May I present Hermione... Zabini?
Chapter 1
Hermione woke up feeling very...odd. She couldn't place it exactly but something was off.
She got out of her Scarlett four poster bed in the girls dormitory and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get ready for the day. She put some toothpaste on her purple toothbrush and brushed her teeth not looking up at the mirror. She rinsed and spit and then went to look in the mirror and screamed at what she saw.
She looked completely different. Her skin was a caramel color, her hair was a bit darker brown and her eyes were hazel instead of chocolate. She also noticed that she was a bit taller than usual.
She quickly decided to get dressed and head to Dumbledore's office to sort this out. She guessed the password in less than ten minutes by naming every type of candy she could possibly think of. She knocked on the door to his inner office.
"Come in." She heard the professor say.
She entered and sat in one of the extremely comfy chairs in front of the headmaster's desk.
"Can you explain this to me?" Hermione asked sounding confused and worried.
"I don't think I'm the right person to tell you Hermione, but there is someone here who can. Mrs. Zabini, would you please join us?"
A woman Hermione had never seen before in her life descended the stairs very gracefully. She looked almost exactly like Hermione but older and her eyes were blue instead of brown.
"Before you start asking any questions let me explain."
Hermione just sat there waiting for Mrs. Zabini to continue.
"My name is Alexandra Zabini and I am your real mother. I know this may be a shock to you but you and Blaise are twins. I presume today is your seventeenth birthday correct?"
Hermione just nodded.
"When you and Blaise were born we were being pursued by lord Voldemort. We decided that for your own safety we would have to give you up. We placed a glamour charm on you that would disappear once you were of age and put you up for adoption. It was so hard to let you go that I checked up on you quite often. So often in fact, that I basically know everything about you. I didn't know how to tell you when I knew the day was approaching so I asked Dumbledore to help me. Your father Jonathan and I would like you to come a week before the holidays so we may explain to your adoptive parents and get to know you better. Will you please say yes?"
Hermione was shell shocked she didn't know what to say. She was happy of course to know who she was but she was also afraid of her new life to come. How would her friends take the news and what about Blaise her twin? What would he think of all this? Hermione stopped thinking for a moment and considered her life.
"Yes, I would love to come home momma."
"I'm very glad to hear that dear! Your father will be overjoyed!" Alexandra stood up and hugged her now sobbing daughter.
Hermione clung to her mother never wanting to let her go. "Go pack your things dear I'll take you home now. If that's alright with you headmaster?"
"Of course my dear please go ahead and reunite with the rest of your family. Also feel free to take Mr. Zabini with you." Dumbledore smiled and walked away from the tearful women.
"Come on Hermione let's go fetch your brother."
"Ok momma!" Hermione was excited to meet her twin she always wanted a brother.
"What would you say if I said I was having you resorted?"
"Well, I would want to give it a shot because I don't really know what or who I am and everything I knew about the other houses was probably wrong. I'm all for it."
"Alright dear well do that when you get back."
The two Zabini women walked to the Gryffindor common room so Hermione could gather her things and say goodbye to her friends. She brought her trunk down the girl's dormitory stairs and saw her mother and friends waiting for her in the common room. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Luna were there a bit teary even if it was just the winter holidays.
"Have fun learning about yourself Hermione. I know what that's like." Harry said comfortingly with a smile on his face.
"Yeah, we're really going to miss you." Ron said disheartened. He thought that now she knew her true status in the world she wouldn't go for someone like him. He was fine being friends though if that was what she wanted.
"Who am I supposed to talk to about girl things while you're gone?!" Ginny wailed.
"You have Luna, Ginny I'm sure you'll survive without me." Hermione hugged her best girl friend and moved on to Luna.
"We sure will miss you Hermione. Hope you don't run into any skizzlepuffs." Luna said with her usual far of look and dreamy voice.
"I really am going to miss you guys." Hermione said sadly, "But it's only for three weeks, then we can get back together and I can tell you all about what I learn."
"Bye Hermione!" They all chorused as she and her mother left the common room to collect Blaise from the dungeons.
"Such lovely friends you have dear. They all seem to care a great deal for you, and I approve."
"Thank you mother, that means so much to me." Hermione said as they walked down the winding staircase to the Slytherin common room. She paused on the steps and her mother looked at her a question in her gaze.
"Um, momma?"
"yes dear?" Mrs. Zabini said curiously.
"Could you actually just write a letter to my par... to the Grangers?"
"Of course dear but why?"
Hermione looked a little nervous. "Well, they were nice enough to me but I'd rather not see them again. We were never really that close or anything and I still want them to know the truth I just don't want to deliver it."
"Of course dear if that would make you feel more comfortable.
"Thank you mother."
They resumed walking down the stairs and opened the big wooden door. The two exotic looking women entered the room both the epitome of grace and beauty. Blaise Zabini was sitting on the cushy green couch in front of the fireplace when his mother of all people walked in along with a girl he had never seen before. She looked excited and nervous at the same time, as well as vaguely familiar.
"Blaise go pack your things your sister and I have come to take you home a bit before the holidays so we can get better acquainted."
"What?" Blaise asked curiously.
"I'll explain when we get home dear, just get your things and meet us at the entrance hall."
Blaise suddenly remembering where he was said, "Of course mother I'll be up in just a minute."
The two women left the room just as they had entered and went to wait for Blaise in the Entrance hall. Blaise went to his room and sat on his four poster looking shocked and confused as hell.
"You alright there mate?" Draco asked him clapping his friend on the back.
"I have a sister and I am going home to get to know her better. I don't know about you but that's not alright to me. I have always wanted a sister and now my mother just shows up with some random girl. How do I act around her what do I say? I don't know a thing about my own bloody little sister!"
"How do you know she's your little sister?" Draco asked chuckling at his stupefied best friend.
"I want her to be my little sister and so, she will be if she knows what's good for her." Blaise said with conviction.
"But seriously what if she doesn't like me or wants nothing to do with the family? Or what if she is some sort of ministry spy sent to arrest me for something?" Blaise asked with a horrified and shocked expression.
Draco patted his friend on the back reassuringly. "I'm sure she'll like you just fine Blaise. You haven't even talked to the girl and you're already jumping to conclusions."
"You're right I'm just nervous." Blaise said and began to pack his things. Once he had everything gathered he went to the door of the room he had shared with Draco since first year. "See you during or after break mate." Blaise said anxious for what was to come.
"You'll be fine mate and I'll see you and your sister during the Malfoy Christmas Ball." Draco was internally wondering who exactly this girl was and what she was like. Oh well, he thought, he would find out soon enough.
Blaise walked up the last steps of the grand staircase and entered the entrance hall.
"There you are son. Ready to go?"
"Yes mother."
"Alright then come along."
Blaise walked slightly dazed beside his mother to her left and his sister on her right. They reached the edge of the wards in no time and the twins each held one of their mother's hands. Even though they could both apparate Hermione didn't know where she was going and Blaise was so startled he was afraid he would end up somewhere other than his house.
They arrived in the long driveway leading up to the large manor. There was no mistaking it for a house it was too ancient and huge.
"Welcome home dear." Alex said warmly. It just felt right having her daughter home at last. "Well we better not keep your father waiting he's so excited to meet you.
Hermione contemplated this thought for a little while. She had a family, an actual caring loving family. The Grangers had been great parents but they weren't a very tightly knit group, preferring to spend most of their time at their dental practice and didn't have much tolerance for strong emotions.
Hermione soon found herself in front of the doors to her new home and future. She took a deep breath and then followed her mother through the big arch of the doors.
They entered into a foyer which was sparsely but elegantly decorated. There was another archway that led to a lounge/living room and had a couch and armchairs in front of a fireplace. On the couch directly in front of the fireplace sat a man with caramel skin, dark brown hair, and, when he looked up at her, hazel eyes.
He stood up and walked over to them and enveloped Hermione in a comforting bear hug. "We've missed you so much dear, welcome home!"
"It's great to be home daddy; I can't wait to get to know all of you finally!"
"Well let's go sit in the lounge and catch up over a nice cup of tea." Mrs. Zabini said leading her daughter through the arch and onto the couch, sitting next to her.
"I am your real mother Alexandra and this is your real father Jonathan. You most likely know each other from school but this is your older by twenty minutes twin brother Blaise. Blaise this is your little sister Hermione."
Blaise had been taking a drink of his tea when his mother had finally told him his sister's name and promptly spit it back out upon hearing the news. Hermione giggled when he did this and he turned to look at her. He studied her giggling form for a moment then came over to her and twirled her around the room making her giggle even more.
"I have a wonderful know it all little sister and I will never let anyone take her from me again." Blaise declared happily.
"Blaise! Hahaha! Put me... hahahaha put me down!"
He finally relented and set her back on the couch to recover from the dizziness that came from being swung around the room.
"Now that you know everyone, Blaise will you show your sister to her room?" Blaise jumped excitedly grabbing Hermione's hand and pulling her up the stairs.
"I think you'll like it, it's right across the hall from mine. I haven't actually seen it but mum was working on it over the summer and wouldn't let me check it out." He opened the door and pulled her inside.
She gasped at how perfect it was. She stepped inside onto the soft squishy dark brown carpet and looked around. The walls were lavender with chocolate brown trim; the canopy bed had dark purple sheets and a light purple comforter that had a chocolate brown swirly design on it. There was a pristine bathroom and a closet that was stock full of very fashionable clothes. There was a fireplace on the wall to the left of the bed opposite the bathroom and closet. A desk sat in the front corner of the room near the fireplace and a beautiful vanity sat in the other corner.
"I love it!" She exclaimed running back down the stairs and hugging her mother.
"What was that for dear?" Alex asked her smiling daughter, not that there had to be a reason for her daughter to hug her.
"For my room and how perfect it is!" Hermione was smiling and excited. Maybe this new me will be even better than the old me. She thought to herself.
The Zabini quartet spent the rest of the day getting to know each other and showing Hermione the rest of the manor. Before they knew it it had gotten dark outside and it was time for dinner. They ate a wonderful meal prepared by the elves that were, to Hermione's relief, very well taken care of.
Hermione bid everyone goodnight and went to her room to get ready for bed. She changed into a soft nightgown and crawled into her very comfortable bed.
She fell asleep thinking about her wonderful newly discovered family and what this new life would bring her.
A/N Hey guys sorry I haven't updated Debt in a while. I lost the notebook that contained chapter eight so I haven't been able to type it up for you. On the bright side the break from my main story gave me some time to write this wonderful little fic! Sorry it's so long but I get bored at school and there just wasn't a good place to cut it off. You guys know the drill Read and Review!