I realized that I made a mistake in the description of Jakob. He is a Green Beret, not a Black Beret. USASF are the Green Berets.

"ACIS is sending one of their agents over to help us investigate our case," Gibbs reported, walking through the bullpen. "As well as one of Dyakov's partners from the Army Special Forces."

"Which one, Boss?" the green-eyed computer geek asked, confused as he looked up to the silver-haired man. "And which agent?"

"Jakob FerryAri and Special Agent Mallard," He replied, sitting down at his desk. "We have to wait for them to arrive."

"Boss, why did they pick Rosemary for the job?" DiNozzo asked, confused looking over to his boss. "She is still with Sergeant Burnes and Sergeant FerryAri in Somalia."

"Have you seen her with her Kung Fu?" Asked the elder Mallard as he walked up to Gibbs' desk.

"No, I haven't Ducky," He replied annoyed and rubbing his eyes.

When the ME got to Gibbs' desk, "Let me know when Rosemary arrives."

"I don't think I'll have to," Gibbs replied, grinning slightly.

Ducky was confused until he looked up towards the elevator, seeing the caramel blonde woman step off of it. Behind her was the elder man known as Jakob FerryAri wearing his Army uniform with a green beret. When she looked away from the Special Forces soldier, her baby blue eyes widened before she dropped her backpack and ran towards her father. The Sergeant First Class picked up the backpack, laughing slightly and shaking his head.

When the young woman got to her father, she leapt into his arms and threw her arms around his neck.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" she squealed excitedly as Ducky wrapped his arms around his daughter's figure. "I missed you so much, Daddy!"

"I swear, when she is excited, she is like a child waiting to get her new toy," Jakob mused and laughing as he walked up to the bullpen. "And man can she put away the food."

"What do you mean, Jakob?" Abby asked as she walked into the bullpen.

"Meaning, when we stopped by the Chinese restaurant, she eat three times as much as I did," He explained, looking to Abby with his green eyes. "And yet, she remains skinnier than a bedrail."

"Ahh, she takes after her mother on that aspect," the ME explained, a smile plastered to his face.

The young woman pulled back and looked up at her father, "Daddy, it's almost my birthday."

"Why're you so excited about your birthday?" DiNozzo asked confused as McGee and Abby left for the latter's lab.

Rosemary turned to look at the American-Italian agent, "Because, it'll be the first ever that I'll get to spend with Daddy."

"I'll take you and your dad out to celebrate your birthday, Rosie," Jakob said to them with a smile on his face and finality in his voice.

"Where to, Jake?" She asked, confused.

"You'll see, Rosie," He answered slyly. "It's a surprise."

"By the way, you had better go find Mickey," A female voice said from behind Jakob.

"Why, Antonia?" The caramel haired woman asked, looking to the dark brown haired woman.

"The man hasn't shut up about you since you left," She explained. "Talon and I have tried everything to get him to shut up. Even Marky tried, but to no avail."

"Alright, Toni," She replied, laughing before she walked towards the elevator. She stopped by the elevator before she turned to Antonia, "And tell Marky and Talon I said hey and tell Talon, your kids, your brother, and your cousins that we should get together soon."

"I will, Rosie," She called out as Rosemary stepped onto the elevator.

As soon as the doors closed, the caramel haired woman took a deep breath to calm herself. She pressed the button to take her to the floor that Abby's lab resided. Not even two minutes later, there was a beep. She took another deep breath as the doors opened before she stepped off.

The young Mallard slowly made her way towards her destination. When she got to the doors, they opened before she stepped into the room.

The Goth turned to face the caramel haired woman with a grin on her face. "Hello, Rosie."

"What do you have planned, Abby?" The young Mallard asked, worry evident in her voice.

She had learned to never give her any ideas. The Goth grabbed Rosemary's wrist and basically pulled her along towards a separate room in the lab before shoving her into the space.

"Now you two will stay in here and talk," She ordered, closing the door. "I do not want to hear another word from either of you about liking the other after today."

With that, the Goth walked away to leave the two alone.

"Were you hurt?" McGee asked, looking to the woman with her forehead to the window.

She turned around to look at the man, "No I wasn't. But I hated not being able to talk to you guys."

"What did Abby mean by "liking the other'?" McGee asked, utterly confused.

"I guess she meant that we like each other," Rosemary whispered, twirling a lock of her caramel colored hair around her finger. "That is if you like me."

"I do like you, Rosie," He answered, walking over to the woman in the room with him.

Rosemary looked up at her friend, shocked, "You like me? I thought it was just one-sided."

McGee caught the woman's attention when he pulled her into a gentle embrace, looking into her oceanic orbs. Before Rosemary Mallard knew what had happened, the green-eyed man caught her lips in a gentle kiss. Shock wasn't the word for it but she soon relaxed and melted into his body, returning the passion and gentleness he gave her.