Chapter 10: Home sweet home

Pairing: Asami/Akihito

Contains: mature language

Summary: Akihito gets pregnant, what will happen?

Disclaimer: I don't own the viewfinder series Yamane Ayano does.


Akihito really wanted to go home, after five courses he was exhausted. Every time their waiter placed food on the table, Akihito spend the entire meal trying to figure out what it tasted like and what the fuck it was. Each course lasted five minutes at most so in the end he never figured out what he ate. His back hurt from sitting so still and stiff the entire time and he was simply tired. The only good thing about the entire evening was that he had exually meet a nice waiter for once, Edward was one of those stereo type gays, but in a good way. He had to remember to tell Ryuichi to give the man a nice tip.


06/25 11:25 Wednesday

"Aaaah….." Akihito moaned happily, god, foot massages were heaven. And the perfect time to contemplate life, he thought, slowly rubbing his belly. The last echo hadn't shown any anomalies, but he still couldn't fully relax. The chance of a fully healthy child, if it survived the first 3 months was, on average, less then 46% and he wasn't under any delusions thinking his children would all be born completely normal. There was some hope though; the 46% chance was based on the children born to bearers up to now and the improvement in medicine since then. But it was only an estimate and the difference in seriousness of the abnormality also gave him hope.

Akihito's own family a clear example, as their chances for full healthy children had been even lower. However, they had still been pretty lucky. His brother Shin was 'only' deaf in his left ear and he was born as good as 'normal', excluding the extra female sex organs of course. His brother second youngest brother Akira had been born mute and his youngest brother Ren was the least lucky of the four brothers; he had been born unable to move his legs and with severe breathing problems.

Their disabilities also had positive effects on their life. Luckily. They had always been very close as children. Which was why Akihito felt so bad for not informing his brothers' about his pregnancy. Hell, they barely knew anything about Asami. Besides the fact that Akihito had been dating him for some time. The engagement was also a secret so far and he hadn't even told his parents about Asami. His father was a billionaire, proud owner and founder of the Hamasaki confederation and Akihito knew his dad would know about Asami's underworld dealings.

It wasn't that his parents had been strict, but he was their only fully healthy child and the only one with such an attraction danger. His parents were simply protective and Asami would definitely not fit their description of 'safe'.

Not that his position as Li's (his dad's) heir was all that safe, when he was at the right age he was finally told how many assassination attempts had been made and how many bodyguards normally followed him. (One of the reasons he was so good at throwing of Asami's men.) He also discovered that his parents had tried to have more children but had found it very hard and after the miscarriage of their only daughters (after months of trying and eventually having to go for IVF), they decided four was enough.

When he decided to leave the nest his parents hadn't exactly been happy but had accepted it. Under the conditions that Li was allowed to give Akihito a new ID with his mother's last name ensuring little to none way to trace him back to them.

He groaned, the relax feeling had gone away. He needed to talk to his family.


6/25 10:20 Thursday

Akihito had spent the better part of Wednesday baking in the kitchen. Ever since he hid the second trimester he'd started craving sweet foods as well as the pickles. Baking had always been a relaxing activity for him and proved to be the perfect distraction from picking up the phone and calling his family. That decision was biting him in the ass now his ankles and back were killing him after standing for the better part of the previous day.

God he hated being pregnant. Everyone always spoke of the lovely feeling of carrying a child inside of you. A little life blooming. How "a baby fills a place in your hear you never knew was empty." They al contently forgot to mention the not so lovely other side of being pregnant. The morning sickness had lucky stopped but he still felt fatigue at odd times and a constant backache ensured he was rather cranky most of the time. The hormones racing through his body didn't help either. Not that he became hysterical or anything, but suddenly feeling sad and the next moment happy was rather irritating. The dizziness and headaches added another layer of dislike to the entire pregnancy phenomenon.

Though he supposed he was lucky. Engaged to a very rich husband he had a small army of personnel around him at all time. Ready to cater to his every whim. Akihito would normally not use them at all, hell he had pitched a massive fit when kirishama had first introduced the servants to him (Asami conveniently had a meeting in Tokyo at the time, the coward). But as his pregnancy progressed and he became less mobile he saw the awesomeness of the servants. If he was gonna marry a yukuza-boss he might as reap the benefits. With that in mind he pressed the intercom buzzer beside the bed, a nice tall glass of ice tea would make him feel better.


He'd finally made it to the point of grabbing his phone, a brand new Iphone 11 Asami had insisted on buying for him. The feeling of dread in his stomach hadn't lessened and the babes were kicking softly in protest. He hadn't talked to his family in a while, aware that his parents wouldn't approve off his ramen noodles diet, small apartment and lifestyle of living paycheck to paycheck. But Aki had enjoyed the freedom immensely, he was never one too desire the finer things in life and missing expensive clothes and oversized bedrooms hadn't been a large loss. Which all lead to him not having spoken to his parents in a while, he spoke to his brothers at least once a year but had always carefully censored the information he shared. His yakuza husband-to-be wasn't part of what he told his brothers.

Now the task remain to press in 7 digits and inform his parents he was 5 and a half months pregnant and engaged to a mafia boss. Hell no. A thought entered his mind; Asami owes me a favor. SAVED!

"Kiniko!" Rushed footsteps down the hall. Akihito was never truly left alone, part of Asami's overt paranoia was having an employee within hearing distance of Akihito at all times.

"Akihito-sama, how can I be of assistance?"

"Could you let my husband know I'm calling in my favor? I had to put up an act for his parents, now he can help me manage mine."


First update in 5 years! Hopefully my writing style hasn't changed too much. For anyone who was waiting for this story to continue, I'm still working on it. To be honest I've fallen out of love with Viewfinder and am no longer a large fan of mpreg fics. But I want to finish this story, it's the first fanfic I ever wrote which still means a lot to me. I also want to complete it as a thank you to everyone who was kind enough to follow this story and leave comments over the years.

As of now I intend to change the original direction of the story, to explore the relationship between aki and Asami more. Specifically the less healthy elements, the story so far has been very lighthearted and positive mostly but I intend to change that for the next part. I would like to hear your opinions on this direction. To anyone whose stuck with me so far, thank you!