A/N: Here is a belated New Year's present from me. Happy 2015! And I couldn't have possibly timed it any better... Happy birthday Severus!
Luna de Papel, we won't be here without you! =)
Disclaimer: All characters belong to the brilliant J. K. Rowling.
December 30, 2003
"What can I say, Severus? You never cease to amaze me!" Jonathan Granger looked up the ladder as he watched Severus Snape installing the last glass panel for the sunroom. "I really thought you couldn't do much without your magic wand."
Severus ignored the older man as he drove the last nail into the wood siding. He then looked down and arched a brow, "Was that an insult? Or should I take it as a compliment?"
"It's a compliment," Jonathan chuckled, "you know that."
"Thank you, then." The wizard made his way down the ladder. "Actually you'll have your daughter to thank for forcing me into picking up this muggle trade."
"Oh, really?" The older man was taken aback by the comment, "How so?"
"She convinced me that this suburban muggle community is perfect for us to hide from the nosy reporters from the Daily Prophet. But with our budget the only house we could afford two years ago was this . . . what did she call it . . . fixer upper. We can't magic everything under the prying eyes of the muggle neighbors, who are as equally nosy as Rita Skeeter, especially for the outside of the house. So the only sensible option seemed to be having me pick up the hammer and the drill." Severus looked up around at the product of his hard labor for the past week and let out a satisfying sigh.
"I didn't realize she could convince a man like you to settle down in a muggle community," Jonathan chuckled to himself as he picked up the tools on the floor.
"I would be surprised if that's really how you feel," Severus huffed. "She's your daughter, and you know how stubborn she can be." But a moment later he added, "But of course it doesn't hurt when her opinions are usually valid."
A comfortable silence fell between the two men as their thoughts drifted to the young woman still working on the other side of the world.
"Say," Jean Granger appeared through the hallway, "When did she say she's coming again?" Her eyes widened as she took in the finished sun room before her. "Wow, you're all done!"
"What do you think Jeanie?" Jonathan smiled broadly at his wife. "It's Severus' magic touch!"
Apparently not feeling comfortable with the compliment, Severus took off his work gloves and changed the subject, "Last time I communicated with Hermione she said she had a meeting scheduled in the evening on the 30th with Kingsley. If the assignment requires immediate action she might need to stay in London until after the New Year. Otherwise she will try to get here sooner for the holiday break."
"The evening of the 30th London time. . ." Jean thought aloud to herself. "She should have been done then, probably a couple hours ago. Do you think she may have sent you another message?"
"I'll be happy to check," Severus nodded curtly and excused himself into the house, before Jean could mention her appreciation.
"I wish she would just pick up the phone," Jean sighed. "I don't even know how they talk to each other. Did you see any Patronus flying around?"
"No, not really," Jonathan shook his head, but his attention was obviously somewhere else. "Check this out, Jeanie. Isn't it beautiful?" His words pulled Jean's attention to the newly constructed sunroom around them.
"On my," Jean exclaimed. "It certainly is! I have to admit when Severus brought up the idea about helping you with this project I didn't expect much, especially after knowing he will be following all the codes and doing everything our way."
"Well, he's an impressive young man!" Jonathan walked around the room, wearing a big grin on his face. "I'll have a couple of lounge chairs right here - perfect spot to sip our morning coffee with the view of the garden. We can set up a play bin right there by the fountain and watch a couple of grand kids play in the afternoon..."
"Oh Jonathan," Jean shook her head disapprovingly at her husband, "please don't get too far ahead of ourselves here. Hermione wasn't even wearing a ring last time when she came to visit for her birthday. She hasn't mentioned a word to me about Severus popping the question. Don't you think the idea of grandchildren is a bit premature?"
"Don't you want them some day?" Her husband raised his brows.
"Of course! More than anything!" Jean sighed. "But it looks like both of them are really into their careers right now. Didn't Severus mention something about having to give a presentation at some conference in Italy next month? I wonder if they even have it in mind to have a family."
"Patience my dear," Jonathan pulled his wife into a small hug, "patience."
"Only you can be so patient," Jean rolled her eyes. "I'm quite worried about them! She's certainly turning into a capable career woman. I guess I always knew she would turn out this way. But don't you see how Severus' career is taking off too? Don't you worry that their careers will drive them into very different directions?"
"Not at all, my dear," Jonathan smiled. "I talked to Hermione last time when she came to visit. Do you know why she's been so successful at work in the past few years? She has Severus to thank, honey. One of the most important reasons why she could handle those difficult tasks that their new Minister for Magic had assigned her is because at the end of day, she has a personal adviser waiting for her at home! And from what I gather, her opinions are also taken quite seriously by Severus."
"But . . ." Jean was not quite convinced, but she stopped mid-sentence when they heard Severus' voice coming from the hallway.
"She did send a message." There was a hint of excitement in the wizard's smooth deep voice. "Her meeting went well and she was able to schedule the task for next week. She has a portkey set up to arrive here in a few hours. She should definitely be here before dinner time here."
"Oh, dear!" Jean clasped a hand over her mouth. "But I didn't plan on having her here until at least tomorrow! I have a couple more things I must get from the store for her favorite pudding." She hurried away distractedly, while mumbling to herself, "I should have picked it up yesterday."
"My apologies," Severus murmured as he walked back to Jonathan's side. "I didn't think the news would draw such reaction from your wife."
"Don't worry about her," Jonathan handed Severus a glass of water, "she doesn't really mind the surprise. She just wants everything to be perfect when it comes to her daughter."
Severus thanked the older man and took the glass. He looked down at his shoes for a long moment before looking back up at Jonathan. "Sir," he began quietly, "may I ask you something?"
Jonathan arched his brows in surprise when he heard Severus addressing him in such a formal way. "Of course." He nodded.
"I know I am a man with many flaws," Severus began in a steady and calm voice, "but I love your daughter very much. I am far from perfect, but I would do anything in my power to make Hermione happy." He paused and took a deep breath, "May I ask you for permission to marry your daughter?"
The older man turned his full attention to the wizard before him, looking at him in amazement. After a long moment, he clasped a hand over Severus' shoulder and smiled, "It sure has taken you long enough." He then gently pushed Severus towards the house. "Welcome to the family, son. I know just exactly where to find a fine bottle of Hennessy for this occasion . . ."
"Your dad can help me with getting the pudding ready, dear," Jean took the spatula out of Hermione's hand. "Why don't you let Severus take you to the sunroom and see his beautiful work."
Hermione was half pushed and half forced out of the kitchen, where she found Severus standing alone by the window.
"What's gotten into my mother?" She whispered to the wizard as she laced her hand with his.
"She's trying to spoil you rotten," Severus stated mater-of-factly as he slowly led his witch out to the new sun room. "Not wanting you to do any chores."
"That's just silly," Hermione shook her head, "she used to always want me to help . . . Oh, my! Severus! Did you really build this?" She completely forgot about her mother's strange behavior when she stepped into the room surrounded by floor to ceiling glass plains. "This is beautiful! It's just like bringing the garden into the house!" She let go of Severus' hand and walked around the room with great excitement.
"Do you approve?" Severus leaned against the door frame and asked gently.
"Definitely!" Hermione laughed. "This is absolutely amazing! They can spend all the rainy days in the garden out here. And when it's too hot, they can still enjoy the summer outdoors with the air conditioning on," she blabbered on excitedly.
"And I think your mother would also like a picture of you in your wedding gown right there by the fountain," his voice was almost a whisper.
"What did you say?" Hermione's eyes widened as she turned to face her wizard. She thought she heard it wrong.
"Well, Hermione," Severus walked up to the young witch and took hold of her hand. "What I meant to say, well, was really a question for you. You don't have to answer me right away. But after all these years together, I was hoping . . ." He stopped mid-sentence, as if nervous with his choice of words. And then without another word, he suddenly got down to one knee.
"Hermione," he reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a small black box. "Will you marry me?"
Hermione let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding and broke into a teary smile. She dropped to the floor before Severus and held his face with both hands.
"Oh, Severus," she cried, "I thought you would never ask!"
It was a sunny spring morning when a handsome barn owl flew into the Headmistress' office at Hogwarts. He dropped off an elegant envelope in Professor McGonagall's hands before quickly disappearing out of the window.
"Looks like the wedding bell is ringing again," the old witch smiled at the post. "I wonder who it's for this time." She let out a gasp of surprise when she opened the envelope and read the invitation. "Severus and Hermione! I honestly didn't think they would go for this!"
"So my efforts are not going to be wasted after all," Albus Dumbledore chuckled from a picture frame next to the headmistress' chair.
"What are you talking about, Albus?" McGonagall quickly turned to face the old wizard in the portrait. "How can you possibly have had anything to do with this?"
"Ah, my dear." Albus brushed his long white beard gently as his eyes twinkled behind his half-moon spectacles. "Would you care to hear a story about a small invention that I created for my spy many years ago?"
The End
A/N: So here we are, after nearly two years and two months, we're finally done with this story. Thank you all for not giving up on me, because without you all and my lovely beta Luna de Papel I definitely would have given up more than once throughout this journey. This story is a unique one, comparing to my other attempts with fanfics. If I have to be honest, I must say that almost everything that has happened in the story has its roots in reality (that might be why from time to time I found it so hard to continue). Writing them all into one story is quite a therapeutic experience for me - and now I am content to know that reality can actually be just as magical as fictions. I suppose magic is everywhere, as long as you keep looking for it. =)
I wish you all love and happiness. Until next time...