Okay, let me be right up front with everyone reading this. This composition of stories will be graphic. They will sometimes be docile. They will sometimes be hardcore. There will most likely be kinks or fetishes in here that will downright disturb you. You might consider these PWPs, but honestly, I do not feel this way. Each chapter is going to be titled with the corresponding kink/fetish, so look it up first to find out if it is something you can stomach.

Why am I doing this? For a number of reasons, really. One is that I want to explore these ideas and write about them. I want to write how these characters could be affected by them. I want to write something dirty. I want to write something deeply thought provoking, and add some color to the side of characters that we only get for comic value in the show. Also, I want to write all these ideas out so they can be freed from my head. (This means I can keep them in my larger project continuity, but now I don't have to draw it out on paper.)

So again, proceed with caution! I am giving you, the reader, the chance to back out now if you so wish. I've given you fair warning. I do not want anyone to read any chapters here and come back at me with slander towards any of it. If you choose to read passed the line breaks, you are doing so with the knowledge that you have been warned.

One final note: Another large reason I wanted to do with is to share with you my inner thoughts about these said characters. In the show, we know Meg's life is held together by only her hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow. She has a lot of issues; a lot of them dark. However, Meg is not a character that is beyond help at this point in time. I think with the proper outlets, and of course a bit of nurture, Meg won't fall of the edge into the abyss.

The same can be said for Quagmire. He pretty much jumped into the abyss a long time ago, but has refused to climb back out. It's not so much that he can''s that he won't. At my head, I think he feels like he doesn't deserve to. In two different episodes, we're told he does what he does to fill the emptiness in his heart left by Cheryl. In another episode prior, we see an alternate world, where he is happily married. So it is not impossible to see this person happy with one woman... it just needs to be the -right- woman to help pull him out of the abyss.

These two carry a lot of parallels that I don't think Seth MacFarlane ever intended for them to have. Yet, they do. At least, I see them.

So, I've said my piece. Sorry I was long and rantish, but the first warnings usually are. So if you are still here, and wish for me to get on with it, then here we go!

The ABC's of Kink

Auto-erotic asphyxiation

The small television set buzzed quietly as the show currently playing on it switched to a commercial.

Meg let a sigh escape her lips as she leaned back upon the sofa she sat, snuggling a bit closer to the warmth of the body behind her. An hour of watching the tube had gone by already, and she was feeling a bit better than she had been when she first walked through the door not too long ago.

School had been a royal pain in the ass today. She'd gotten a lab partner in science that 'accidentally' splashed himself with the chemicals they were mixing. This resulted in the kid having to go to the hospital. Of course, not having a partner brought her project grade down to a 'C' when she knew it could have been an 'A.' She knew all the material. She wasn't stupid.

P.E. had been just as harsh; perhaps more so. All her clothes had been stolen and then each piece thrown into different trash bins around the gym and locker rooms. She had torn a large poster off the walls in order to get enough of the articles to cover herself. To have some saving grace, she then had washed them the best she could in the locker room showers.

Though being soaked, sitting in Math class, right under the air vent no less, had not been ideal at all. It didn't help matters when the pop quiz they'd just had the day before was returned. To her disbelief, the paper she received was marked with a 'D.' That couldn't be right! Upon looking closer, she noticed that while her name was on the paper, it was not her handwriting! Bringing it to the teachers attention that she felt someone switched papers on her, the teacher merely laughed and told Meg she couldn't blame a bad grade on someone else.

It was infuriating. Of course, after school was no better. Right when she got home, she walked into the house and right into some sort of weird contraption her father had somehow put together. In the end, she'd gotten a face full of egg salad. Everyone laughed.

The usual.

After getting most of it off, and changing into a new set of clothes, she stormed out of the house, shouting she'd be at the library studying. She used this excuse a lot. Sometimes she'd get a 'Whatever,' and sometimes a 'Be back by dinner, or I'm not making you a plate,' or just silence. She'd even used this excuse on days that the library was already closed. No one seemed to notice or care.

There were also other excuses she used during her 'storming out of the house because you guys suck' routine: I'm going for a walk. I'm going to go rob a store. I'm going to the park. I'm going out. I'm leaving and I don't know when I'll be back. I'm going to Alaska. I've got to go babysit.

No one ever questioned her about any of it. No one cared.

So no one knew that every single time she said these things, that she was lying through her teeth. The truth of the matter was she was simply going next door. Next door to the blue house with a classic red convertible.

Meg was pulled from her thoughts when the arm around her midsection shifted, pulling her even closer to the body behind her. She shifted her head to the side, and up a little; nuzzling her face against his neck. She eyed the book he had in his free hand.

"What are you reading?"

Glenn Quagmire glanced to the girl, then back to the book.

"Catcher in the Rye."

"I had to read that once for English class. That was before it was banned from public schools."

Glenn grunted, eyes narrowly slightly.

"The Education system has all gone to hell anyway. Has been for a long time."

Meg laughed a little, more to herself.

It was still kind of strange to her; this closeness they shared. It had all started some odd months after her eighteenth birthday. There had been they brief moment in time where the two had dated. Meg was no fool; she knew very well was the perverse man had wanted. Hell, to a small extent, she wanted the same. Yet she wasn't going to just hand it over freely.

Meg had honestly been surprised by how...cuddling? Gentle?...this man had been with her during that point. Watching stupid movies on the couch, tickle fights, helping her with studies, couple of dinners out. Then that beautiful cabin. Meg had willed herself not to get carried away with any of it. Just let it be, take it a day at a time. She wasn't anything special.

Though she liked to think she was. Not once could she really recall Glenn having been that... patience, or affectionate with a woman. At least, from what she had picked up over the years. And while her mom and dad had decided to actually act like real parents and step in, part of her was grateful, and part of her wasn't.

Where the hell had they been when Jimmy Fallon had whisked her away? A one night stand for the whole fucking world to see, and she was still only seventeen at the time.

And it had been rough. Rushed. Painful. Though eventually there was pleasure...but still.

Ridding herself of that memory, she turned back her thoughts to the man she was currently nestled against. Somehow, after the events of her birthday and the few months following, she wound up on his doorstep by mistake. It was the day that started...this. This closeness. This feeling of acceptance. This...thing they had.

This routine. Coffee and venting. Coffee and comfort.

It was never about sex. It never had been. some point after the first couple of times Meg had come over, she'd voiced a desire to try again with him. He'd teased her about it before, and even laughed when she'd mentioned it. Though when Glenn had realized she was being serious, the look on his face had been priceless. It was like a mix of shock, awe and some hidden glint of glee.

Like telling a child they can open one gift on Christmas Eve.

Oh God Damn, how it had felt; to be wanted, craved for...needed. Granted, this was Glenn Quagmire; the man-whore of Spooner street. He craved any woman he could get his hands on. Meg knew she wasn't special. Though a very tiny part of her liked to think she was. The part of her that remembered every time he had, through the years, asked her age, somehow been in her closet, her house, her room... various antics.

Like waiting for a cactus to finally mature, only to bloom in the midnight once, and then die.

Meg shuddered. Morbid thought there. But still...

Even with their first steps into this next level of intimacy, they had yet to actually... go all the way. It boggled her mind. Yet she felt she was to blame for it. The things they did together sent her into such a state of euphoria that she almost never came back down off it, and would pass out within minutes after. It was almost always like this.

"What are you so intently think about?"

The words jolted her from her thoughts and she pulled back a little. Her cheeks flushed a little.

"Just...stuff..." Meg mumbled.

"What kind of 'stuff?'" Glenn replied; amusement obvious in his tone.

For a moment, Meg just looked at him. So many thoughts raced in her mind, but she ignored most of them. Then, as if giving her a moment of grace, a completely random but honest question popped into her head. Something she remembered from not too long ago.

"What exactly is Auto-Erotic asphyxiation?"

Glenn's expression shifted into one of seriousness. He put the book he'd been holding down on the floor next to the couch.

"It's the act of self suffocation during the act of sex or masturbation. The idea behind it is when you cut off your oxygen supply to the brain, your body undergoes a chemical response that leads a person into a euphoric like state. Combine this with sex or masturbation in which the body is already going under this same process, it basically doubles the effect. The result is a high so intoxicating, it's said to be like those one gets from being on cocaine. Also, just as addicting."

Meg looked at him somewhat amazed. Glenn had answered her honestly, and seriously. She liked that about him. Any time she had a question, he didn't dismiss her, nor tear her down for it. He gave her an answer.

"Oh wow..." Meg breathed. She tilted her head a little.

"Maybe I should try that sometime..." She mused quietly, but it had been loud enough that Glenn had heard her.

Suddenly, she was face to face with the man, and his hands were framing her face.


It wasn't soft, but hard. Not harsh, but a bit commanding.


"No. Listen to me. Do not ever attempt doing that, you hear me?"

"Why? I can-"

"NO! Trust me on this. It's extremely dangerous and often times fatal. It's considered what most people who practice in paraphilia sex practices call a risk-aware-consensual-kink, RACK for short. And yes, I find the pun extremely hilarious..."

Meg frowned a little, having known it was something risky, but not so much so. It sounded like it would it would feel so amazing. Glenn noticed the far off look in her eyes, and leaned closer, resting his forehead against hers.

"Promise me you won't do it. Promise me you won't attempt this."

Meg swallowed. She wondered briefly if Glenn knew of the times she had in the past tried suffocating herself with her pillows, on different occasions, when life just seemed to tell her to fuck off. She hadn't thought of putting two and two together. Yet, he was practically begging her to not attempt such a thing. It was a bit awe inspiring, to say the least.

Meg didn't realize she'd been so quiet without answering his plea, that when he spoke up again, the words shocked her.

"You can do it to me."

Meg's eyes widened; rounding with surprise.

"What?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"I know there are times when you're so...lost by everything around you...that you've strangled stray cats."

Meg began to shake a little. How had he known? Had he caught her doing it before? Sure, she hadn't done it in a while, but it was something she tried to forget she ever had done before. It was one of those things where she'd been in a state of mind she found horrid, ugly and not herself. She felt the tears behind her eyes forming.

"I..." She began, but Glenn cut her off, hushing her gently, and caressing her cheeks with his thumbs.

"If you promise me you'll stop doing it to those poor defenseless little creatures, I'll let you use me. If the world is falling around you, and you feel that part of yourself surfacing...come to me. I can take it. Years of Naval training and my own experimentation have given me a high tolerance for a lot of things. So just come to me. Don't do it to yourself, leave the kitties alone, and come to me. Okay?"

Meg slowly nodded.

"Okay... okay." She said quietly.

A moment of quiet passed between them. Meg was trying to regain her calm, while Glenn watched her. Once the girl had stopped shaking, he pulled away and got up, offering her a hand.

"Come with me."

Meg looked up at him, wondering what he had in mind. She took the offered hand.

Lifting her to her feet, he guided her quietly to the bedroom.

Meg felt her heart begin to hammer under her chest. It was like a mix of anticipation and unease. The unease only being brought on from the previous conversation topic. He let her hand drop as they entered the bedroom and he closed the door behind them. Meg had already taken her shirt off, though it was still bundled around her arms, when she felt her hair being pulled back from her neck, exposing the skin usually hidden under said tresses.

Meg couldn't stop the moan that slipped through her lips when she felt the light bite against her neck, and the accompanying licking and sucking. There would surely be a mark left there for a while. He pulled away much too soon for her liking.

"You don't actually have to undress for this, if you don't want to."

She turned to eye Glenn curiously.

"I want you to, of course, but it's your call."

Meg dropped her arms down, causing her shirt to fall to the floor. She step towards him, pushing against him. She brought her hands up and began unbuttoning his shirt, muttering something about tight jeans and skin.

Glenn laughed lightly before leaning down, capturing Meg's lips with his own. One hand threaded into her hair at the base of her skull while the other raked her back; expertly unclasping her bra as if it were attached with Velcro instead of hooks. Leaving the garment behind, the same hand trace down her spine; rewarding him with her squirming against him. Further still, his free hand found the button and zipper to her jeans, and undid them.

Meg pulled her hands away from the body before her and began to pull at the jeans that had suddenly become uncomfortable to wear. Though as she pulled them off, she felt her underwear being snagged. Her jeans fell to her ankles, but her cotton panties did not. She pulled away from the lip lock.

"Keep these on."

Meg pouted.

"What is it with you and underwear? Is this some sort of panty fetish I'm missing?"

"You have no idea..." Glenn laughed, and pulled away from the girl.

Walking towards the bed, both his shirt and pants added to the pile on the floor, leaving him in only his gold and black tiger print thong.

Meg stared shamefully. This man had the backside and ass like those of Greek sculpture. How he did, she couldn't imagine. No one else his age would even be remotely close.

Meg suddenly felt self conscience of herself. She pulled her arms up; one covering her breast, while the other covered her stomach; hiding the faded scar on her belly. She shifted her posture as to make it look like she was waiting impatiently, when in reality she was getting that butterfly feeling in her stomach and feeling more inadequate by the second.

Glenn turned towards the girl, moving to sit on the bed and lay back against the pillows. He smirked at the way she held herself. He could see right through her. He knew how to read body language, and had been watching her for enough years to know when she was putting on a show.

"Come here." He eyed her like a cat would eye a bird within its paws.

Meg honestly had no clue how cute and sexy she could be. This girl had been told time and time again that she was ugly, or gross, or so many other negative things.

No, Meg Griffin was not the hottest thing alive. No, Meg Griffin was not by any means a girl who'd ever be a model on stage. No, Meg Griffin was not the perfect girl.

Glenn had never liked perfect.

While yes, a notorious womanizer of many, many, women; all shapes, sizes and race... he was also human. At least... at least when he was with her. It was something he hadn't felt in a long time. Twice before... there had been two women in which made him feel like he wasn't some sick fuck with tendencies. The first woman being his first love. The second being his deceased wife. Though perhaps marrying Joan had been a bit rushed...maybe things could have worked out better if they'd taken more time...

And then there was Meg Griffin. The literal girl next door, whom he'd watched for a long time struggle and grow; despite what the world threw at her. He'd never really noticed all the hell she'd gone through until just recently. It was a literal eye opener.

And yes, while he admitted having an infatuation with her mother Lois, that was something altogether different. Lois was something untouchable; a fantasy. Lois, while kind to him and respectful for all the kind things he did, he knew she was disgusted with the acts he committed.

His acts. Not himself. So while she could be his friend, she would never be more. Not unless something devastating happened with Peter, and Brian wasn't there to comfort her...then and only then... but Peter was his best friend, and Glenn did not want to see anything like that ever happen to the man or his family.

Thus it came back to Meg, who wasn't an infatuation but a woman who was with him by choice. Her choice. A young girl still discovering things about the world and herself. A girl with as many flaws as he...perhaps some not at dark...and some darker than his.

The third woman that made him feel like a human being when they were together...and not like a whore. A girl whom accepted the things he proposed to her; who seemed to enjoy it with him. Truly enjoyed it. Not like the many whores and sluts and bimbos he fucked; who only enjoyed it because he did, were being paid to, or because they were just empty shallow idiots.

Which was why he treated her differently. Which was why he focused on making her feel good, over himself. Which was why he had yet to go all the way with her.

He did not want to taint her. For the love of god, he wanted to so badly. He wanted to wreck her like a freight train; possess her and make her scream and wither. Mark her all over and show the world she'd come to him and found God. Though the world had instead seen her with Jimmy Fallon.

That boy had not been kind to Meg.

Glenn was not a doctor of any kind, nor did he pretend to be. However, being well acquainted with a woman's body, he knew how things were naturally supposed to be. He was well versed in not only the literature written of it, but also had a lot of hands on experience with it.

The first time Glenn had approached Meg about the topic of Oral sex, the girl had been flustered, nervous and hesitant...but she was curious...and wanted to know how it felt. She had wanted him to try.

So he did.

He reveled in her squirms and pants and short screams; the way her body responded; the way she moved and how she clawed at the bed; how unbelievably sweet she tasted...

And then he'd found them; felt the healed over scars with his tongue. Too many.

He didn't bring it up until some time after she'd regain her senses. Meg had never really had sex before, so she didn't know what she should have expected. It had been quick, rough, hurt for a bit...the finally felt awesome for a moment or two.

Glenn found himself wanting to kill the bastard for his misdeed. He was shocked by this, but still...some little piss ant had taken Meg's virginity and done so not only publicly, but painfully. He still wasn't sure why he had been so upset about it.

Then again, maybe he did know and didn't want to acknowledge that dark thought. The idea that it had been he who had waited, and waited; only for some random tight ass kid to swoop in and steal what could have been his trophy.

Glenn pulled away from his thoughts back to the present when said girl had made her way over to him, crawling onto the bed, and proceeding to straddle him. He lifted her up just enough to move her so she was sitting on his abdomen.

"Don't move." He commanded her with a husky note in his voice.

She obeyed; already staring at him with some hidden emotion behind her eyes.

He shifted his legs a bit behind her and at one point lifting up only slightly before coming back down. Then the iconic thong found it's way onto the pile on the floor. He watched as the girl suddenly focused on said article of clothing, her face beginning to flush with color. She still hadn't seen him completely in the nude and while he knew it frustrated her beyond belief, it gave him an odd sense of accomplishment. He was such a horrible tease.

But playtime was over and the grin melted away from his lips as he became serious.

"Look at me."

Meg turned away from the floor and found his gaze. It was intent and serious, as was the tone in his voice. Carefully he took her hands and brought them up, placing them against his neck.

"I want you to do this with me right now, while you are aware of yourself."

Meg swallowed, becoming both focused and nervous.

Glenn positioned her hands around his neck carefully.

"This is very important. See how I have your hands open? Always wrap your thumb alongside the neck. Don't ever move your thumbs. Just keep them open like this. Never like this."

He moved her thumbs up to show her what not to do, and put them back down where they needed to be.

"Do you understand?"


She felt him swallow under her hands. Meg was getting more nervous.

"When I tell you to, I want you to start applying pressure. Don't stop, and don't let up. Eventually, I am going to pass out, okay? That's going to happen. Do not be scared, and do not panic."

Meg nodded. He could see she was already scared.

"I want you to do this with me. I want you to know you can have this outlet. Also, I've kind of wanted a partner to do this with. One I can trust."

Meg seemed to relax at this, and she nodded.


Glenn gave her a small smile.

"Okay, go ahead and count to ten slowly. Then start applying pressure."



Meg bit her lip and nodded. Glenn moved his left hand behind her back; trailing down her spine before pulling away from her skin. He rested his right hand against the dip of her hip and thigh, rubbing his thumb against her in a way of comfort.

Meg counted, slowly. She tried not to focus on the rhythmic movement behind her, but on her hands...his face...

And then she began to squeeze. She felt her heartbeat begin to pick up in speed, and felt his pulse in her hands. She counted to ten again before applying more pressure. She did it each time...and somewhere by sixty four, she couldn't focus on just the numbers anymore.

Glenn's pulse was too strong against her fingers, and the gasps for air were curt and garbled. His eyes were losing focus and his body was jerking and jarring beneath her. The hand on her hip was gripping her tightly, and his nails; while short and trimmed, were digging into her flesh like claws.

And her own breath was hitched, eyes unfocused and legs were shaking. She was watching the light in his eyes fade; watching them dim. His was gasping for air, chest heaving, sweating profusely...and the one time she's faltered, he'd choked out a forced cry of 'Don't stop!'

And finally, after who knows how long as Meg had lost count some time ago, she felt Glenn's body spasm violent under her; jerking upward. The hand on her hip gripping her dug into her more before all at once; his eyes rolled, his body fell still, hand loosened from her hip and she felt something wet and warm trickling down the small of her back, down her spine.

Slowly she eased up and let go... panting, shaking...mind a blank.

What... what had she just done?!

She stared at the much too still body beneath her. She pulled her hands up, staring...shaking...

'Oh...Oh God...Oh God, Oh God, Oh God...'

Meg had started to slowly rock back and forth. The euphoric cloud she'd somehow gotten on was beginning to evaporate fast.

Meg gasped when she suddenly felt a hand on her inner thigh. She looked down, only to find an intense gaze meeting her own. She was still shaking a little, but her eyes were still a little unfocused.

Glenn's eyes were no longer clouded over like they had been, but a bit more focused, and...something seemed to dance behind them. A slow smirk played across his lips.

The hand on her thigh snaked itself under the protective layer of cotton and elastic, and Meg choked on a gasp when she felt those talented fingers work on her...but only a moment...a tease.

He pulled away much too soon.


Her head lolled to the side and she lazily caught his gaze; his eyes dancing with some amused merriment as he licked at those talented fingers she wanted back against her.

"Someone really enjoyed themselves..." Glenn wasn't talking about himself.

Meg reached down and grabbed at his hand. She guided it down and pressed it against her body.


Without hesitation, and unlike a man who'd just been suffocated, Glenn leaned up and shifted their positions with ease. He granted her request and slipped his hand under her panties. He teased, toyed and worked her with his fingers until he was sure she was spent.

Meg stilled, panting quietly, not moving much. She couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and opted to bury her face in pillows. Glenn shifted up beside her with ease. He loved satin; it was so fluid a material. Reaching over, he pulled the girl into him and then pulled another sheet partially atop himself.

"I got a little scare..." Meg said quietly.

"It's okay."

"Was... was it better?"

Glenn paused a moment, and drew the girl up to him just a bit more. He knew she was asking if her involvement was better than him being alone.

"Yeah...actually, it was..." He spoke honestly, and a little surprisingly.


Glenn glanced down to see Meg already drifting off, exhausted. It was still decently early in the evening, so a nap wouldn't be a bad idea. He was sure he could throw something together later for a meal if it was deemed necessary. Or hell, maybe he'd sweet talk her into making something. He was pretty sure Meg was going to need a little extra reassurance once her mind regained logical thought process. Whatever the case, he'd worry about it later.

He was tired, spent and dirty... but right now, with this girl cuddled against him, it was one of the times he could fall asleep feeling clean.

~ x ~

So yeah, expect this kind of layout for each posting. This is why I don't consider these PWPs. But yeah, whatever. For those of you who read, I hope you enjoyed.