Walking into AfterLife in real-time is a different experience than doing so in the game. First of all, it is SUPER loud! It's like Aria put every speaker possible in there! But the sound...I had to pause and take it all in. The shifty looking Batarian behind the bar...the Asari delights scattered throughout. Humans and Turians chilling. There was even a quarian or two around...just to make the mix healthy. And though the music was loud, it was crystal clear. I appreciated that part about it even if I didn't know what song was playing now. "There's a lot going on in here. Like my energy is all over the place, Shepard", I said. "Yeah I feel it too. Exactly what a club is supposed to be. We need to find seats", said Shepard. "Is that...is that Aria?", asked Kaidan, while pointing. Why he would point, I'm sure I don't have the mental capacity to understand. We all turn around to see her motion for me...and it looks like only me. Ahh fudge nuggets. "It looks like you're being...summoned", said Liara, with a hint of humor in her tone. "I know you didn't just...", I trailed off. "I believe she did. You'd better see what she wants. Something tells me she isn't the type to wait around long or at all for anyone", said Garrus. "Look at you and your smooth observation skills, bud", I said. Every ounce of sarcasm I owned dripped in that statement. "Fortunately for you, we're on your side", said Ashley. That was a definite turn around. She seemed genuinely unbothered by this little development. "And if she tried anything, I'd just have to kill her", said Ashley, smiling. Yep...that's more like it. "Oh father. Alright I'm going up there...if nothing else, maybe I can talk her into changing this music", I said. "This music is awesome!", screamed Emerson. Where did he come from?! "Oh jesus. I knew bringing YOU with us was a bad idea!", I said. Everyone laughed...even Emerson. Somehow that kid grew on me. "We'll be over in that booth on the right near the bar. Umm maybe not all of us...the rest of the crew will try to get as drunk as possible, I'm sure.", said Shepard. "If I'm not back in 15 minutes...just wait longer", I said and turned to leave. "If she's not back in 15 minutes, I'm ordering a drink...or several", said Tali. "Roger that, Tali", said Ashley.

As I begin walking toward Aria, I realized the seriousness of where I was. I mean, I'm in AfterLife...walking toward Aria T'Loak. Nerdgasm inside...swagger is chill on the outside. Wearing my hat low was a weird reverse security thing I started doing years ago. See when you wear your hat that low, everyone thinks that you can't see...which means they're not paying attention to what you can see. I could see that Aria was very well armed. Not on her person but she was surrounded by mercs who, at first glance, seemed fiercely protective of her. They saw my approach and instantly closed in until she waved them off. This is the same spot that she'd be proclaiming her rule of Omega to Shepard on years later. It's literally like a dream sequence from here on out. "Your boys need some chill, Aria", I said. "I pay them well to do their job. That is what they are doing", she answered. "Then you need to tell them about me. I won't be treated like someone you don't know. They should never point a gun at me", I said. I was serious...it irritates me to no end how disrespectful these same guards are when Shepard visited AfterLife in the game. Like she didn't save their collective asses 2 years earlier. "Relax, Sercy. No one has any intention of harming you. This, you can be sure of", said Aria, coolly. I might have my tongue out and wagging behind her blue ass but I'm not an idiot. Aria IS dangerous and I still don't fully trust her. "You wanted to speak to me", I said. I honestly wanted to dance and drink. Nothing else. I was tired...very tired. And something tells me this is the last bit of rest I will be getting for a LONG time.

"I know you're not military but you travel with them. I've been thinking about that for a few hours", said Aria. "Just a few hours huh? I'll be thinking about it for the rest of my life", I said. "It doesn't make sense. Why are you with them?", she asked. "Aria...on the totem pole of things that are important, that conversation is at the low end. You know why? Because I don't want to think about anything serious while I'm here", I said. "I can see that. You do understand that this leaves you in a precarious situation. Now I have to wonder about you", said Aria. "You say that like it's a bad thing. Here's one piece of information I can share with you now: someday, I'll actually be important to you. If you can read anything about energy, then surely you felt this when we were intimate", I said. I'm not beating around the bush anymore. I just made that decision. "I felt something. I never thought I'd ever say this to a human but you are alien to me. You seem to tell the truth, often", said Aria. "Man who do you hang around that this is something about me to be lauded? Never mind, I don't want to know. I have no reason to disrupt your life. At least not in an attempt to usurp your place on Omega, whatever that may be", I said. "I see. Are you saying you have some other reason to disrupt my life?", she quizzed. "Not on purpose. As I said, I'll be more important to you than you realize. For now, I am content to stay as we are", I said. "And how are we?", she asked. "I don't know. We seem to bump into each other at random times and you seem to like me for whatever reason", I said. She smiled but I could see her processing information as we spoke. Which is why I fed her what I did. Truthful, as it were. As long as she was focused on me, she had no time to focus on anyone else...like Shepard. Like I said, I didn't trust her. "How can you be so sure I like you?", she quizzed. "Well...I'm not dead", I said. She turned to me and nodded. I smiled at her. "Fucking charming ass", she said. "I'm the least charming person I know...but thank you", I said. "Humility doesn't suit you. That's some gift you have. I'd love to tell you all about it...after tonight", she said. "If you want my omni-tool info, just say so and ask me out nicely", I said. We laughed again. "I already have your omni-tool info", she said. "You mean you have the omni-tool info that I wanted you to have", I corrected. Yeah...Tevos taught me that one. Always have two. Or did Shepard teach me that? I know Tali did something to my omni-tool to "protect you from yourself". Her words, not mine.

"I see", said Aria. "Relax. I didn't do it specifically to fool you...it's just a precaution. What we're doing...what we have to do is very important. To the galaxy at large", I said. "Duly noted. So are you going to give me that other information or do I have to screw it out of ya?", asked Aria. "Is that a proposition, bae?", I said with a smile. "I could be...for now I'll just take that information. I might have a wish to speak to you in the future if you don't screw something up", she said, casually. "I don't plan to have you angry at me anytime soon. Eh...I have a strange way with people though. At some point, you're bound to be upset about something I said or did", I said. "Well let's keep those to a minimum or not at all", she said. A thinly veiled threat...I understood. I think when or if Aria catches feelings for me, she'll run like hell from them. Something tells me that romancing her will be one of the hardest things I've had to do. Well...I like challenges. "Penny for your thoughts, as you humans say", said Aria. "Yes...can we do something about this music? I feel like I've stepped into musical hell. I would prefer hip hop but do what you feel", I said. "That sounds like a good idea. You owe me two dances later for this, by the way", said Aria. "Fine", was all I said. "Go have drinks with your friends, Sercy. I will join you later", she said. I stared at her...didn't say anything. I'm going to be stupid whipped behind her. Shit. "Why do you stare at me like that?", she asked. I caught a glimpse of self-consciousness there. Hmm. Put a pin in that, we'll come back to it. "Just...you really are beautiful", I said. "Stating the obvious? Well...it's a start", she said. That's the third time we laughed together. "I hope you really know hip hop. I need something to shake my ass to with reckless abandon. You understand", I said. "Need that much of a stress reliever huh? I have just the songs. Trust me", she said. Yeah...that's the problem. I don't...not yet. I nodded my head and left her little VIP area.


"That doesn't make any sense, Garrus", said Daniels. "It makes plenty of sense. Sniping is the most efficient kill", argued Garrus. "Bullshit. If there was a way to hone energy with biotics, and I'm sure I'll find out, I can kill a person before they knew what hit them too", said Daniels. Not sure about Garrus but I think Daniels is drunk...or getting there. "How many of those did you have?", quizzed Tali. "Only 3. Wait am I tipsy?", asked Daniels...to no one in particular. "If you have to ask...", said Ashley. "Yeah but it doesn't last. I can feel the buzz wearing off. I wonder what that means?", asked Sercy. "I'll tell you what it means. We need more drinks!", I said. "I gotta say Shepard...it's different seeing your commanding officer relax", said Kaidan. "Of course it is. But remember the code...what happens on Omega...", I said. "Stays on Omega!", we all said in unison. The music changed to an mid-tempo song that I'd never heard before. Looking at Daniels, I'd say she was familiar with it. "OMG! That's...that's the song! She played it! I have to space twerk!", she screamed before heading to the dance floor. "What is twerk?", asked Tali. "We should watch Daniels to find out", I said. "Oh I'm definitely watching this", said Kaidan, walking toward the dance floor. "I'd be interested in seeing her dance as well", said Liara. "And I can have loads of footage for future bribery purposes", I said. "Ahh I hadn't thought of that! Let's go!", said Ashley. "Fine. As long as no one asks me to 'crip walk' again", said Garrus.

We found Daniels in the middle of the floor...not dancing. She just stood there nodding her head, hat low. "Where's this twerking that you spoke of", I said into her ear. "You have to catch the vibe of a song first. Then you throw down unexpectedly in a club. Isn't that how all those movies like Save the Last Dance were back in the day?", said Daniels. "Oh yeah, I saw that movie. Seemed growing up a ballerina is the best thing if you find yourself in a hip hop club", I said. "Alright, Shepard. Watch me work", said Daniels. "I can work to you know", I said. "Shepard...can you actually dance?", asked Sercy skeptically. "What? Why would you think I couldn't?", I asked. "No reason! Just...okay. Twerk something", said Daniels. She immediately moved to the center of the dance floor. Looked less crowded. I don't know how to describe the dancing. The bass of this song was pounding around us. Liara stood next to me swaying a little. I want to ask her to dance but she seemed enraptured with what Daniels was doing. "How does she do that? She moves like water", said Liara. "I don't know...but I want to dance with her. From the crowd that's gathered around her, I'd say we're not the only ones...enamored", said Ashley. "Hey Shepard! This is called a slow twerk. Try not to fall in love with me after I do this!", yelled Daniels. "Slow twerk? There are levels?", asked Tali. "I guess so", I answered.

This twerk was probably the most sexual looking dance I've saw. But the way Daniels did it...it looked fun! Now I want to do it. But I don't want to embarrass myself...not with Liara here. "I think I can do that. I'm going out there", said Ashley, heading toward Daniels. "Shit so can I", said Kaidan. THAT caught me off guard. We all stared at him. "What? You think a man can't move like that? Watch me", said Kaidan, striding toward Daniels with a purpose. "Well, she said she wanted to see my hips move. If we're all out there looking stupid, no one is embarrassed", said Tali. Logic in the middle of a club. Stranger things have happened. "Shepard get your ass out here! You too Liara!", yelled Daniels. "Oh fine", said Liara. Am I really going to dance...in public? Yes...that's what I'm going to do.

End Chapter 45

A/N: It took a lot to get this chapter out. There is too much unrest in my country and my people are being killed simply for being. You'll pardon the lack of interest in this story now. I mean I don't have writer's block(oddly enough) but my mind is not completely on it. Ferguson...I stand with you. To the oppressed worldwide, I stand with you.

So shout out to the United States. The revolution will not be televised.

Obligatory disclaimer: BioWare owns Mass Effect. Sercy and Chagoya and anything else I add that isn't someone's else's is mine. You can't have it. This is the remix. Through unrest, the internets still bump this remix.