A/N: Greetings all! Happy December! This is my entry to the Facebook Christmas Smut Challenge. My chosen pairing is, of course, Hotch/Rossi, and my prompts were Apple Cider, Sugar Cookies, and Candy Canes. This is Chapter One of what will be a three part story.

I want to apologize in advance. Those of you who read my work regularly know that I like to completely finish a story before I post any chapters. But seeing as this story has a deadline (two days away! Eeek!), I wanted to get at least one chapter up! The other chapters are currently incomplete and I'm not sure when they will be posted, but know that I will work diligently to get this completed. I hope you'll bear with me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! This is a slash fic and it's rated 'M' for a reason.

A Winter Love

Chapter 1: Apple Cider

There was a majestic beauty about the landscape surrounding Little Creek as the first snow of the season began to fall. The tall Virginia pines stretched to the sky to welcome their new winter coats as the falling snow found a home on their branches. As dusk settled over the countryside, the native wildlife could be seen scurrying about. A young deer stopped to graze at the base of a tree before bounding ahead to join its mother and disappearing through the woods. Two squirrels bounced from tree to tree, chasing each other like young children playing tag. The birds soared overhead, overlooking their beautiful kingdom, and an eagle dove to the lake to snag a fish for dinner.

And Aaron Hotchner stood by the window in sock feet, khaki slacks and a dark brown half-zip pullover sweater, watching it all, taking it in with a look of wonderment on his face.

David Rossi stood at the corner of the kitchen island watching his younger lover as he took in the sights surrounding their cabin. There was a look on Aaron's face that Dave had very rarely seen before. It was a look of youthful innocence; a peaceful calm that Aaron so richly deserved to have in his life, yet rarely felt. He didn't want to disturb this moment, but right now all he wanted in the world was to be close to Aaron.

Behind him, the delicious aroma of hot apple cider simmering on the stove filled the cabin with the scents of cinnamon and spice, filling their hideaway with warmth. That, along with the soft glow of the warm crackling fire in the stone fireplace, was a great contrast to the biting winter wind swirling outside the window. Dave waited patiently for the cider to finish simmering as he thought about how wonderful his life had been since Aaron and Jack had officially become his family.

Aaron and Jack filled a void in his life he hadn't realized was there. And he did the same for them. They gave him a chance to experience the joy (and exhaustion) of fatherhood, something he never thought he'd experience, especially at his age. And he, in turn, gave Jack that second parental figure that he needed, and that extra bit of love and support that every child deserves. He'd forgotten how good it felt to simply be in love. He'd forgotten that wonderful feeling he got whenever something new and exciting happened in their combined life. He'd forgotten what sheer happiness could be brought to his heart by something as simple as his lover's smile. He reveled in the fact that many times, Aaron's smile was because of him. He was very proud that he was the one to thaw out the ice wall Aaron had built around his heart, that he was the one who could bring happiness and joy and love into that heart again. Aaron had long ago become special to him, but that had grown so much over the years: from an acquaintance to a mentor, to a trusted and respected friend, to a life. That's exactly what Aaron had become to him – his life.

The timer on the stove signaling the cider was ready brought him out of his thoughts. He stirred the cider, inhaling its soothing aroma, letting it fill him with warmth. He filled two mugs, added just a touch of the best scotch he owned, and brought them into the living room where Aaron was still standing by the window.

"Here you go," he said, handing Aaron a mug. Aaron took his mug in both hands and blew over the top to cool it slightly. He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes and savoring the delicious scent.

"Mmm…That smells so good."

Dave clinked mugs with him. "Tastes even better."

Aaron took a slow sip, letting the warm liquid glide down his throat, warming him from the inside out. He narrowed his eyes slightly at Dave. "You added a little something different this time, right?"

"Mmm-hmm," Dave hummed, having just taken a sip. Aaron cocked his head to the side, trying to decipher the secret ingredient. He took another sip, this time keeping the liquid in his mouth longer so his taste buds would have a chance to figure this out.

"You added scotch."

Dave nodded.

"It doesn't taste like your usual scotch though."

"That's because it isn't."

"Did you open the Glenfiddich?" Aaron asked.

"I did."

"The 30?" He said with surprise, as the 30-year-old scotch cost over $300 a bottle.


"I thought you were saving that for a special occasion."

Dave sat his mug on the window sill and closed the gap between them. "I have you all to myself for an entire weekend," he said softly, stroking his fingers through Aaron's short hair. "I'd call that a pretty special occasion."

Aaron smiled and his eyes danced. An entire weekend, just him and Dave. It had been entirely too long. He lowered his head to rest against Dave's. "It has become a rarity, hasn't it?"

"That makes moments like this that much more special."

Usually a weekend at the cabin included Jack, which meant constant running and little rest or time for each other. But luckily for them, Jack was spending the weekend with his grandparents. Aaron leaned in and stole a soft, slow kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Dave whispered.

Aaron, still resting his forehead against Dave, turned his head to look out the window again.

"So what's captured your attention out there tonight?"

"It's so beautiful here. So peaceful. I've never really taken the time to pay attention before. Chasing after an energetic six year old doesn't usually leave much time for taking in the scenery."

Dave nodded his agreement. "Nights like this make me glad I bought this place. The sky is so clear you feel like you can see forever. Even after it gets dark the moon lights this place up like Christmas. It's refreshing sometimes to sit back and watch nature happen in front of you."

"Yeah, it is," Aaron said, taking the last sip of his apple cider.

"Need a refill?" Dave asked as he finished his own.


"With or without?" he asked, referring to the scotch.

"With. Definitely. And a shot on the side?"

Dave chuckled. "Coming right up."

As Dave retreated to the kitchen to refill their mugs, Aaron turned his attention back to the window, this time questioning how on earth he'd gotten so lucky in love the second time around. He'd often heard that the best romantic relationships happen between best friends. Whoever said that should be given a medal, he thought. Because they were so right.

Dave returned with their drinks, giving Aaron his. They clinked shot glasses and downed the Glenfiddich before Dave sat his mug of cider on the nearby coffee table. "I'll be right back."

While Dave went upstairs, Aaron went to the computer in the corner and pulled up an internet radio station called Winterscapes. The soft instrumental sounds of winter filled the room, a perfect soundtrack to the scene outside. Dave returned a few minutes later with two pillows and two quilts, which he spread out on the floor, one on top of the other, in front of the fireplace. Aaron watched him curiously.

"What are you doing?" he asked while sipping his cider.

"I thought we could spend the evening in here," he said as he sat in the middle of the quilts. "The fire is still going strong, the drinks are close by," he acknowledged by taking a mouthful of cider. "And there isn't a neighbor for miles so we can leave the curtains to that window open all night."

Aaron continued to look at him quizzically, so Dave continued. "I like seeing that look of serenity on your face, Aaron. I want to keep it there for a little while. Indulge me, would you?"

Aaron chuckled, sat his mug next to Dave's on the table and lowered himself next to his lover. As soon as Aaron was within his grasp, Dave wrapped his arms around him and buried his nose in his neck, inhaling his scent. Aaron wrapped his arms around Dave's, holding him in place. He shivered slightly as the short hairs of Dave's goatee tickled his neck.

Dave shifted just enough to reach Aaron's ear and nibbled gently on his earlobe. Aaron ran his hand through Dave's hair and angled his neck to give Dave more room. He took advantage of the new angle, alternating between Aaron's ear and neck; nibbling, sucking, enjoying having Aaron in his arms.

Dave turned his body so he was more to Aaron's side rather than behind him and stole a searing kiss, all the while pushing Aaron down slowly so they could lie side by side.

"Agent Rossi," he said breathlessly while flat on his back, "are you trying to seduce me?"

"Maybe a little," Dave grinned mischievously, toying with the zipper of Aaron's half-zip pullover sweater. "Is it working?"

Aaron gave a mischievous grin of his own, hooking a finger in Dave's belt loop. "Maybe a little."

"Good," his eyes danced as he closed in for another steamy kiss.

While he had Aaron's lips occupied, he ran his hand under Aaron's sweater, caressing the strong muscles of his chest and abdomen. A little higher, a little lower he teased. First he ran his thumb over a nipple, then lowered his hand snaking his fingertips just barely inside the waistband of his pants and back up again, making Aaron squirm. He finally divested him of his sweater and tossed it on the sofa before removing his own shirt and laying skin against skin on top of him.

"You're burning up," Dave breathed against his lover's swollen lips.

"You have that effect on me," Aaron said, arching his body to get intimately closer to his lover. Dave groaned as their erections finally came into contact, shooting off sparks behind his eyes.

"You seem to have that effect on me, too," he said, resting his forehead against Aaron's. Aaron brushed his fingers through the side of Dave's hair, cupping the back of his head in his palm, and pulled him down for another fiery kiss. He let his other hand roam down Dave's back, dipping beneath the waistband of his pants and boxers to squeeze his backside, pulling him closer to give them both the friction they so desperately wanted.

"God, I want you so bad right now," Dave growled as he continued to press his hips firmly against Aaron's.

"Then take me."

"Gladly," Dave grinned as his hands immediately moved to Aaron's belt. Within seconds the belt was gone, and so were the pants. He took his time with the boxers, however, revealing Aaron slowly to himself, groaning at the hard, glistening erection standing proudly for him. His eyes glazed over with lustful love for the man lying beneath him. He stripped himself quickly, then leaned down and allowed himself a taste of his lover. Aaron was addictive, and as they say, one is never enough, so he allowed himself another taste. And another.

Aaron's breaths came out in ragged gasps as Dave devoured him from root to tip. He tangled the fingers of one hand in Dave's hair while the other gripped the quilt tightly. Dave was masterful with his mouth, knowing exactly the right moments to lick, kiss, suck, add the slightest hint of teeth, to send Aaron spinning into near oblivion, then pull back just in time to keep Aaron on edge but not push him over. Aaron was writhing, thrusting his hips slightly to add to the glorious sensations Dave was showering him with.

And then Dave stopped.

Aaron nearly cried out at the loss. He opened his bleary eyes to look at Dave, who had moved to his side and was caressing his sweat-streaked face. Dave smiled is Cheshire Cat grin.

"God, I'm so ready for you," he said as he kissed Aaron's neck again. He reached for the bottle of lube to coat his fingers, but Aaron took the bottle from him. He poured some lube into his hands, rubbed them together to warm it, and coated Dave's shaft for him. "I'm ready for you now," he said shakily. "I don't want to wait."

"Are you… ahh!" his lover's long, smooth, firm stroke short circuited his train of thought momentarily, causing the raging fire through his veins to burn even hotter. "Are you sure?"

"God, yes," he murmured, lunging for Dave's lips. They kissed hard as Dave once again pushed him to the ground, this time lying between his legs. Dave moved once again to his neck, sucking hard enough to leave a mark as he lined himself up with Aaron's entrance.

To allow Aaron some time to adjust without preparation, he entered him very slowly, only pushing in to the tip before pulling out. Then he pushed in about a quarter of the way before pulling all the way out. Then halfway, and out. Then most of the way, stilling for a moment as he felt Aaron tense and his breath catch, before pulling out again. He kissed Aaron hard again as he finally pushed all the way in. Aaron broke the kiss with a gasp, burying his face in Dave's shoulder and clinging to him. Dave stilled again, hard as it was considering every molecule in his body was begging him to drive hard and fast into Aaron's tight body. Instead, he slowly pulled out again.

Aaron groaned once again at the loss. "For the love of God, David, stop teasing me!"

Dave couldn't help but chuckle at Aaron's neediness. He kissed him again. "Roll over. I want to try something."

Aaron did as requested, allowing Dave to position him where he wanted him, on his hands and knees. Dave massaged his shoulders and back, trailing gentle kisses down his spine before once again positioning himself at Aaron's entrance. He pushed in slowly, all the way, and stayed there. He kissed behind Aaron's ear and the back of his neck, caressing his sides as Aaron adjusted to the new angle. Then he wrapped an arm around Aaron's chest and pulled him closer.

"Come here," he whispered, pulling Aaron up, flush against his chest, to where they were both sitting back on their haunches. Aaron dropped his head back to rest on Dave's shoulder as Dave slowly moved within him. He turned his head slightly so he and Dave were nuzzled cheek to cheek, and wrapped his arms around Dave's. He moved his hips in time with Dave's methodical thrusts.

"Open your eyes, amante," Dave whispered. "Look up." Aaron did, and realized Dave had positioned them directly in front of the window. The snow was falling faster, swirling like the sea in the wind, coating everything in its magnificence. Dave sped up his thrusts, seemingly in time with the falling snow. Aaron clutched him tighter, angling his neck so he could kiss his lover.

"I love you," he softly, shakily spoke. "I love you, too," Dave replied. "More than you'll ever know."

Both men were breathing hard and ragged, clutching each other tighter as their bodies drove toward a frenzied state. Aaron reached for his own erection, desperate for that magical release. Dave allowed him a few intense strokes before taking his hand and wrapping it in his own, holding it to his chest.

"Not yet, my love," he whispered into his ear as Aaron whimpered and moaned. "I want to finish what I started earlier."

"Oh God," he begged. "Please Dave. Please please please…"

The sound of his lover begging drove Dave wild. He lost all rhythm as he drove into Aaron, his orgasm burning through him like wildfire through a forest. He cried out in ecstasy, clinging to Aaron with everything he had as his release ran from his body into Aaron's. He slumped against Aaron's back to catch his breath, relishing in the sound of Aaron's soft whimpers. He pulled out gently and moved to his side, laying Aaron back down.

"I've got you," he whispered into a kiss before dropping his head to Aaron's weeping erection and engulfing it. Aaron's hips bucked involuntarily and he gripped Dave's shoulder with one hand, the quilts in the other as Dave sucked hard. His back arched and he cried out as Dave sucked the mind blowing orgasm from his body. His body fell limp, his breathing erratic, and Dave devoured every last drop Aaron had to offer.

He licked his lips and lay beside Aaron, taking him into his arms. Aaron's heart was racing but starting to come down. He took some deep breaths to calm himself, inhaling as much of Dave's scent as he could. He burrowed into Dave's chest, resting his head just under Dave's chin. Dave couldn't hold back his smile as he reached for a blanket from the couch and draped it over them.

"I love you so much," he said as he kissed the top of Aaron's head. Aaron mumbled something that sounded a lot like, "I love you, too," but it was muffled by Dave's chest. They lay there together as the fire in the fireplace crackled through its few remaining burning embers, their now very cold apple cider long forgotten on the coffee table, and the soft sounds of Winterscapes still playing through the speakers lulled them to sleep.

*amante is Italian for boyfriend/lover