I do try my best…"
And it was at that moment that Elizabeth Luciana Bennet promised herself that one day (Hopefully in the near future) she was going to slap that little smirk off his so-goddamn-hot face.
Even with the hatred pulsing through her veins she couldn't deny the guy was hot. The very definition of tall, dark and handsome has got to be Fitzwilliam Darcy…
Hey! Give the girl a break! She's only human…
Except maybe for Darcy…His body was godly,
Don't even go there Lizzie…Just don't!
Incapable of even forming a coherent reply to such a comment, Elizabeth just gave him the #Iamnotamused look before muttering darkly under her breath.
Stupid man thinking he's mister high and mighty and that all the girls will fall at his feet-
"Are you okay?" He asked with fake concern "You're muttering away like a bloody witch chanting a curse or some crap."
"Oh William." She answered dryly "However did you guess? I'm clearly a witch."
"SHE'S A WITCH!" Will yelled, jumping up and down, a long slender finger pointing at her sceptical face. "Sorry." He said once he'd stopped "Always wanted to do that…So what you plotting? Several ways to charm the pants of this gorgeous man" He flicked his hair sending snowflakes flying "You see standing before you."
Cue unnecessary waggling of eyebrows.
"Oh no…I was just trying to down size your already enormously enlarged head!"
"Oooohhhh Ella. That one's really going to sting." He laughed, rolling his eyes.
"Plus" She added after a moment's thought "Hasn't dear ol' Caroline done a damn fine job of that already?"
Darcy stopped laughing immediately and glared while Elizabeth fell about with hysterical laughter.
Elizabeth had never actually understood why he hated people assuming he had something going on with Caroline when she was ALWAYS attached to him! She hung onto him like a puppy and practically groped him at any given opportunity. Not that she was jealous or anything- pft. No.- She just didn't understand what Will's issue was. I don't even think WILL understood what his issue was.
He and Caroline had a LOT of history but he was always very shady about it… Lizzie, at first, had thought they were going out or maybe they had gone out at some point. It was clear Darcy's family were eager for the match (At least Lady C was) and it was CLEAR AS FRIGGIN DAY LIGHT Caroline was in for the win, so what was holding them back?.
When Caroline wasn't groping him or whispering stupid crap in his ears, she was dragging him away into private areas of the house and keeping him away from ANYONE (And I mean ANYONE) else. Maybe they were friends with benefits…?
Lizzie couldn't understand the raging fury that rose within her at this thought as much as she couldn't understand the enigma that was Fitzwilliam Darcy. All she knew was that as much as Darcy didn't like people assuming he and Caroline were a thing, she suddenly didn't like that idea much either.
She glanced up at Darcy who was staring determinedly in front of them. His jaw was clenched highlighting the strong, masculine structure of his face even more. Elizabeth decided that all though he may be a jerk and whatnot he:
Was in fact, very hot.
Scrap that- extremely hot.
Didn't deserve the after-the-rich bitch Caroline. No matter how much of an asshole you are, no one deserves that crap.
The moon finally won its war with the clouds and drenched Netherfield with its silvery rays. The trees swayed to the bliss music of the snow as the flakes danced in order, yet neither Ella or Will noticed. Will was too busy being angry at- well, everything- and Lizzie was too busy being confused and in denial.
So when they both turned the last corner facing Netherfield's gate neither of them noticed at first what was wrong. Neither of them noticed the cracks in the ground, the break in the snow OR the ancient tree lying discarded on the ground, blocking all entrance to and from the drive.
But when they did, boy did they gasp…
And scream…
And gasp a little more…
Oh dear Lord.
"Well…" Darcy said after a long pause "At least it didn't smash the gate…"
Because that, of course, was the very height of their problems.
Author's Note (Again.)
Reviews for my two other stories will be caught up on soon...Promise (As will PMs). T'W'S will be updated god knows when (Sorry!) And your comments would be really appreciated! I would love to know where you'd like this story to go and where I could improve! Must dash, Maths work is a'callin'...Oh the joys...
Ally xxx