Summary: M-21 just sighed when Tao plucked his security ID card out of his fingers, only making a half-hearted attempt to get it back.

Set after season two.


By Dark Ice Dragon

M-21 just sighed when Tao plucked his security ID card out of his fingers, only making a half-hearted attempt to get it back. There wasn't anything of interest on –

Tao burst out laughing. …What now? "Hey," Tao started between snickers, "did you make up the details yourself?"

"No; Frankenstein did." He hadn't even thought about making another identity for himself during then, his thoughts distracted with everything that had happened, what he had learned.

For some reason, that made Tao laugh harder. It caught Takeo's attention, and M-21 watched his face carefully when he peered over Tao's shoulder to look at his card. When Takeo's expression faltered and became a mix of pained amusement, M-21 tried to remember what exactly was on his card that would make them react in that way.

…Ah. He grimaced. "It's my date of birth, isn't it?" He'd snorted when he'd first seen it, but he didn't think it was that funny.

"Yep!" Tao wheezed. "I didn't think Boss had it in him to do that though!"


Takeo caught his confused look. He glanced at Tao, but when it was obvious Tao wasn't going to stop any time soon, Takeo sighed, dipping his head a little.

"Your date of birth is the twenty-first of May," Takeo said in English.

M-21 just looked at him, puzzled. He knew that, what difference did… Twenty-first of May. May, twenty-first. M-21. It was worse than he'd thought.

He groaned, wanting to cover his face with a palm.

"You do know you're born in the year of the dog, right?" Tao added.

…He was never going to let Frankenstein create an identity for him again.

In Korean, the months go '[number]-month', which is why it didn't twig so fast with M-21. XDD; As for him not knowing about the year he was born, either blame artistic license, or M-21 trying to keep his interaction with people at the very base minimum. *cough*

M-21 does actually fit the Taurus personality a fair bit, and when I saw what month that corresponded with, I just had to make the date the 21st. XDDD

(Tao was going to make a joke about how, if M-21 lost his memories, his actual identity was buried in his details, but yeeeeah. I couldn't go through with it. XD;;;)