Chapter 59


Thalia walked down the sidewalk, daydreaming about her night with her gorgeous knight in armor that definitely needed polishing. She kept humming that song over and over again. She was so lost in his deep kiss and soft skin she almost got hit by a car when she was crossing the street. She rubbed her forehead. When had she become this type of girl? When had she stopped paying attention in class because of his green eyes? Or forget which room was her homeroom because of his laugh?

Thalia raised her music and struggled to change the song. She had to bring herself back down to Earth. Percy was going to leave soon. Detach yourself now or it'll only get worse. She tried to think of something else when a bustling group of stomping feet and flashing lights crowded the sidewalk. Just great! Now how would she get to Luna's apartment to walk the dogs? She didn't usually encounter paparazzi this far down, and she didn't pay attention to the news. So, she just picked a green bench and sat down. She was a few minutes early for the walk anyways. She could sit and daydream while they passed.

Hey Pinecone Face, what's up? – Percy

Thalia smiled at the text when she saw his name on her screen.

I was trying to get to Luna's apartment, but the paparazzi blocked my way. Just chilling until they leave. – Thalia

Dude! Isn't Eli Temparwhirl in town? – Percy

Thalia's heart skipped a beat. Flashes of her father's baby blue eyes crossed her mind so fast she grabbed the railing of the bench. Could it be? No. More than one person was named Eli. Plus, his last name isn't Temparwhirl. Thalia cocked her head in confusion. That sounded like Cindy's last name… She blinked. Wasn't there something on the news about the Temparwhirls a few weeks ago? Thalia scratched her head as she tried to remember what had been said, but she sighed when she realized she had turned it off out of courtesy. Dammit! The one time I exerted common decency!

Biting her lip out of anticipation, she googled her name. Multiple links of the family's financial problems and sex scandals popped up… along with pictures of the family. They were all smiling such fake smiles it made Thalia want to puke. She saw Cindy who looked just as bad on the internet as she looked in real life. Thalia smiled. Good. Then another woman with dark hair was there with the name "Regina Temparwhirl" underneath. Right! That was the name that was said on the news all those weeks ago. She scrolled more for the father, but when his picture came into focus, Thalia dropped her phone.

No. No fucking way. No. No. No. NO!

Thalia's heart started racing like she was having a panic attack.

"ELI TEMPARWHIRL! IS IT TRUE YOU SLEPT WITH KYARA WILLIAMS?" one of the paparazzi yelled. Thalia's hand tightened on the railing as she stared into the street with wide eyes. Thalia slowly turned to look at the group of people and she caught a glimpse of gelled back hair and baby blue eyes. She furiously shook her head. It couldn't be. In a rage that was taking hold of her, she stood up and stormed over to the loud crowd.

She forced her way through the sweating bodies, not afraid to push and shove until the she broke through. She almost tripped into Cindy, who shrieked in surprise.

"What the hell, Thalia?!" she yelled in her face.

"What's going on?" the woman named Regina asked. She turned around her gorgeous, dark hair twirled over her bare shoulders. Before Thalia or Cindy could respond, they were shuffled indoors where the doors slammed closed, making Thalia rush lest she gets caught. They must've warned this building, whatever it was, because it was empty and a man had locked the doors as soon as they had entered, leaving the mob outside crestfallen.

Thalia was looking at the paparazzi as they slowly dispersed when she heard arguing behind her.

"Who are you?" the same woman asked rigidly. Thalia turned and her knees almost buckled. It was him. She couldn't believe her own eyes. He was older, more grey than black now, but it was him.

"Ugh, a classmate from school," Cindy said in disgust.

"You'd think we'd have enough problems!" Regina huffed.

"Eli, do something about this," she added, but he was too busy staring at Thalia.

"Eli!" Regina called, poking his shoulder.

"Thals?" Eli breathed. Hearing her name come from his mouth made her skin crawl. She had spent so many years wondering about why he left, wondering if he was ever coming back. She wasted half her life wallowing in her anger towards him, drowning in her sadness, crying over her nightmares. She thought she had gotten over it, but seeing him stand there in a pinstripe suit that couldn't be less than $3,000 and glossy shoes and a bright golden watch, her anger came back with such a vengeance she had to dig her nails into her palm; otherwise she'd charge like a hell-bent bull.

Cindy and Regina looked at Eli with confusion.

"Don't call me that," Thalia growled.

"You know her?" Regina asked, now turning her whole body towards him, her royal blue dress flowing down to her ankles. It was no wonder she was so famous. She exuded beauty and power just by standing in the middle of an empty lobby.

"He should. I'm his daughter. Regrettably," Thalia said. Regina spun around so quickly, it was a surprise she didn't break her ankles in her diamond encrusted heels.

"WHAT?!" she screeched followed by a chorus of "ews" from Cindy. "Oh gods, oh gods! If the press hears about this! Eli! Please tell me this wretch is lying!" Regina rambled, but Eli was completely ignoring her. He stepped towards Thalia, who took just as many steps backwards.

"It's been so long," he said. "You're… you're so grown up." Thalia scoffed.

"Spare me," Thalia retorted. "Have you been in New York this entire time?"

He looked away. Thalia got so angry she almost had steam pouring out her ears. She's been living in a bad building with a bad mother and all the while he was living in the same state, in the same area if Cindy and her were classmates. She had thought he had just disappeared, but he had been close to her the entire time. Had she crossed him on the street? How many times have they been in the same building? How often had she suffered and her reason of pain had been a few yards away?


"No," Thalia said, cutting him off. If she heard another word come out of his mouth, she wasn't sure if she'd scream in fury or break down and cry. "I didn't purposefully find you. I don't want anything to do with you. I just wanted to see how my pathetic excuse of a father was doing, but I guess you're doing just fine. Don't worry. This won't become a scandal," she added, glaring at Regina. On that note, Thalia turned on her heel and the man that had locked the door earlier awkwardly opened it.

"Thalia!" She walked out with her head held high, but as soon as she rounded the corner of the block, she had to lean against the wall to catch her breath. Her butt vibrated from text messages. She pulled it out to see text messages form Percy. She didn't answer and after a few minutes, he called. She didn't answer. How could she? He would know immediately something was wrong. Her back slid down the wall until she was sitting with her forehead resting on her knees.

She thought if she would see him again, maybe get an answer, she would feel some sense of closure. She saw now that closure was not something that was given. She still felt as hollow as the day he left. She still felt like she was drowning in the rushing water coming down the hallway.

But as horrible as she was feeling in this moment, she realized something that made her smile. The scales were tipping. Her life was turning out okay. Her mother had finally moved on. She was going to have a baby brother. She had found love and had learned to let it go without feeling bitter. She had changed and she had changed for the better. Where was her father now? With a daughter who had traits undistinguishable from a cockroach? A wife that cared more about her manicure than someone's feelings? A fancy gold watch for an empty heart? She had thought she had been suffering for so long by chance. Her father was now suffering by choice.

She answered Percy's text message.

How about some ice cream after I walk the dogs? - Thalia