Summary: AU Paths never crossed. Roads never walked. Trials never taken. He was Tsunayoshi Sawada, and to them, he nothing but another face in the crowd. To him, they were nothing but strangers with troubled pasts. Fate has a strange way of weaving lives together. TYL OOC?
Rated M for language, possible gore, and safety reasons.
Disclaimer: Belongs to Amano-sensei only. I only own this plot and any future OCs.
Enjoy minna~!
Unbeta'd: all mistakes are my own and I will fix them when you or I catch them :)
Capitolo Uno:
Sky [Cielo]
"When I look up at the sky, I remember that I'm not alone. There are billions of other people who are all under the same blue blanket. Those are the people I want to protect, Reborn,"
It was cold.
Which was obvious because it was winter: it was supposed to cold.
Mochida chuckled at his musings. How pathetic was he? Sitting out in the cold, only the clothes on his back to call his own, and a bottle of the best damn tasting beer filling his empty stomach.
Fuck, life was good.
Mochida grinned as he took another swig of the dark liquor causing his chapped lips to sting pleasantly. The hot liquid burned down his throat and curled around his stomach like a purring kitten. He sighed, opening his cloudy black eyes with a look of pure bliss etched on his red face.
"How disgusting," a feminine voice snuffed in disdain causing the raven to look up, startled. A woman, about mid-forties, with a look of money about her was hovering over him. Looking down at him, nose raised, like he was nothing but a drowned rat. Flaunting her riches at his raggedy old self.
Old hag.
"Whhhhaaad," he slurred glaring at the woman hidden behind a magically appearing handkerchief, "Neva seen a man sittin' befur~!" Through his drunken hazed mind, deep down to the hidden intelligent man inside, he knew what he had just said was idiotic. He only retorted out of shallow pride and drunken stupor. Staring up at her from his throne of trash and waste only chipped away at that deluded pride.
"If yer don'ter like, dontcha watch, you bitch~!" he snarled. The older woman huffed, muttering a few colorful words of her own, and walked off with her head held high and high-heeled shoes clipping on the frozen pavement.
"Yah~! Ya keep walkin'!" he yelled back and tossed the bottle after her. The bottle shattered inches from her heels. The old hag screeched in fright, jumping away darting down the road: swearing retribution. The instant the glass hit the ground, shattering into a million pieces, Mochida was flooded with regret.
There went his last beer.
"Shit!" he whined running a hand through his hair, "Ma beer." He closed his eyes as his sluggish mind cried over the terrible loss. Whad ah waste.
"Senpai?" a voice, less snobbish but even more annoying, entered upon his sanctuary. Mochida opened his eyes slowly, fully intending to chew the newcomer a new one, when familiar caramel eyes stared innocently back at him.
That familiar agitating look.
Mochida scoffed, just his bloody luck. "Come ter mock?"
The brunette remained silent as he bent over the fallen raven, moving ever so slowly, almost hesitantly, closer so his orange colored umbrella blocked the falling snow flakes. He was bundled up from head to toe from what the Mochida could see: X-large coat too big for his scrawny body, giant gloves consuming his hands whole, long stripped scarf dangling mockingly at his knees, and black boots looking worn down to to the sole. Only his rosy red nose and his all to knowing and all to caring eyes were open to the bitter air.
Mochida was suddenly filled up with the all too familiar feeling to deck the guy.
"Come on, lauff!" he slurred, black eyes ablaze, glaring up like he was goading god, "Ah, bet you wan'ta. Rub it in mah face like ah don' already 'now." he laughed, sounding bitter and if not a bit crazed.
The fallen raven pointed accusingly the brunette, the supposed superior...
His ass.
"Ah beeeet," his words slurred upon a tangled tongue, and his hand wouldn't stay straight and true in the air, but Mochida didn't notice, "Ahh bet. You wan'ta to pow'unch me! HA! Teach the lowly scum ah lesson! Teach him, hmmm teach him," Mochida swallowed the smiled broadly, "Who es 'o good 'ow? 'O good 'ow. Mmm hmm," Mochida leaned back with a smug grin, crossing his arms across his chest content as a cat, "Ah bet." Mochida waited for a reaction, but the brunette remained silent, refusing to anything. It only served to cause the raven to become even more irritated and restless, but before he could yell and rant at the male, a soft gloved hand pulled at his dirtied sleeve.
"You must be cold," He whispered, stating something Mochida obviously didn't know already, "Why don't you stay the night at my house?"
Mochida was stunned to silence, unable to think of a witty comeback. His mouth began to open and close like a gasping fish.
"Huuuh?" he replied intelligently. The brunette smiled squatting down to his level and cocked his head.
"Come, Mochida-senpai, its snowing. I don't want you to freeze to death," he said his grip tightening on Mochida's sleeve.
Mochida's eyebrows furrowed together. Ah, he got it now. The brat doesn't want to have a guilty conscience, he thought irritability, well I'll show him. I'm no weakling.
He settled for a bitter laugh and a sneer, "Go, 'rat. I don' need 'our sym'athy." He didn't need anyone. He hasn't for a long time.
"Why not?" Tsuna said with a smile, "Someone should care, right?"
Mochida's eyebrow twitched. His hands were just aching to wipe that smile right off the brunette's face.
"You' goin' to re'great thurs words," he hissed glaring. The brunette's features didn't deter a bit. Mochida sighed knowing he wasn't going to get out of this one. The brunette looked absolutely damned determined for him to spend the night, and so, spend the night he would. What hell? A warm bed or the cold ground? Even a drunk, such as himself, could tell that was a no-brainer question.
"One nigh'!" he hissed finally, "That' it! One!" The brunette brightened as he pulled the drunkard to his feet. Mochida staggered, his head spirally up and downwards at lightening speeds, and his feet stumbled over each other trying to catch the ground. He fell into Tsuna's waiting arms.
"Imma goin' to eat ya outa house an' home," he promised as he leaned, unconsciously, into the lanky male's warmth. The brunette just hummed in response deciding it was better not to say anything. He had a feeling, in the back of his mind, that if he said anything, good or bad, just one word from the brunette's mouth would of set the raven off into panic. Mochida was already teasing the edges of his sanity.
"One nigh'. One nigh'," the fallen raven chanted like a swear, his voice muffled by the brunette's shoulder.
Who would of figured one night would turn into two, then three, four, and so many afterward.
"Hello, Mama," Tsuna grinned, "How are you doing? Hope you're having fun and are happy being with Grandma and Grandpa. I'm doing fine. Just got a promotion at work! I guess you could say I' apprentice waiter at the restaurant, but I can't complain. A promotion is a promotion and I'm one step closer to my dream!" Tsuna shuffled on his feet excitedly before kneeling down in front of white marble tomb stone.
"Mochida says hi...well not in his exact words, but that was his meaning anyway. Before you say anything, our relationship has been going well. I mean, being roommates with an ex-bully of mine can get a bit awkward, but its gotten better. I swear." Tsuna could see her looking doubtful, arms crossed like she was ready to protest, but at the same time, holding a gleam of happiness twinkling about in her chocolate eyes.
"I made your favorite," he said suddenly pulling out a bento box as if in a hurry to distract her,"Tonkatsu." He set the box near the tombstone, "I thought we could have lunch together before I have to head back!" He pulled out another bento from his knapsack and placed it upon his legs. His mother sparkled. "You're going to have to tell me what you think of it, okay? I've been practicing. Mochida says it still tastes..."
"-tastes like shit!"
"...bad...but he still eats it. So I take that as a good sign." Placing the chop sticks between his finger, Tsuna gently picked up a bright yellow egg roll. Popping it in his mouth he continued.
"Having a roommate isn't so bad. Its good to cook for other people again even if it is Mochida. He pays the rent, when he can. Not to make him sound bad or anything but...well you know his personality, Mama. He doesn't exactly have the most inviting personam" Tsuna leans closer, covering part of his mouth, "He carries around his old kendo sword! Says he doesn't feel comfortable without it. I'm just happy its not a real one." Tsuna stuffed more food into his mouth.
"So you know how I told you he told me about what happened in high school and I said I couldn't tell you because he made me promise not too. It was a drunken promise but still a promise. Don't look at me like that Mama. You've always told me to keep my promises. Anyway, so I asked him if I could tell you and..."
"What the-? Don't you-? I mean-FUCK! I guess-! I don't give a shit, anymore. Go...tell...her...I guess. Fuck! Don't talk to me, right now,"
"He said yes!" his grin widened as he shuffled in his seat anxiously, "So apparently, in high school he dated Kyoko Sasagawa, you now the most popular girl in Namimori, I've told you about her before." His cheeks tinted to a light pink.
"Well, he dated Sasagawa-san all the way up to freshman year in college. Then his life took a turn for the worst when his parents divorced. His father apparently cut him off from his inheritance over kendo," his mother gasped and shook her head. Tsuna nodded his head vigorously, "Yes, kendo, Mama. Senpai wanted to quit kendo and not take over his father's vast Estate. His father didn't like that..."
"Fuckin', old geez-er! Droppa me like ah disease. All 'cause of kendo! Neva did like ta sport...felt off. 'ad 'o rhythm, 'o meanin', dame-tsuna. Attac'! Attac'! Attac'! Then ma mudder! Left ma fo' a' new family! Haven' spoke ta me in years! Fuckin' pa'ents! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"
"With no more money coming in, and his scholarship for kendo dropped, he couldn't handle school. He never was the most academic, Mama. His grades failed and so did his relationship with Sasagawa-san. They broke up at the beginning of Sophomore year," Tsuna gave a thoughtful look.
"Senpai sure has had a rough life, Mama. I'm glad...I could help him. Even if its only giving him a roof over his head and warm food to eat. Though we haven't had the best past together, I'm glad our paths crossed again. He's...good company. Sometimes, when I'm experimenting in the kitchen, Senpai would just sit there on the counter and sleep. Sometimes we would talk - er, I guess I mean, I would talk and he would listen. He would sometimes give his input but most of the time he's telling me to..."
"Don't you ever shut the fuck up?"
" less vocal. Don't worry, Mama, everything is going well. I think I'm getting through to him!" The brunette smiled brightly. Finishing his lunch, Tsuna placed the now empty bento back in his knapsack. Standing up he placed the bag over his shoulder.
"Well I better be off! Don't want, Senpai to worry. He gets a bit grouchy if I'm not back at my intended time. I think he secretly doesn't like to be alone," he whispered the last part to the white marble.
"Goodbye, Mama. Say hello to Grandma and Grandpa for me. I'll see you next week," Tsuna gave a short wave and bowed his head. As he closed his eyes and waited, he could almost feel her soft dainty hands running through his wild locks. He could almost hear her voice.
"I love you Tsu-kun. Be safe,"
"I will, Okaa-san," he whispered in reply and stood up; unshed tears gleaming in his caramel eyes. Tsuna turned away from the tombstone walking down the white laid out path to the entrance of the cemetery. An unnatural gust of wind blew past startling the brunette. Closing his eyes he raised his arms to protect his face. The wind went around him and circled around Nana Sawada's resting place. The incense that was burning softly, lit up. The smoke grew in size circling around each other like snakes. Flowing upward to the sky like it was climbing stairs to the heavens. When the wind stopped, and the incense burnt out, Tsuna opened his eyes. Blinking rapidly he looked around in confusion.
"Strange," he mumbled before shaking the phenomenon off. As he continued walking down the road he gazed over the other tombstones. Some where cared for covered in flowers and fresh incense. Others where left dirtied and over grown by grass, ivy, and weeds. Tsuna looked over them with sadness in his eyes. It was terrible how some people treated those who have passed: with no care in the world. As Tsuna walked, mauling over the unfairness in the world, he passed a certain tombstone that caught his eyes.
It was one left untouched. Overgrown and decaying from years of natures abuse. It looked as though the marble tombstone hadn't seen daylight in decades. The brunette frowned.
"How horrible," he whispered bending down to the tombstone's level. Brushing off the weeds, the tomb looked as though it was white at one time, but after weather and climate changes it was now gray. Almost black with chips and cracks. Even the name was barely legible. Shaking his head he reached into his knapsack pulling out a single incense and lighter. Placing the long stick into ground, Tsuna lit the top and watch as the smoke rise and twist in the air. Clasping his hand together he began to pray.
"I don't know your name or your story, but where ever you are, I hope peace finds you," Smiling he stood up and patted the old tombstone, "I'll visit again, I promise Stranger-san." Feeling his duty done Tsuna began walking down the road again. With each step he took he felt an odd rush of fear curling around his heart. Pain hit his stomach like a punch. Anxiety wound up and around his body like a coiling snake. He felt like he was going to be sick. Falling to his knees, he held himself as his body began to shake. Tears fell from his eyes freely as he stared up at the blue sky with fear and pain. An unfamiliar emotion rose up in him as he bit his lip to keep from sobbing.
"Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't," he chanted before it became to painful to breathe.
His world blurred for a moment before turning black. Tsuna's head hit the ground as he fainted.
"Out of all the stupid and idiotic...are you some kind of idiot! Having a panic attack in the middle of a cemetery!" Mochida yelled throwing the keys on top of the counter. Tsuna hung by the doorway looking sheepishly up at the older man.
"I don't know what happened," he said honestly, "I haven't had an attack since high school." Mochida turned to the brunette and glared at him before storming to the couch.
"Can't believe I had to pick you up at the hospital," he growled, jumping on the worn touch with a huff, "Don't inconvenience me again, dame-tsuna." The brunette shut the door behind him and slipped off his shoes placing them orderly by the wall.
"Sorry," he apologized, "I would of drove myself but the doctor insisted someone come pick me up." Mochida looked at him from the corner of his eye before letting out a snort.
"Whatever," he muttered, "Just don't do it again." Tsuna smiled and bowed his head. Despite the older man's gruff uncaring exterior, Tsuna could tell the man was actually worried. From the ragged way he was dressed [put in a hurry, Tsuna assumed] to his agitated mumbling and anger. Mochida was really a caring person. How long has it been since Mochida started living with him? Six months? Seven months? Tsuna couldn't remember. It seems Mochida had just merged into his life settling into Tsuna's daily routines.
"So?" Mochida grunted breaking the brunette out of his thoughts.
"Hm?" Tsuna hummed as he stepped into the kitchen tying an apron around his back, "So, what?"
"Did the doctor say anything else?" he mumbled eying the brunette.
"Only to take it easy, and not to do any strenuous work," he replied looking into the refrigerator. Maybe he should make curry with beef? Tsuna pondered biting his lip.
"Would you like curry?" Tsuna asked Mochida pulling out milk, carrots, and onions.
"I don't care," Mochida mumbled with he eyes closed, "Hey dame-tsuna, hand me a cold beer." Tsuna hummed in answer as he reached back into the refrigerator grabbing a blue can. Walking over the raven, Tsuna set the can down onto a coaster. Mochida opened his eyes and glared at the brunette.
"You fucking idiot," he growled sitting up.
"Hheei~?" Tsuna exclaimed in confusion.
"I asked you for a beer," Mochida growled bluntly pinning the brunette down with burning coals.
"A-and I gave you one," Tsuna stated pointing at the sweating blue can.
"Yeah," Mochida frowned grabbing the can and popping the top, "You got it and you weren't suppose too, you idiot."
"B-b-but?" Tsuna stuttered in confusion blinking rapidly.
"You're suppose to say no!" Mochida bit out, "Tell me to get off my ass and get it myself! You're not my mother!" Tsuna was stunned opening and closing his mouth.
"Dumbass," Mochida snarled taking a swig of the tongue tingling liquid.
"Eh?" Tsuna whined, "I couldn't do that!"
"Obviously," Mochida huffed, "Just go make dinner, dame-tsuna."
"Yes!" Tsuna beamed as he walked over to the kitchen. Mochida scoffed and chugged the beer. Tsuna hummed as he turned on the rice machine and started the fire for the skillet.
"I'm going to work after I make the dinner so I'm going to need you to do the dishes," Tsuna commented rolling up his sleeves.
"Hn," Mochida replied grabbing the remote to the 20 inch flat screen TV. He went to turn it on but paused in mid-action. Turning to the cheerful brunette he made a deep scowl.
"You're still going to that shitty place?" he inquired harshly, "I thought the doctor said not do anything!"
"Nothing strenuous," Tsuna reminded kindly, "I'm only a waiter."
"Che," Mochida took another swig from the blue can mumbling something about "His ass", "Greedy shits", and "fucking tunas". Tsuna smiled and shook his head.
"I need to go to work," the brunette explained dicing the onions into small cubs: without a hint of tears, "Besides, we need the money."
Mochida remained silent as he shrugged off the tinge of guilty creeping into his heart. It wasn't his problem, it was the brat's house. He could leave anytime and wouldn't even bat an eye. Mochida sniffed hotly, now if only his heart accepted that as much as his mind did.
"Whatever," he grumbled, "Don't say I didn't warn you."
"Hai, hai," Tsuna said almost motherly; irking the raven. Soon Tsuna continued making dinner singing a soft tune to himself. Mochida listened to him fumming with unfamiliar and confusing emotions.
Mochida's eyebrow twitched with each repetitive sound.
"Damn it!" Mochida screamed startling the brunette. Slamming knife down (the brunette barely missing his fingers by centimeters) he looked up at the raven with wide eyes. Standing up, Mochida stalked into the kitchen his finger pointed threatening at Tsuna.
"I'm picking you up, got it? I don't need another trip to the hospital. I'm only doing this once, dame-tsuna. Once! So you better take care of yourself at that shitty place or I'm going to beat you! You fucking got it brat?" Tsuna blinked rapidly in shock as he nodded his head unconsciously. Seemingly satisfied with his answer, Mochida lips twitched as he swung around and stalked back into the living room. Plopping himself back on the couch, Mochida, feeling more at ease, turned up the volume on the TV and sipped his beer. Tsuna watched the entire scene with warm eyes. Shaking his head, he suppressed a giggle as he continued cooking with new enthusiasm.
Mochida-senpai was too kind for his own good.
Yosogawa's Traditional Japanese Cuisine was the finest restaurant in Namimori and one of the top ten in all of Japan. The walls were crimson red with sheer curtains, the table clothes were pristine white along with the pressed napkins, the floor was swept and steamed cleaned daily (so clean you could eat off of it), the silverware was brightened and shined so you could see your face staring back at you, and the servers were as clean and shiny as a new penny. Almost with a new car smell to them. Always in the tradition black and white; their charming personality and practiced smile could mute a wailing child. Yes, Yosogawa's was the best, and that's what Tsuna was looking for.
Tsuna stood in attention as the owner, Takashiro Yosogawa, came marching to a stop in front of him.
"Yes, Yosogawa-san?" Tsuna asked courteously bowing his head to the older gentlemen. Yosogawa gripped Tsuna's shoulder tightly and bent to his level to look him in the eyes. Blue eyes stared down caramel.
"Don't be nervous, okay. Do your best! If things go wrong, just. Don't. Panic. Okay? Things happen. But try not to mess up?" Yosogawa rambled his eyes blinking rapidly. He ended with an uncertain question rather a statement. Tsuna caught that slip. Tsuna was suddenly a bundle of nerves he wasn't before. His recent excitement was replaced with nervous fear. What if he did mess up? What if he accidentally made a customer mad? What if he disappointed Yosogawa? Or worse...his mother?
"I-I-I-I'll t-try," he stuttered shifting nervously in Yosogawa's grasp, "I-I mean! I-I-I w-w-wont!" Yosogawa sighed sounding defeated.
"I guess that's all I can ask of you, Sawada," he sighed sounding a bit distressed, "Go stand with the others."
"Y-y-yes!" Tsuna complied stumbling away from the man. With his knees and hands shaking he barely made it to the line of servers in the front of the restaurant without tripping. Immediately the whispers began:
"Great, Sawada's here."
"Tonight is just going to be awesome,"
"Oh god, I hope he doesn't screw up badly,"
"Why the hell did he get a promotion anyway?"
"He was better as a bus-boy; he was less destructive and in everyone's way,"
"This is going to suck,"
Tsuna's breathing hitched as he felt his heart beat speed up. Oh god, he couldn't do it. He couldn't! He was going to mess up. They were right. He was out of his mind accepting this job. He was going to doom them all. His breathing became quick and labored as his chest gave a familiar agonizing squeeze.
"Tsuna-kun," a soft soothing voice whispered by his side. Looking down he saw a short curly blonde with bright blue eyes staring at him with concern.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine. As long as you do your best nothing can go wrong," the blonde teenager encouraged.
"T-thank you, Koi-chan," he replied to the girl. Koi smiled warmly patting his shoulder before facing the front. Yosogawa stood before them the waiters looking prestige and graceful, his curly brown head held high.
"Alright, you know the drill. Greet and serve. Customers are golden and are always right," he stated promptly.
"Except when their wrong," someone whispered to another. If Yosogawa heard him, he didn't acknowledge it.
"As you know, Sawada has...joined...the...front," he said sounding unsure. There was deathly silence as Tsuna fidgeted nervously in his place.
"So I want everyone to guide Sawada. Be his mentor, teach him the ropes. Just...keep an eye on him," he said urging the last statement. Koi tugged his sleeve smiling brightly up at him.
"Don't worry, Tsuna-kun," she encouraged, "You'll do fine."
Tsuna swallowed thickly and nodded, "H-h-hai."
"Alright everyone!" Yosogawa exclaimed, "Smile! And Bow!"
Everyone followed suit, bowing their heads to the grand opening doors.
Tsuna's down fall was a Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake. Everything was going fine, great even, until that devilish desert.
At first he was nervous, shaking when he handed over the menu's and his voice cracked when he stated the appetizers. As time pasted and more orders were taken, Tsuna gained confidence. I can do this, he began to think, I can actually do this.
He was a natural.
Flowing around the front like a gentle breeze: greeting people, smiling, and taking orders with grace and speed. He got many compliments from Yosogawa, other employees, and even costumers. It was great.
Until a young woman ordered desert. Until desert, Tsuna hadn't stumbled, tripped, or broken anything. Until desert, when Tsuna was the king of the front. It wasn't until desert that Tsuna realized how wrong he was.
"It wasn't your fault!" Koi tried to persuade the depressed brunette, "That bastard made you trip!"
Tsuna wanted to snort as his hands dove into the sudsy hot pool, "It can't be. I tripped over Naga-san, it was nobodies fault but my own."
"I'm telling you! He tripped you on purpose! He's wanted you to lose your position! He was jealous!" Koi exclaimed throwing her hands in the air exasperated. Tsuna shook his head again as he pulled out a white plate from the pool.
"That's not true," he denied. Why would anyone be jealous over him? He wasn't anybody important. Besides cooking, the brunette had nothing unique about him. It didn't make any sense.
"You are so...frustrating! We should go speak to Yosogawa, and straighten this out! Get your position back! You deserve it, Tsuna-kun!" Tsuna dropped the plate he had been washing back into the sink, and slammed his hands down. Koi jumped at the sudden action her eyes going wide in shock and fright. She had never seen Tsuna look so...angry.
"I'm going to take out the trash," he said softly but stern leaving no room for argument. Koi opened and closed her mouth as she watch Tsuna move past.
"B-b-b-but," she stuttered and continued to stutter even when Tsuna turned around the corner disappearing from her sight.
How embarrassing, Tsuna growled at himself as he tugged the black trash bags out through the back door, disgraceful.
He tripped. He still couldn't believe he tripped.
"You're doing good, Sawada," Yosogawa exclaimed clapping the smaller man on the shoulder. Tsuna was hunched over by the sudden force but a light blush tinted his cheeks.
"T-t-thanks," he replied softly as he ducked past his employer.
"Keep this up, and there will be a bright future ahead of you," he stated following the brunette, "You may even be well on your way to becoming an apprentice-"
Tsuna stopped dead in his tracks, in mid-motion of hanging up an order, and his eyes went wide. Yosogawa took that moment to lean in close and with a twinkle in his eyes he whispered:
"-to the head chef,"
Tsuna's heart jumped. He was going to be - be a-! He couldn't even fathom the word. Yosogawa gave him another hard slap on the back before adventuring to the front again. Tsuna stood there gaping, ticket in hand, stunned. He did it. He did it! He was finally going to realize is life long dream. He was going to be a chef. He was going too cook food for people. People were going to eat his food. He grinned, I finally did it, mama. He shook his head before continuing onto his task. Ignorant of the glare he was receiving from the shadows.
"Sawada, Table three's dessert is up!" shouted the chef in white.
"Thanks!" Tsuna grinned as he grabbed the plate with a dark chocolate morsel in the center. Placing it on his round tray he bounded out of the kitchen with a spring in his step. He walked past other tables with customers settled in them, chatting happily as they waited for their meal, he passed his fellow waiters as they took orders and served, and he passed them all with a wide grin on his face. He practically danced his way over to his customers in complete bliss.
Until that fateful moment, when he tripped over another waiter. His head was in the skies and he wasn't paying attention where he was going. The waiter, Naga, was backing up from his table when the brunette ran into him. Tsuna toppled over him, the tray slipping out of his hand and the dish tossed up in the air. His eyes grew wide as he watched the cake in slow motion twirl in the air before falling straight into an older woman's lap.
If the air wasn't already knocked out of him, he surely would of stopped breathing. The woman screamed in anger as her husband tried consoling her, and at the same time, yelling at other waiters for assistance. Calling for the manager. Tsuna fell to the ground stunned as Naga pushed him off.
"Way to go, dame-tsuna," he hissed with a slight glint of dark satisfaction.
"I-I-I-I," Tsuna stuttered unable to comprehend what had just happened.
Where did his shining future just go?
With great difficulty the brunette heaved the heavy bags one by one into the disposal. I better get used to this, Tsuna thought bitterly, This is going to be my life. Nothing but a third-rate nobody. He grunted as he finished the last load, his breathing labored at the effort. Bowing his head he couldn't stop the unwanted tears that fell.
"W-w-what am I-I-I going to d-d-do?" he whispered, cradling his head. There was nothing for him now. After his mother died, cooking was all he had. He blew it. He couldn't believe it. He really couldn't. What was he going to do?
"Are you Tsunayoshi Sawada?" a deep baritone voice interrupted. Tsuna blinked and quickly whipped away his tears.
"Y-y-yes?" he replied turning around. Down beyond the dimly light alleyway he could barely see three maybe four silhouettes of men standing in front of the entrance. Who would be out this time of night? And be asking for him?
Curious he called out, "I'm Tsunayoshi."
"Are you the son of the Young Lion, Iemitsu Sawada?" another asked; a red light shining from his lips.
Tsuna's eyes turned cold immediately.
He wasn't drunk.
And that was a fact. He had only three beers and two shots. It was like eating breakfast for fuck sakes. And he wasn't being delusion or in denial. He would know when he was drunk. If he was; he'd be singing to the heaven right now. But he wasn't.
So that little wench should just shut the fuck up already and mind her own damned business.
"You're drunk," the red head stated again for the fifth time. Mochida brow twitched as he nursed his fourth beer.
"No. I'm not," he stated through gritted teeth. She snorted not believing the words he was speaking. Turning around blue eyes flashed as she gazed upon her employer.
"Sensei! Tell him he's drunk!" she demanded the older man. Old man Keiji looked up, his peppered haired was uncombed as usual and his dark eyes were bright and lit with amusement. Chuckling, he pulled out his cigarette and exhaled.
"He's not drunk, Rika," Keiji replied flicking the ash. The red head's mouth dropped looking astounded.
"That can't be! His eyes are red, his words a slurring, and he's beginning to lose motor function,"
"You make it sound like I'm dying," Mochida growled before turning in his chair and pointed at the wench, "I'm not drunk, hear? I'm only swimming."
She snorted turning around, and swung her hips provocatively as she went.
"Ignore her," Keiji stated as he walked towards Mochida, drying a glass in hand, "Its her first day."
"I noticed," he grumbled turning towards the man.
"So Mochi-kun," Keiji began lips twitching at Mochida's glare, "How's Tsuna-kun? I haven't heard from him in a while?" Mochida rolled his eyes. Yeah, that's because he sorta told Tsuna he wouldn't get drunk here again. Not after he was busted up after a fight with some wanna-be asshole. Bitch broke his arm, bloodied his knuckles, gave him a black eye, bruised rib, but it wasn't like the other guy didn't leave untouched either. The thought gave Mochida a feeling of dark glee.
Keiji called Tsuna soon after, and the brunette arrived 15 minutes later. Looking worried, anxious, and fearful, but soon as he saw the raven sitting there with a steak over his eye looking big as a king, all feelings turned into anger. The raven had never seen such fire in dame-tsuna's eyes. After that day, Mochida decided never to get into a drunken rage again.
"He's fine I guess," the raven grumbled taking a sip, "Just his usual self."
The old man nodded, "Tell him to come by sometime. I'll give him a drink: on the house."
Mochida snorted into his glass, "Yea, Sawada drink."
The last time dame-tsuna drank [with Mochida's influence and persuasion skills] it only took him one beer before he was passed out cold. Sawada probably wouldn't drink alcohol again not after the hanger over he had.
But maybe, Mochida suddenly pondered, dame-tsuna drinking wouldn't be such a bad idea. A man who couldn't hold his liquor was a disgrace. Sawada was a disgrace to the male species. He was such a...bitch. It irritated him how easily that kid could be manipulated. He just wanted to beat the living day lights out of him sometimes. Tell him to man up! Take control! Live a little!
Yeah. Having Tsuna hold his liquor was a step closer to Mochida's sanity.
"Fine," the raven stated finally after a moment of silence, "I'll bring him over sometime." There was suspicious glint in the old man eyes like he could knew what Mochida was thinking.
"Good. That's good. I'm glad you are becoming such good friends with Tsuna-kun. You're good for each other." Mochida nearly chocked.
"What! Friends? With him! No! He's just a - er - tool. Yeah, an instrument of my using. He's nothing but, a no good kid," Mochida stated with clarity, but not exactly convincing, "The only thing he's good at is cooking."
"Hmm, Tsuna-kun does make a mean curry," Keiji mused still staring at him with that annoying look. Mochida muttered nonsense to himself as he took a final drink of his beer. Allowing the liquid to burn down his throat and warm his stomach.
"I've got to go," he grumbled standing up and slapping a wad of cash on the counter.
"Oh?" Keiji hummed curiously, "Where are you goin'?"
"I have to pick up a fish," the raven replied dryly as he walked away with his hands in his pockets.
"Have fun, Mochi-kun!" Keiji waved.
"Shut up, old man," the raven growled walking out the door.
"Oya, such a troubled child," Keiji laughed shaking his head.
"Tell me about it," Rika muttered coming back to her boss, "He's such an ass."
"Aw, don't let him bug you, Rikki-chan. He has a good heart," Keiji grinned, "Now get back to work or I'll cut your pay."
Rika snorted looking doubtful, "You're an ass too."
But she walked away.
God he hated this restaurant.
It was too bright. Too clean. It was a place where the stuck up and frivolous bastards go to chuckle at the poor lower class serving them. Always leaving good tips because it helped those less fortunate. It was like their own personal soup kitchen. Made them feel good about themselves.
Fucking rich people. Thinking they are all that and more. Mochida scoffed, what he wouldn't do for five minutes in there.
"Aaah!" Mochida exclaimed rubbing his head, "Where is that dame-tsuna?!"
For 20 minutes he had been standing there, on the side of the road, waiting for the brunette to come out. As the minutes pasted, night became darker, and the people that passed kept glancing at him like he was some kind of street rat.
It was pissing him off.
"Come on, Sawada," he growled, "Come on. Lets go." Mochida tapped his foot impatiently as he glared at those accursed fancy-looking doors. Suddenly, the familiar sound of laughing was heard. It wasn't the people who were laughing were familiar but the sounds of the laughs that were familiar. It was almost like his own when he was in a good fist fight. Crazed, blood thirsty, and dark. Mochida frowned, the sounds were echoing from the alleyway beside Yosagawa's. Kicking off his wall, Mochida nonchalantly walked over to the dark alley, curiosity peeked. As he got closer he could her the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. Bones breaking. Mochida grinned, now this...was more like it.
"Are you sure this is the guy. He looks nothing like the lion?" Mochida heard someone say.
"Yeah, its him. Have you seen the Vongola's wife? The kid looks just like her," another replied. There was grunt as foot collided with ribs.
"Oh yeah," little bitch, who Mochida just now dubbed, laughed, "You almost got us."
"Your father really messed up our family," big bitch growled.
"So we're growing to mess you up," a new voice, pretty boy, giggled. There was a groan of pain and a shuffle of feet.
"Tell your father not to fuck with the Calzetta family!" tough guy, the final voice exclaimed. A fist collided with flesh. From what Mochida could hear the damsel they were beating on was a bloody pulp already. Mochida gave a dark grin. Time to save the damsel in distress, and bust a few skulls open. As the raven rounded the corner he prepared himself for one hell of a fight, but what he wasn't prepared for was the sight he would see.
Red for blood. Red for passion. Red for anger. Red for rage. That's what he saw. It consumed his vision as he felt the beast he had caged deep inside himself break free. Instinct controlled his movements as he darted forward, anger motivated him as he reached to pull the sword he swore to never use.
"You bastards!" he screamed as he jumped on the nearest lurking figure. He bashed the sword over his head so hard the wood split. There were shouts of surprise as he climbed off the unconscious bleeding man. Three other figures backed away, giving him a clear view of the damsel. He felt sick to his stomach as he laid his heated coals on the brunette. He almost didn't believe his eyes. Dame-tsuna was beaten so badly he wasn't even recognizable. His face was black and blue, swollen twice the normal size. His clothes were torn and dirtied covered in blood. Sawada was curled into a tight ball trying to make himself smaller and more protected. It was gut instinct that told Mochida who it was, and that only working doe-like eye. That eye that gazed up at him in fear and relief.
"S-s-s-senp-ai..." those busted and bloody lips whispered. The fear in Tsuna's eyes changed. Changed into concern for not himself, but for another person.
Mochida lost it.
"Die," he seethed, his grip tightening.
"I don't know who you are-," stated tough guy, "-but you don't know who you're dealing with."
"Oh, I know," he growled, "A bunch of spineless asshole who can't pick on someone there own size."
"You're dead," pretty boy exclaimed reaching behind and pulling out a silver knife. They charged at him, coming in different directions. Mochida sneered as he shot forward towards big bitch, jamming the end of the sword into his jaw. As big bitch stumbled back in pain, Mochida turned on one foot and side kicked the guy in the face.
"Bastard!" cried pretty boy jutting the knife out. The raven eyes lit as he back handed the knife out of the guy's grasp. The knife clattered on the ground as Mochida struck pretty boy's nose with his elbow. Tough guy came at him with fists causing Mochida to continually step backwards.
"You're going to regret what you've done," Tough guy heaved through punches. Mochida just smirked as he ducked down and jammed the splinted end of his sword into the man's abdominal.
"Take this!" big bitch yelled taking up the fallen knife swinging up.
"Don't you know-," Mochida taunted dodging the thrusts, "-knives are dangerous!" He ducked and leg swept the stumbling fool. When big bitch hit the ground groaning, Mochida came upon him and stomped his face in, officially knocking the man out. Pretty boy took his legs out from under him. Mochida stumbled and turned around, eyes blazing, as the man held on. Pretty boy grinned as he struck the knife into the raven's thigh. Mochida screamed in anger and pain as he took the end of the sword and bashed pretty boy's face in over and over again until he fell unconscious next to the others. Breathing heavily, Mochida grunted in pain as he pulled out the knife from his thigh. He stared at the blood staining the blade before turning to the final offender. Tough guy stood in front of the entrance of the alleyway his breathing just as labored as the raven's. Taking a step towards the man, Mochida clenched the knife until his knuckles turned white.
"Don't move," Tough guy threatened raising his hand revealing a revolver. Mochida froze in place his eyes never leaving tough guy's.
"I don't know who the fuck you are," he hissed, "But you have no fucking idea who you are dealing with! So drop the knife!"
Mochida dropped the offending item onto the ground without hesitation.
"Get on your knees!" he demanded flinching the gun to the ground. The raven didn't move instead he stared down the man. Coals burning.
"I said-" he exclaimed marching over to Mochida, "-get on your knees!" Once again he didn't move, even when the open end was inches away from his face. His eyes taunted tough guy telling him to do it. Telling him to shoot the raven down. Tough guy snarled as he clocked the gun.
"Now or your dead," he swore.
Mochida just smiled, "Do it, asshole. I dare you." Tough guy's eyes widened for a second before narrowing.
"Fuc-" tough guy started before his face suddenly turned purple. Mochida watched, as if in slow motion, the small brunette shove tough guy with a determined look on his face and unfamiliar light in his eyes. Suddenly, there was a loud bang that echoed in the air startling Mochida back into reality.
"You can't save the world, dame-tsuna. You can only live in it,"
Eh, I'm sorry if Tsuna sounds and acts a little...feminine. But remember he was raised by Nana by herself. And he didn't have any male friends or even a male figure to look up too. (Yea a little Iemitsu bashing) So he's going to be a bit female-ish. But honestly Tsuna is completely heterosexual! Sorry to those who are yaoi fans (which i am one of course but-) its honestly not that kind of fanfic.
How do you like Mochida? I'm impressed with myself in all honesty. I was trying to figure out a roommate for Tsuna because honestly, the brunette is to kind-hearted to live by himself. At first, I thought about Hana or Haru (they would be neighbors not roommates because Tsuna couldn't handle living with a female, lol) but...i have more important ideas for them xD
Honestly i think this story is only to be like nine or ten chapters long. Just to get the guardians in. Its more like a short story than a series. Idk if I'm going to change that or not. Most likely not, but we'll see wont we :)
Please review! Even if its just say its "good or bad"
one word or one sentence ~ I don't care minna as long as you put your thoughts down!
[Don't talk to strangers! They might be mafia!]
Next Chapter!
Capitolo Due:
Cloud [Nuvola]
Edited 7/11/13, 5:24 a.m.