For Heather, the bus ride to the parking lot of the new show of Total Drama was enough. Everyone pretty much ignored each other apart from Courtney and Duncan who would make out, and Gwen who would clench her teeth together and grind them making the most nauseating sound ever. Izzy and Owen talking nonsense, and DJ crying for his "mama". It was the introductions that really got to Heather though, she was just called off the bus, with Gwen whining about how she wanted to trade seats. Introducing the new comers was more exciting, Chris said so himself, "Now to mix things up and keep it all fresh." He smiled cheesily. "He's an honour roll student with a diplomat for a dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species, Alejandro." The way Chris rolled his tongue for the boys name was irritating enough, the guy strutted off the bus already flirting with half of the competition, mostly other males! He helped the drooling girls up, with Tyler basically yelling that he liked girls.

Egypt was bad enough as it was, she had been placed into the worst team ever. Gwen, Courtney, Izzy and Cody. Cody was alright though, they've never really spoken, but she did, sort of, give him some chips. Team Amazon, which is what the team had called themselves, had won a camel, which wasn't the worst prize, they didn't have to walk all the way to the Nile River. On the way, Team Chris is really really really really hot was right behind them, wanting to win, they got Izzy to talk to the camel.

"We're going to go win the race now! See ya'!" Heather yelled, wiggling her fingers back at the team, and poking her tongue out.

"Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women, I'm both humbled and intrigued!" Alejandro was obviously teasing, trying to get them to throw the challenge, mess up.

In the confessional, Heather sat there with her arms crossed. "Oh, he's good, too good... Serious! What is his deal? He's just so, perfect...Ugh!" She grunted out of aggravation before leaving the confessional. Alejandro had irritated her already and the show had just started.

"We're goingt he wrong way." Heather bluntly said to the Amazons, who had been travelling for ages, still no Nile. Courtney had piped in saying "Izzy, tell this thing to go to the Nile." Courtney pointed, although there was no reason to, she didn't know what way the Nile was, but Izzy did get the thing to change directions.

Chris is really really really really really hot had gone off, seeing the Nile a while ago, not telling Team Amazon, to get further into the competition. With Sierra's basket weaving skill, they were going to win, it wasn't hard. But, the Amazon's did come eventually, with Sierra complaining about not being on Cody's team, and bribing Chris, she had switched teams. Alejandro had to think of a way to throw them off, and Heather was tough competition, maybe making her fall for him was what could have her lose focus on the competition. Heather was immature, poking her tongue out at him and making a noise that resembled her teasing him, so, he blew her a kiss, which resulted her in grunting and turning away, with a slight blush on her face. Alejandro and the rest of the team had gotten the goat onto the boat with no trouble, but watching the Amazons pushing the camel onto the boat was something that was painful to watch, so Alejandro got Izzy to talk to the camel, after muttering some grunts and weird sounds, the camel listened. Although the amazons did win, Chris is really really really really hot did still come in second place, no one was going home.

Heather sat in the confessional on the toilet, confused. "Why would he help us?" Heather asked in the confessional, throwing her hands up in the air erotically. "He's so arrogant, and annoying!" She groaned, pointing into the confessionals camera's with fire in her eyes. "He is going down!" She yelled. Almost every girl had fallen for alejandro, but she was the only one -apart from Gwen who had been all over Duncan until he got kicked out- Heather saw through Alejandro's flirting and charm, and saw how evil he really was, manipulative and used his looks to get what he wanted. He did attempt too win her over, as if she would let him though, she wasn't that easy. Winning meant fame, fortune, and hair extensions, something she desired to have after the whole accident in total drama island. Heather crossed her arms and snarled, before getting up and leaving the confessional, although what she saw on the other side wasn't a pleasant view, Alejandro. He was leaning against the wall, one leg up against the wall, and his arms crossed with a bored expression.

"Move." She said bluntly, pushing him out of the way.

"Pleasure." He said back, smirking, with only irked Heather more.

"Have fun in Losers class." She said back, and went into first class with her team.

Alejandro was now sitting in first class, his nose was crinkled and he had one of his legs on the side of hte toilet seat. "Heather thinks she's smart, like she has me all figured out, but when she falls for my charm, she won't be able to resist me."

So did you like it? I'll probably do all of the episodes, or most, that have the most with them in it.