Hullo again! So Sherlock is not owned by me. Sad, but true.

Molly Hooper was a woman with a routine. Every day when she entered the morgue, a body would lie waiting for her to slice open and examine, a stack of paperwork would be ready to be signed, or a dose of both. She would then sigh, set down her bag, pull on her lab coat, and get to work. Then at the end of another day, she would pack up her things, switch of the light to the morgue and leave.

Sometimes this routine was altered, usually by the presence of the Scotland Yard or Sherlock Holmes, but usually both. On those days, the bodies were more exciting compared to the usual heart attacks and falls on the head. That was as far as her routine ever changed during work.

It was another day, and Molly went in, switched on her light and did the necessary. Once ready she turned around to face the hard metal body slab and stopped short, staring at the very random object on the table, gaping like a fish.

The bouquet was a large collection of very bright, vivid colours. Upon closer inspection, Molly found that they were, in fact, an assortment of red roses and another species of large dyed carnations. They were wrapped in soft satin-like wrapping paper and was tied with a large purple bow.

Molly stared at the bouquet, before gingerly picking it up. There was a small white plastic card that confirmed that it was, in fact, for her. Frowning, she looked around for a card. It was then when the first call came in that morning alerting Molly of the arrival of the first murder of the week. A second call when the examinations were over announced the arrival of a D.I and his partner D.S, a Field Forensics Expert, a consulting detective and his blogger.

Molly sighed, before talking in the last dose of quiet peace.

A few moments later, the doors to the morgue swung open, welcoming the visitors, two if which causing a large racket by arguing with each other.


As Sherlock set about deducing the body with the men, Sally and Molly stood at the back of the room, watching.

"I can't believe Christmas decorations are up so fast." The police officer remarked

"Well, Christmas is three weeks away. I see where you are coming from though. I prefer it when the morgue is nice and white." Sally let out a chuckle, shaking her head.

" You should see the Yard, it is bonkers there. We have at least six Christmas Trees and the juniors are planting mistletoe absolutely everywhere!" she sighed "I love Christmas, but honestly, enough with the Mistletoe!" Molly laughed. A shout of anger from Anderson burst through the room. Molly sighed.

"He somehow manages to be civil with everybody except James. How are you two anyway?" the pathologist asked.

"It's-It's going great, actually. The divorce has been finalized between him and his wife, and he's moving in, in a few days, so yeah." Sally smiled. "It's been great. So…how's it been going with you and Sherlock?" Molly laughed.

"It's still so weird that you don't call him 'freak' anymore.""

"Hey, you're the one dating him" the detective retorted.

"Sally, we're leaving!" Greg yelled "Bye, Molls!" he called before leaving the morgue. John walked over to Molly and gave her a quick hug before leaving as well, following Anderson, who was still muttering a few choice words. The last male in the room joined the two women.

"Sherlock, you have to stop being so mean to Jim." Molly sighed when he joined her side.

"It isn't my fault he's an incompetent fool." He retorted coolly.

"That's my boyfriend you're talking about, freak." Sally said, the seriousness in her tone sobered by the grin on her face. The insult, once meant to hurt, was now a playful term for teasing. Sherlock smirked.

"That isn't my fault, Sergeant." Sally chuckled slightly.

"You may be dating Molly now, but you certainly have not become anything less git." She turned to Molly and gave her a hug.

"So, you'll come to the party at the Yard then? You are invited, and so is Sherlock, drag him along. It will be funny to see him scowling all night long." Molly laughed at Sherlock's frown from beside her.

"Of course, see you Sally!" she called as the D.S walked out the door.

"Good, we're alone." Sherlock muttered, before leaning down and planting a kiss on Molly's lips. Molly squealed slightly in surprise before slapping him away.

"That wasn't necessary" he said, cupping his reddening cheek.

"Sherlock, what did I say about…intimacy at work?" she asked exasperatedly.

"I don't know, I was to busy thinking of other things." He said, his eyebrow rising suggestively.

"Sherlock." Molly groaned, smacking him in the chest. He grunted, before stepping away.

"If I had known that being involved consisted of physical abuse I would have rethought my decision many more times."

"Shut up. Now either leave, or sit here and be quiet." Sherlock mumbled something under his breath before settling next to Molly on her workbench.


"When were you going to tell me you received a bouquet today?" Sherlock asked suddenly. Molly looked up.

"I was waiting for you to deduce it yourself, you took quite sometime." Sherlock scowled.

"You were more fun when you stuttered and became flustered."

"Have I ever told you how cute you are when you scowl?" Sherlock growled slightly.

"I. Am. Not. CUTE." he growled, through gritted teeth.

"Oh you know you are. It didn't say who it was from though. Any ideas?" she asked, switching the topic back to the original one. Sherlock visibly lightened, straightening out and taking a breath.

"Well, by the looks of the flowers, and their over exaggeration, this man, yes man, is obviously infatuated with you. He doesn't know what exactly you like, so he decided to mix and match. He obviously went somewhere expensive, to emphasize his fancy on you. Honestly Molly, it is quite obvious." Molly rolled her eyes.

"Who could it be then?" Just then the doors to the morgue swung open. Molly turned around.

"Oh, hey Josh." The man at the doors grinned, showing of his perfect pearly whites. He ran a hand through his blonde hair and walked forward. He caught a look at Sherlock and frowned slightly, but it was masked again with the handsome grin.

"Molly, that Mr. Holden? I need the paperwork on him." Molly nodded and moved to get the stack of papers. She reached the file lockers and groaned.

"Hey, some help here? Short girl needs help." Sherlock moved to help her, but was blocked when the blonde man was by her side in a matter of seconds.

"Here, let me." he said. Molly tried to duck under his body as he leaned over to grab the folders but was trapped. She almost yelped when she felt his hand brush against her bum.

"Thanks Molly." He said, flashing another grin before sauntering out the room. Molly stood, red in the face.

"Stupid pervert. And he knows you're my boyfriend!" Sherlock sat silently, giving her a pointed look. Molly's face dawned with realization.

"What? No, Josh wouldn't- he, he doesn't fancy me." Sherlock gave her another look. Molly groaned in resignation.

"Whatever." She looked at the flowers. "They are pretty though. Can I put 'em up at home?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow and muttered something that sounded like "women"

"Of course you can. Just as long," he said, moving closer, "you know," he whispered, his lips inches from hers, "who's you are." He closed the distance. They snogged for a while. Sherlock smirked when he heard Molly groan.

The smirk seemed to snap Molly out of her reverie. She let out a frustrated huff as pushed Sherlock away.

"What was that for?" he cried out

"I'm still at work Sherlock. You know what we agreed!" Sherlock huffed.

"Your shift is over!" Molly chuckled to herself, and grabbed her bag and the bouquet.

"Yes, well, I refuse to satisfy your annoying libido until we get home. Understand?" Sherlock mumbled again, before kneeling and picking something of the floor.

"It dropped from the bouquet." He said handing Molly the card.

" 'Beautiful flowers for the most beautiful woman in my eyes' "Molly read. "Aww, that's sweet." Sherlock bristled. Molly looked at him and laughed.

"Sherlock, calm down. You know I love you, now let's go. The faster we get back to my place, the faster we can do whatever you like." Sherlock nodded curtly before sweeping out the door as fast as humanly possible.

Molly chuckled before following.

Okay this is the first chapter of a 12 chapter fic I'm writing as a Christmas project and as an ongoing Birthday Fic for my best book and TV show confidant. Hope you guys like this so far, and to The Snapping Point readers, don't worry, Chapter 15 is currently underway!

Happy Early Birthday, Yukkin! Love you xx 3

Love you all, Review?
