Okay, so first of all, I couldn't think of a better title. Secondly, thank you for all of the amazing reviews! After getting loads of people saying they want a sequel, I decided to make one.

Also, I would love to read some of your stories, so just tell me what they are called, and I will read & review them!:)


Disclaimer: I don't own Austin & Ally

It has all been completely crazy, actually getting to New York. Me and Austin had to hurriedly pack my things, quietly of course. If my dad woke up and found out, my life would be over. Once I was all packed and ready to go, we got into Austin's car, and drove to the airport. It was a decent ride, not very long. When we got there, we bought 2 tickets to New York, for the earliest flight.

We sat waiting for about half an hour, but we finally made it onto the plane. It was a nerve-racking experience. Not because of flying, but because of the fact that my dad, and Austin's parents would all wake up, and find us gone. They would definitely know that we are with eachother. But, we have promised eachother to not contact them, so there is no way they could find us.

In New York, Austin booked us into a small hotel, until we can find and afford a decent place of our own. I will have to find some kind of college or something, for education. Austin has all of those meetings in 2 days, meaning he is going to be super busy with that. I don't blame him though, I mean, one of the reasons we actually came here was for his music career.

And that is how I ended up here, in a cosy hotel room, cuddled into Austin's side, as he strokes my hair.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me, softly.

"Just about how crazy this has all been! Thinking back to 24 hours ago, it feels weird being here. Yesterday, I would've been crying my eyes out right about now" I tell him.

"Well, we are here now. Our phones are off, and we are going to prove everyone wrong!" He states.

"Sounds like a plan"

"Yeah" He replies, quietly. "What do you want to do today?" He asks.

"I don't know.." I answer, shrugging.

"Well, we are in New York, and we are laying in a hotel room, dwelling on the past. Let's go and look around!" He says, getting up from the bed. I instantly miss his warmth, so I decide to follow him. I grab his hand, as he leads the way out of the room, and out of the hotel all together.

We walk around the streets, hand in hand, looking at all of the coffee shops, people and buildings. It is all so surreal. I have always dreamt of coming to New York, and maybe one day performing here. And now I am here, with Austin, and I have never felt more alive.

"Wanna go and grab some coffee?" Austin asks.

"Sure" I smile, before we wander over to the nearest Starbucks (1).

"What would you like?" Austin questions, as we get in line.

"Um.. I don't mind" I reply, smiling.

"Okay, you go and sit down, and I will get them for us"

"Okay" I say, handing him some money, which he refuses.

"No, I'm the gentleman, I will pay" He insists, smiling warmly at me.

"Fine" I sigh, putting the money back into my pocket. I walk over to the table nearest the window. I have always loved a window seat. I wait patiently for my drink, and it is only a few minutes until Austin walks over with two warm coffees in his hands.

"Here you go" He smiles, handing me my cup.

"Thank you" I say, gratefully taking the hot cup in my hands. It is pretty cold outside, so this is really nice to hold.

We casually drink our coffee, talking about random things. It never gets awkward, which is good. Once we are done, we look around the city some more, until we get bored and cold, and go back to the hotel.

It is getting dark outside, and both of us are getting pretty hungry by the time we return to our room. "How about I order us some room service?" I suggest.

"Sure" Austin replies, smiling. I order us both some burgers and chips, as I am feeling in the mood for something decent. To me, that is decent. I also order a chocolate cake to share between us, for dessert. We grab two bottles of water, and drink them, along with eating our meals.

"That was so good!" Austin says, laying down on the double bed.

"I know right!" I agree, laying down next to him. It is silent for a few minutes, before I suddenly get a rush of confidence. I lean over to Austin, and begin to trail kisses down his neck.

"What're you doing?" He asks.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I retort, my warmth breath tickling his neck. This makes him shiver, which causes me to smirk. I've never done that to anyone before. Austin suddenly grabs me, and rolls me over, so he is on top. We begin to kiss, starting off slow. After a few minutes, I start to slowly unbutton his shirt, which makes him release. He stares at me, breathing heavily.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks, unsteadily.

"Certain" I reply, leaning up to him again.

"But it is your 16th birthday in a few days, why don't we wait until then?"

"Why are you so set on putting me off this?"

"I'm not! But, I want to make it a little more special. Just wait a couple more days, yeah?"

"Okay" I sigh, as he gets off of me.

For the rest of the night, we just lay there, until we drift off into a peaceful sleep. Well, after we shower and change, of course.

So, tell me what you think of this. It will get better, but this was just kind of an introductions kind of thing.


(1) I don't own Starbucks:)