~Read First, Please~
Warning: Contains gaynst, forbidden relationships, AU insanity, family issues, human/normal names, shōnen-ai, a *gasp* heteroship, some spoilers to Shakespeare's plays, and enough fluff to give a person diabetes. Rated T for minor suggestive-ness. I do not own Hetalia or any of it's characters.

Okay, this is AU!Hetalia fiction about a preparatory summer school for young students so they may work on their English Grammar and Literature. This will focus mostly on Russia and Ukraine as siblings, shipping RussiaXAmerica and GermanyXUkraine. Germany is a young employee for the exchange branch of the school where he works as a private tutor (currently for Ukraine), and is 19 in this story. Ukraine is 17 in this story, and is a student. Russia is 16, and is also a student. America is 17, and again, is a student and Russia's literature partner. Will be a collection of mini-stories leading up to graduation. Other ships may appear later, and I will add age/occupation information as the story continues. Critiques are loved, because they tell me what to improve on!

A Midsummer Night's School

Chapter One: The Library

~Around 4:00 p.m.~

Katyusha and Ivan maneuvered the halls of their large preparatory school, eager to reach the library. They promised their literature teacher they would read more, as they were unfamiliar with most American writing. When they finally reached their destination, they gaped at the five story high ceiling, stunned at the artwork that covered it. Stained glass windows gave the walls a beautiful temple-like look as the colors reflected off the marble floor. Mahogany shelves held the legions of books, surrounding the two with the smell of old paper. The desks were empty, as were the tables and chairs, giving the library an enchanted look.

"And this is just the entrance room!" boasted a voice behind them.

The siblings turned around to see Katyusha's literature tutor, a exchange worker named Ludwig. Ivan's literature partner, Alfred, was close behind him.

"C'mon, guys, let's go! We'd promised the literature teacher we'd get you some good ol' American books! And some British stuff, too, but that crap's always whiny. Who wants to read someone whine? Not me!" Alfred rambled off, words coming out a mile a minute. Ludwig sighed.

"Alright, you do have the list of books for non-fiction, ja?"

"Yeah, I'm holding it right now! So... I'll do non-fiction, and you do fiction, 'kay?"


Alfred grabbed on to Ivan's arm and pulled him across the room and into a hallway lined with books, leaving Katyusha and Ludwig alone.

"Alright, Katyusha, fiction is to our left," Ludwig stated. Katyusha nodded, too shy to say anything, and followed him down another book-lined hall.

Alfred and Ivan embraced as soon as they were alone.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Ivan, it's j-just..." Alfred stammered, apologizing for the pain they felt, having parents that both despised each other and decided that 'their child wasn't no sodom-freak'.

"It's not your fault," Ivan assured him, kissing his forehead. Alfred pulled back and met his love's gaze, blue eyes starting to water behind his glasses. Forcing a smile, he nodded in agreement, and pulled out the list.

"Alright, let's find this book on the Civil War first."

"Sounds good to me," Ivan replied. The two held hands and wandered through the maze of books, searching for the assigned story.


Ludwig led Katyusha up a stairwell, trying his best not to ravish her in a fit of love. Even though they were only two years apart, the school had a strict policy against employees dating their students. He understood that it kept teachers from abusing their power, but it kept his relationship with her complicated. Alfred and Ivan knew about their affections for each other, and supported them in their wait for the day Ludwig could propose, which helped slightly, but when they were alone, the temptation became nearly unbearable.

"It's this way, Katyusha," directing her down another long hall.

"Ah! I'm sorry, Mr. Beilschmidt," Katyusha apologized. Ludwig sighed. She acted as if she was walking on eggshells every moment she spent awake. He knew her home life was rough, however, so maybe she was. Ludwig stopped when he came upon a white book with red lettering.

"Here, Katyusha, you'll like this one. It's a famous American work."

She tilted her head, trying to read the title. "Flowers for...?"

"Flowers for Algernon."

"What does algernon mean, Mr. Beilschmidt?"

"It's a name, Katyusha."

"Is it a love story, Mr. Beilschmidt?"

"Nien, Katyusha."

"May we find a love story, Mr. Beilschmidt?"

Ludwig smiled, took her hand, and kissed it, finding the question cute. "Of course, Katyusha."

~Around 5:30 p.m.~

Alfred and Ivan found the last non-fiction book as the sun began to set in the sky.

"What is this book about, Alfred?" Ivan asked, curiously flipping through the pages.

"It's about why people like tragedies."


"Like, stories with depressing endings. The Greeks liked 'em. Shakespeare wrote a few."

"I thought Shakespeare wrote love stories."

"Some tragedies are love stories. Think Romeo and Juliet."

"I thought Romeo and Juliet had a good ending!"

"Nah, dude, some people die and then Romeo and Juliet die."

Ivan looked at Alfred disbelievingly. "That's just cruel! Is there a happy ending one, too?"

"Ja, there is one with a joyful ending," a familiar voice replied. The two young partners turned to see Ludwig and Katyusha standing behind them. The tutor had a bag slung over his shoulder with the assigned stories, but Katyusha was clutching a book to her breast.

She handed her brother the book she was holding. "I-It's this one. The story is very, ah..." She struggled to think of an English word, being not quite as good with the new language as her brother.

"Cute?" Alfred offered.

"No, I remember now! Kind! The story is kind to the reader!"

"Well, what is it?" asked Alfred, trying to look over Ivan's shoulder.

Ludwig gave a content sigh. "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Alfred laughed. "I saw that play when I was little! Everyone got married to the person they loved in the end! It's great! We should see it together!"

Ludwig smiled. "Katyusha, would you like to see the play in person?"

"Ah, yes! May I, Mr. Beilschmidt?"

"Ja, I don't see why not. Ivan?"

"As long as Alfred can come with us," Ivan said, smiling at his boyfriend. Alfred grinned back, excited. "Group date to see one of my favorite childhood memories? Hell yeah! I love all of you! You guys are like my adoptive family or something! Well, except for Ivan. He's my lover."

Ivan was lucky to have both Katyusha and her tutor in support of their relationship, and Alfred knew it.

"I'll go search online for future plays nearby," Ivan said, handing A Midsummer Night's Dream back to Katyusha and putting the final non-fiction book in Alfred's backpack.

"I'll search with you!" exclaimed Alfred, wanting to spend more time with his beloved. Ludwig watched as the two walked down the hall, Alfred talking loudly about the play.

"M-Mr. Beilschmidt?" Katyusha asked nervously.

"What is it, Katyusha?"

"D-Do you think the ending of our love story... You know, mine and yours and Ivan's and Alfred's... Do you think we will have a kind ending, Mr. Beilschmidt?"

"I believe so, Katyusha. I'm sure we will all end up happy in the end."

"I-I think so, too, Mr. Beilschmidt."