The quail pen scribbled slowly and almost listlessly against the parchment. Lelouch sat in a shabby wooden chair and the paper lair on a shabby wooden table. The only light in the room came from a single candle in a beautiful silver candlestick holder. Lelouch struggled to keep his eyes open as he continued to write.

Hear my prayer, God Almighty. Soon, I will be in thy care. Will you not... take me home?

A young woman with orange hair flowing to her waist with green eyes dressed in a white dress leaned against the wall watching Lelouch, smiling.

"I bless your name. Truly."

Lelouch smiled back. "I'm ready to leave at any time."

"You may lay down your burden."

"At last."

"You've raised my child with all the love she could ever hope to have, even from two parents."

"Why wouldn't I? She is my life."

"Soon, you'll be with God."


The door slammed open then, nearly causing Lelouch to knock over the ink bottle by his elbow. Nunnally and Rai ran into the room, the Mother Abbess and another sister were just outside the doorway. The two children ran to their father's side, slowing down just in time before they slammed into him.

"I don't understand, papa. Rai told me you had gone away. You're all right, aren't you?"

"You... you've forgiven me then, Nunnally? Thank God... thank God I've lived to hear that, that I've lived to see this day."

"Why are you apologizing for? The only one here who should be apologizing is me! I was thoughtless and thankless, when it's because of you that I'm alive. And I would gladly lay my life at you feet!"

Rai turned to Nunnally, beaming.

"Nunnally, this man is nothing less than a saint! When I was hit, he bore me from the barricade through the sewers on his back, and brought me home to you!"

Lelouch's smile became fainter, his eyes became faded as his eyelids drooped. "Everything has been properly resolved. Now, I can die in peace."


Nunnally then grasped Lelouch's hands in hers, nearly flinching at how cold the skin was.

"You're going to live, papa! It's too soon to say good-bye!" she sobbed, tears trickling down her eyes. Rai went to Lelouch's other side, embracing him and Nunnally, his eyes closed in sadness.

"Yes... tell me to 'live', and I'll obey to the best of my ability," he weakly gestured to the paper on the table, "On this paper is my last confession. Read it... read it after I have gone to sleep. It's the account of all the people who have loved you. Your mother... she gave her life to you, then you to me, to love... to care for... to protect... to love..."

At that moment, Lelouch felt his strength return to him. Except that he never had this much strength before. He felt like he could do anything, but he didn't want to. He sat up and rose from his chair. Shirley went to his side and removed the blanket from his shoulders

"Come to me, where chains will never bind you. Your grief is, at last behind you for good. Lord in Heaven, look down in mercy."

"Forgive me all my trespasses and take me to your glory."

Another entered by Lelouch's side. It was Kallen, only all manner of ill emotion was wiped from her face. She went to Lelouch's right side while Shirley was to his left.

"Take my hand and lead me to salvation. Take my love, for it is ever-lasting. And remember, the truth that once was spoken-"

To love another person is to see the face of God.


Do you hear the people sing, lost in the valley of the night?

It is the music of a people who are climbing to the light

For the wretched of the earth, there is a flame that never dies

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise

They will live again in freedom in the garden of the Lord

They will walk behind the plowshare

They will put away the sword

The chain will be broken and all men will have their reward

Will you join in our crusade?

Who will be strong and stand with me?

Somewhere beyond the barricade

Is there a world you long to see?

Do you hear the people sing?

Say, do you hear the distant drums?

It is the future that they bring

When Tomorrow comes

Will you join in our crusade?

Who will be strong and stand with me?

Somewhere beyond the barricade

Is there a world you long to see?

Do you hear the people sing?

Say, do you hear the distant drums?

It is the future that they bring

When Tomorrow comes




Tomorrow comes.

Near the center of the city, is a cemetery. In the cemetery, there is a path. When you go off the path for a few yards, you will find a tree. It is over-looked and those who walk on the path don't even notice it. The grass that grows there is almost never trimmed. The rain sloshes through the branches, the sun shines down hard, the snow is merciless.

Yet, through all that time and wrath of Mother Nature, it endures it all. It gets dirtied by mud from rain, cracks appear from the ice that freezes over it, and sometimes animals leave their treasures on it.

But it's still there. A single, simple gravestone with no name on it. "Why no name," you ask?

There's no need for one.


Even as I wrote this, the scene brought tears to my eyes. Even when I was waiting backstage for our cue to start singing, tears would tall down without my consent.

The last part was more or less copied from the book. They buried Valjean there. Just a simple marker with no name, sheltered from anyone's eyes and object to Mother Nature. It's almost sad, but it's immediately over-shadowed by the realization of, "It's what he would have wanted," and "This is what makes the most and best sense". It's basically the epilogue of "Epilogue".

Also, I'll make a pole in the future for other storied like this. Eventually.

This story is beautiful in so many ways. It is the story of redemption through God, of despicable actions, of selfless deeds, of determination, of bravery in the face of life, of family, of drama, of love, and the simple interaction of humans intercepting and creating a well-blended tale.

One last note- Merry Christmas to all; and to all, a good night for years and years to come.