Hey guys, its me again I'm sorry I have been updating my other stories lately, I am trying my best. This story came to me in the middle of the night... again. Yes and I just jolted down the ideas and the next day I wrote this! I can't decide if I do a one-shot or two... But I do hope you like it :) I DO NOT OWN GAKUEN ALICE WARNING: Contains Violence, and if you do not like Natsume being abusive I suggest you don't read this...[updated 18/03/14]


'I love you'

"You fucking Bitch! What do you think you're doing?!" Natsume cried out furiously, as the back of his hand came in contact with Mikan's cheek. "I hope that will teach you to disrespect me again." Mikan's face was covered in black and purple bruises. New and old ones. Blood was streaming out of her nose and dripping onto her worn out ripped shirt. Her head was pounding and her eyelids were heavy. Her hair was messed up and all over the place and her hands were covered in cuts and dirt. She felt as if her whole body was on fire.

"Fucking slut, you better not let me catching you doing that again." Natsume screamed at her, his fingers threading through her hair and pulling at it. It was never like this. Her and Natsume. They used to be happy together, enjoying each others company and loving each other passionately. It didn't use to be like this. Natsume would never lay a finger on her... but that was all in the past now, and everything has already changed since then. What went wrong?

With that Mikan's eyes starting drooping, the pain dulling away as her head hit the carpeted floors, her vision turning black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I love you'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When Mikan came to, she was still lying there on the ground. The sun was shining through the pink plain curtains, and birds were chirping to their families. Mikan glanced at the clock, 7:45. She had 15 minutes to get breakfast ready for Natsume before he woke up. She needed to shower off all the dried up blood and stuff too. If only her body would cooperate, if she doesn't hurry a replay of last night would happen again, just like every other night.

"Oi! where the fuck are you?!" The door burst open and there stood her crimson eyed 'boyfriend'. His eyes darkened filling with rage. "What are you still doing here?! Why didn't you answer me when I called for you!"

Mikan swallowed at her dry throat, "I-I just woke up and I was-"

"What do you mean, you just woke up!"

His fist struck her stomach and she toppled over. "Worthless women, why are you so dirty too? There's a perfectly working shower down the hall, are you really that stupid?! I don't know why I still let you live under the same roof as me, your such a disgusting and vile woman. It feels like I'm living with a man instead huh."

Mikan coughed a bit, her throat was dry and tear stains were still freshly visible on her pale cheeks. *ring ring* It was Natsume's phone.

"Hello"- "hey babe" - "yeah, sure I'll meet you at the diner in 10"- "Yep, love you too babe" Natsume turned his attention back to Mikan. " When I get back , I expect you to be clean and dinner on the plate, you got that?" His voice was more soft now but there was still a hard edge to it. Mikan didn't respond, but instead nodded her head. Natsume stared at her for a moment, as if he was about to say something else to her. Like he was about to apologize for everything, but just like every time he kept quiet. With a last long look, he turned around and left out the door. Mikan stayed there on the ground for a minute or two before pushing herself up and heading towards the shower.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I love you'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was quarter past six and Natsume was still not back yet. She had just gotten back from the grocery store and her stomach was still giving her some problems. The bruises under her make-up kept throbbing from time to time. She had just taken the spaghetti out, when the front door slammed open. "N-Natsume?" She called out to him. As if on cue, Natsume stomped in, his face red and his eyes blazing. His fist were clenched tight and his knuckles were beginning to turn white. "N-Natsume? A-Are you okay?"

She had seen Natsume angry before, a lot of times too, but there was only one other time that she has seen him this angry. "Natsu-"

"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Before Mikan knew it, his fists were already swinging in the air and knocking her off her feet. "You cheater! You go behind my back and fuck other men don't you!"

"I don't know what you're talking about Natsume!" Mikan was sobbing hard now, not only because of the pain but also because she hated it when Natsume screamed at her, she never knew what to do or how to move.

"SHUT UP, You liar! I saw you with that bastards arms around your waist, you were obviously flirting with him! You stupid disgusting pig" Mikan's eyes widened at the statement but it was because she had tripped on the way out of the grocery store! It was an accident.

"What?! Cat gotcha tongue?!"

"N-No! Natsume that's not tru-"

"After letting you live here for so long, you do something like this!" His leg kicked her in the waist. "Why? Why would you do this to me?!"

Mikan stood up slowly. "Natsume! Please! It's not like that! It was an accident!"

"Damn right it was bitch, this isn't the first time either, you're a liar! You're suppose to be mine. You slut!" He roughly grabbed at her shoulders and pushed her hard, making her stumble and trip. Mikan's hip slammed against the wooden pantry and pain shot straight through her. The pantry was wobbling side to side now. "WHY CANT YOU JUST LOVE ME LIKE I LOVE YOU!" Natsume screeched into her face before turning his back and stepping out onto the streets again, brutally pulling the door behind him. Why cant you just love me, like I love you! Those words echoed through her mind. How did all this happen? Why?! The pantry was wobbling dangerously above her. It's body not stabilized enough and in one second, the second that took Mikan to realize what was happening yet her body was numb from the pain emotionally and physically. She didn't move, she couldn't move and it was too late anyway. All was black. All was gone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I love you'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Natsume's body was hovering over the blonde haired women. Their mouths connected and their hands and bodies on each others skin. Natsume was planting small feverish kisses against her neck and sucking on the place where her neck joined her shoulder, causing her to moan. "I want you so bad big boy, and I know you want me just as much" she hissed lightly and seductively into his ear. Natsume responded with a low growl. He slid his body down hers til he reached her lower half body, all the while keeping eye contact with her. *ring ring* Natsume's phone went off in his pocket. "Ignore it, it'll stop soon" He said into her mouth as they continued dancing with their tongues. Natsume's hands on every part of her body, the woman's hands in his jeans. Both groaning from the feel of it. *ring ring* "I think you should get that baby, so we don't get anymore interruptions later" Natsume groaned loudly which made her laugh a bit.

He reached into his jeans pocket and fished out his phone. "What do you want?" Natsume hissed through his teeth into the phone, not pleased someone interrupted his pleasure time

"... is this Natsume Hyuuga?"

"Yes, now what do you want?"

"I'm calling from the receptionist of Tokyo hospital."

"So what? I'm kinda busy here" taking a quick glance at the blonde whose already took her bra off. Natsume stared. "Mr Hyuuga, we would like to ask if you know anyone by the name of... Mikan Sakura?" Mikan's name brought him back to the conversation on the phone. "ughh, yeah so?"

"We're sorry to tell you this but Miss Mikan Sakura? She was taken here about an hour ago due to an accident which occurred. It caused her to lose too much blood and had her skull cracked. She had terrible bruises and 3 broken ribs..."

What. "Look I don't think we're talking about the same Mikan Sakura here, she's at home right now cooking dinner."

"We're terribly sorry Mr Hyuuga, we did everything we could, but Miss Mikan Sakura..." He didn't know what was happening to him but Natsume's hands had gone sweaty and his heart was pounding hard against his chest.

"Miss Mikan Sakura... she couldn't make it"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I love you'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

6 years later

Natsume drove along the deserted road. It was just a few minutes past 8 right now, but today was a special day. Especially for her. Natsume stopped at a red light, just a few more blocks to go. Natsume rolled down the window and allowed the warm breeze to travel through. It was a beautiful day. Clear blue skies, warm sunshine. She would have loved it. He looked over to his passenger seat, the bundle of flowers neatly tied together. There were pink lilies and white roses, her favorite. He did a turn to the right and stopped at one of the empty car park spots.

Taking the bundle of flower with his left hand and locking the car with his right, he headed towards the blooming Sakura tree in the middle of the yard. He couldn't believe it. Her smiling face was there once again. Her eyes shining brightly in the sun and her smile, wide with happiness. She was beautiful. He laid down the flowers. His eyes never once leaving her flawless face. "Hey Mikan" His hands traced the outline of her face. "I hope you're feeling well." He traced her pink lips. "I miss you, I miss you a lot"

The wind was blowing around him again, Sakura petals dancing around in the air. "You know that I'm sorry right? When I got that call, you had no idea did you know how my heart was racing?" He gave a small smile

"It was as if it was ripped out of my chest. I couldn't believe my ears."

"But... you know right? You know that I love you right? I never meant those things, I couldn't let you go. I needed you. And no matter what has happened, you know that I love you right?" Natsume stared at her. "I love you Mikan, I love you, so so much. I'm so sorry." The petals danced around him once again, but this time there was a warm feeling to it. Natsume felt as though she was there with him then. Mikan was there with him. Her sunshine smile and innocent eyes staring right back at him. "Don't worry Natsume, I know, I've always known."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I love you'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes! I'm finished! At first I had written like half of it but then i stopped because I just couldn't bring myself to, especially after the latest chapters of the manga... :'( so sad. But then I suddenly felt like this should be published because I think people should understand how true love is hard to obtain and that you should never destroy it. I feel really sorry for Mikan in this story... I am feeling depressed lately so that also adds to this sad story... I hope you guys have enjoyed it and I know the end was a bit rushed... Please review and comment about how you thought of it! :)
