A/N: Er...so...I'm still alive...and...er...my mind strayed during class...and this prompt came to life...So yeah...

Enjoy ^^ Although I will have to revise this since I'm so burned out with school I'm not thinking well =.=



I looked up with a half-eaten butterfly cookie in my mouth. Then, probably blushing, I instantly took the cookie and stammered, "Wha-what?"

"Lunch," Naru, in same-as-ever black long-sleeved shirt and cotton slacks, replied. "Follow me."

Eyes widening, I gaped at him. "Hu-huh?"

It was hot, and it was summer.

And there was buzzing in my head.


Di-did I hear him right?

My egoistic boss sighed and frowned. "Let's go to lunch."

I gasped.

Di-di-di-did he just ask me—?!

I swore the buzzing increased, and my heart jumped like a madman.

Holy-cow-grazing-on-the-fields! Am I dreaming?

That's right! I must be dreaming!

Horrified, I slapped my cheeks to wake myself from the dream, and I involuntarily smacked myself with my cookie. Consequently, my cookie crumbled and fell on the carpet, but it didn't distract me.

I squeezed shut and opened my eyes completely...

But Naru was still standing there in front of me.


"Well? Are you going or not?"

I felt like my heart would explode.

Kyaaa! Wait a moment! Wait a moment! I can't digest everything yet!

I slapped myself again and again, and Naru finally stopped my hands. My cheeks were stinging, but my attention was elsewhere.

"Is it fun hurting yourself? Idiot." He loured, and if I saw myself on a mirror, I must have reddened close to a tomato.

You're too close! Your hands! Kyaaa! This is too much!

Naru extended a hand to me, and my eyes bulged at it as though it has claws. I slightly moved my body backwards...

But it turned out that he was going to gently shoo the cookie crumbles on my cheek...

Oh my Kami-sama...

The heat was making me crazy, and my inner self was then in a squealing spree. However, Naru just elevated an eyebrow at my astonished self. I was the only one freaking out, and that was so unfair.

So contrary to my flailing soul, I pouted and defended, "But you're acting strange! Is it because I placed wasabi in your tea yesterday?"

It was a feat that I could speak in an even tone.

Naru just straightened and narrowed his eyes. "So it wasn't Yasuhara?"

"Ack!" I blanched.

Immediately, I put my hands together and bowed. "Please forgive me, Oh Narcissist King!"

I waited for a cynical remark, but it didn't come. So I peeked up and saw Naru sighing again.

"It's irrelevant. Now get up and follow me to lunch," he ordered with a very solemn face, but my heart was giggling and screaming inwardly in happiness.

What is this? Naru's being very nice? He's treating me to lunch?!

What miracle is this?!


For once, it wasn't only the food that was palatable. For once...

"Are you not hungry?"

Almost dropping my chopsticks, I winced and probably turned erubescent. "No, no, no! I am! I-It's just I'm shocked!"

I was staring at him. The way his fringe hung over his eyes as he bowed to slurp his noodles...The way he blew on his spoon of miso soup...

He's quite tall beside me even while sitting...

It was hard not to be transfixed...

Because I'd never seen Naru eat so close and focused beside me.

And eating ramen to boot.

"Why?" Naru arched an eyebrow, and I averted my eyes while twiddling my fingers.

"We-well...I never thought you'll eat with me here...! I-It's not like the image I had of you...Ahaha, don't mind me! How foolish of me, right?" I scratched my head and laughed out silly.

We were sitting beside each other by the counter in Warito, a ramen shop. It was a simple shop with white walls and dark wood counters and stools. Steam was oozing out from the open and visible kitchen surrounded by the counter we're in.

Anyway, Naru just shrugged and appeared thoughtful. "I was under the impression that you'll feel uncomfortable if I'll take you to any foreign-inspired restaurant. Should I have taken you to places like those instead?"


He-he considered that?

He stared at me and slightly lifted a corner of his lips. "I see."

Feeling my cheeks steam, I recurrently gaped at him. Wha-what is this? Am I really in the real world? Did hell freeze over? Oh Kami-sama, what's happening?!

Why is Naru being so nice?!

"Naru," I started, pincer-ing my noodles with my chopsticks, "are you sure this is okay? Didn't you promise to go to lunch with Masako yesterday?"

"I didn't promise anything." He glanced at me obliquely.

Waaah! Don't look at me like that!

I bowed and fixed my gaze on my food again, and I fidgeted in my light blue ruched dress.

Do-do I look weird?

I bit my lip as I glimpsed at my bubble skirt that reached only half-way above my knees.

A-am I showing too much skin?

It's hot, and it's summer.

And I thought I was most likely flushing too much without sipping my spicy ramen soup yet.

"Bu-but you still agreed, right?" I continued our conversation.

"I already told Hara-san that I won't tag along anymore." Deadpan, he didn't peer at me but focused at some glass cabinet of steaming buns.

"But she looked quite happy yesterday..." I murmured.

He gave me a gander. "She wouldn't stop insisting until I called her first name."

Ahhh...so that's why...

That Masako...

Naru frowned at me. "Until when are you going to play with your food? Start eating. We still have somewhere to go."

I felt the heat on my cheeks born from his heart-steaming gaze. "So-somewhere? Bu-but I still have to finish filing your magazines—"

"You can do that later."

For once, my jaw dropped along with my chopsticks.


"Looking at me like I'm a ghost the whole time," Naru observed and queried, "what are you so rattled about?"


"You of all people telling me that I can postpone my work is creeping me out!" was what I wanted to say, but I bit my lip and said quickly, "No-nothing!"

I should be happy, right? Naru is giving me a chance to have quality time with him after all!

Yup! I should take advantage of this!

"So-so, where are we going?" I diverted with an awkward smile.

We were in his black BMW...and I was sitting on the front seats with him! I'd never felt so thrilled all my life. Even if all of that was a dream, I would still be very thankful.

Naru side-glanced at me and responded, "You'll soon find out."

"Eeeh? What's up with that?" I pouted, and he shrugged.

Truthfully nothing could dampen my mood that day. The sky was a clear blue. Everything seemed to glimmer in my eyes through the help of the sunlight.

Just an ordinary summer day...supposedly...

Did the heat get through Naru's head and made him transform into this ramen-treating and -eating guy?

I could only tilt my head in wonder.

Naru drove towards Narita, and by that time, I was thinking that maybe there's a new case I hadn't heard of—that Naru just took me there for the time being...to investigate or what...

But that was a strange thought...because Naru never did that...so what was his purpose for taking me to Narita?

Oh well...

It was hot, and it was summer.

And my heart was leaping cheerfully in Lala land.


Before long, Naru had already parked near Tokyo Sea Life Park, and I blurted loudly, "There's a ghost here?"

"Ghost? There's no case here," Naru said as he shut off the car engine and took his key. His eyes were glinting with amusement.

My cheeks reddening once more, I said, "O-oh..."

What is this? What is this? Why are we here?!

My curiosity was killing me, but I didn't want to ask...because he might take me back to the office...

Ah! I can't think properly!

Anyway, we entered the aquarium, and my nagging queries were pushed somewhere as I was enchanted by sea creatures all around me.

I felt like a child again—pointing stuff and running around.

"Look, Naru! There's the seal! Ah! They're feeding the penguins! Aren't they adorable?! Kyaa! There's the dolphin! So cute!" I gushed, and people's gazes didn't bother me as my happiness meter went up. I was dragging Naru along with me, but he wasn't complaining. Every now and then, I would spot him lifting a corner of his mouth.

Really, my childishness was probably laughable, but I still couldn't contain it...because it's been a long time since I'd been to that place...with my mother...or with my parents (from some time I couldn't remember).

When we got to the jellyfishes, I finally stilled though and placed my hands on the glass.

"Aren't they beautiful?"

In light purple, blue, or red, the jelly things were swimming elegantly before me.

"Aren't they pretty?" I asked Naru. "Waaahh, they're my favorite!"

Naru shrugged. "Those are poisonous, Mai."

I made a moue with my mouth. "Their beauty doesn't hurt me."

He soughed. "Of course. There's a glass, idiot."

"Mohhh! Stop ruining the moment!" I scowled (though half-heartedly), and he stared at me before looking away.

"Do what you like."

Well, that wasn't hard for him to resign.

I beamed and asked, "Have you been here before?"

He eyed me quietly before returning, "No..."

"Oh...I see..."

My cheeks were most likely rosy again...My heart was melting into a puddle of honey.


I swished my head to him. "Yes?"

"Wait here."

I blinked.

"Hah? Where are you going?"


And he went off...

Hurriedly too...

So I burst out laughing.

He seemed desperate! Was he holding it in for long? Haha!

With a smile to the jellyfish, I traced a finger on the glass. "I wish this is all real, jell-o. I wish I'm not dreaming in the end...although I know it's too good to be true."


Naru returned with hands behind him. I was sitting on a bench before the jellyfishes then while swinging my feet.

My cheeks red, I scratched my head. "Haha! I-it's like we're on a date."

Naru gazed at me and nodded with a straight face. "It is."

My mouth hanging open was probably an amusing sight again...and he just slyly lifted a corner of his lips upward.

Kami-sama, I really can't tell what's real...but I like this Naru too...

"Are you...having fun?" He gazed at the jellyfishes with a poker face.

I ogled at him and turned crimson. "Yup!"

More than fun!

"I see."

His once-in-blue-moon smile made its bewildering appearance, and my heart was knocked out.

Kyaaa! I wish this won't end!

I placed my hands on my cheeks and giggled inwardly.

This is overkill!



He handed me a bag...and I blinked and goggled.


Holy-mother-cow what's he handing? Please don't let it be a prank of sorts!

Naru just shrugged his immaculate shoulders. "Happy Birthday."

I gawked at him.

H-he knew? And he remembered?

Bou-san and the others even forgot it was my birthday...

I even forgot my birthday...

Yet he didn't.

For Naru to recall it at that instance...Him treating me to lunch and to the aquarium...

That was the best birthday present I'd ever had.

So this is why he's so nice?

Speechlessly, I took the bag and opened it. Inside was a glittering purplish jellyfish stuff toy.

My favorite...

He...went to the gift shop just to buy it for me...?

Then it clicked.

Washroom...was an excuse...

Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe it wasn't real.

But even so, my heart was singing. Every fiber of me was celebrating.

It was too much of happiness in one day...I felt like I would cry with joy, but I held the waterworks in.

I beamed at him as elation pervaded my soul. "Thank you, Naru."

Thank you for remembering.

Thank you for giving me happiness.

More than the jellyfish plushie...he was the greatest birthday surprise of my life.


To: Naru_the_wholesome. spr . jp

From: oecd. spr .uk

Extremely Important

June 3, 20XXIX 5:15 PM O Mark as Unread


So, do you believe me now?

You're quicker than me, so I know you've guessed it already.

Follow my messages if you don't want to loathe yourself...


Make Mai smile everyday.

Make her feel that you care for her.

Make Mai think twice...




Before she kills herself.


A/N: That was short...I might add something in the future. ^^

Hello everyone! Here I am again slacking off with my other stories and making a new one! =.= You must be itching to strangle me with my tardiness T.T Sorry! I do have the new chapters of Cloud, Rapture, Dreams, Unwritten, Evanescence, Naru's Moving Castle, and Reminiscence in progress, but I just have a lot of stuff to finish for my final weeks in school. T.T I'm extremely sorry to leave you with a new story that may irritatingly be updated after a month or so again. I'm really sorry! T_T

B-but, I just can't contain these random ideas! *pouts*