Sorry for the lull in updates for my stories so I'm going to quick explain what has been happening.

It took two weeks to fix my dam computer. The repair center on my campus spent the first week running software checks and updating stuff but that only aggravated the situation and practically made my computer unusable. I was then told to re-image my computer, which meant that I had to back everything of importance up or I'd loose it all. Unfortunately it did not fix my problem meaning I had to do all of it for no reason. Eventually they got around to replacing my system board and the problem is now fixed.

Then I had homework and tests that were taking up too much time. It was also killing all my muses.

Fortunately, I had no finals so I was able to spend the past couple of weeks re-charging and bringing my muses back to life. I plan to resume writing on my fics after graduation, though I do have to start looking into internships so I'll be jumping between writing my fics and looking for work.

Fic updates:

Angels and Daemons as well as Of Love and Loss will be the first to resume. Before all of this started I had a chapter partially written for one story and was just starting another chapter for the other.

Twisted Paths and Dragonborn Comes are going to be on hiatus for a bit. They are to be my biggest projects but my muses seem to be uncooperative. Hopefully it wont be the case for too long.