For those of you who have a Facebook account check out my page that an amazing person by the name of Elena Rain created for me! Thank you Elena! /pages/Im-a-Skyscraper/492670064106734#!/pages/Im-a-Skyscraper/492670064106734

Chapter 1

Five year old Alexis Daniels is sitting in her room on her bed. She is holding her bruised arm to her chest as she cries. It is 6am and Alexis is waiting for her dad, Eric Daniels, to leave for work. Eric works at the hospital in New York. It is 2006 and Alex was born in 2001 on July 20th.

Alexis is the long version of Alex, which Alexis goes by. Alexis, or Alex, pulls her knees to her chest to cover her arm. She stares at her door in fear as she hears banging outside her door.

Alex whimpers softly as her door bangs open. There is... Eric Daniels. Alex's wavy black hair covers part of her face, as it dangles past her shoulders. Her soft brown eyes widen in fear.

"Alexis!" Eric shouts at her, "Get your ass out of bed and get to school!" Eric storms over to Alex as she quickly slips off the bed. He grabs her arm and throws her at the wall, "GET DRESSED!" Eric storms out of Alex's room, slamming the door behind him. Alex rushes to her dresser and pulls out jeans and a t-shirt. She slips them on before going to her closet and slips on her sweater, wincing in pain.


Alex rushes into her Kindergarten classroom and hangs up her backpack. Eric has just dropped her off and is now on his way to work. Alex wipes her still red eyes and walks to her desk after taking off her outside shoes and putting her indoor ones on. As she sits down, she sees a lady with grey hair and wearing a green robe.

"Hello class. I am your supply teacher today since your teacher is home sick." The lady tells the class of fifteen five year olds. Alex lays her head on her desk with her arms underneath her desk holding her bruised stomach and arm from her morning beating. Plus Eric doesn't feed her.


The teacher of the Kindergarten room's name is Minerva McGonagall. McGonagall is sent by the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to remove this one five year old from her father, and to bring her to the school. The five year old is... Alexis Daniels. Alex is a witch, and before her magic could release in anger or fear, she needs to be remove, or Eric will kill her.

As the end of the day comes, McGonagall sees Alex crying. McGonagall walks over to her and kneels down next to her. All day, Alex has been silent and staying in her seat or sitting under a tree by herself.

"Hi sweetie." McGonagall smiles. Alex lifts her head and rubs her eyes with her sleeve.

"Hi." Alex says barely a whisper.

"Are you ok?" McGonagall asks rubbing her back.

"No." McGonagall feels Alex slowly relax under her touch.

"What's going on at home sweetie?" Alex sniffles, "I know you are scared sweetie. But I can help you. You need to tell me the truth and I will protect you and never let you get hurt." Alex looks up at McGonagall and they lock eyes. McGonagall can see complete fear in Alex's brown eyes, while Alex sees complete truth in McGonagall's green eyes.

"Daddy hurts me." McGonagall strokes Alex's hair out of her eyes, "He hits, yells and touches me." McGonagall holds in a gasp. She knew Eric Daniels hits and yells at Alex, but not touch her. She is only five years old!

"Would you like to come home with me Alex? You will never have to see that mean man EVER again." Alex nods. Alex lifts her arms out to McGonagall and she picks up the girl. McGonagall grabs Alex's backpack and outdoor shoes, and is gone with a pop.

And that's the opening. What do you think? Please review.