So, I'm REALLY trying to update because you guys have been waiting long enouh, but I just suck at getting motivated. It only happens once every blue moon, so please bare with me! I'm trying to get through these stories, because you have no idea how many more I want to publish. So now, here is the chapter!

(Cole POV)

We are waging war. The bounty is ready and waiting to go, as we prepare ourselves for whatever is there to come. I look over to see Kai; he passed the test. I see Lloyd as my little brother, so I decided to try and put Kai to the test, since he was always the one to do reckless moves. I smiled to myself, I'd let Kai be with Lloyd now...all he needs now is Sensei's verdict.

I look up into the sky, clouds are rolling in fast, and I wonder if it will rain. It was early spring, and these showers were sporadic, and not always the best when training. I sighed, hopefully it could help us...

I lick my dry lips as I close my eyes. This whole time had been incredibly tiring, and we've never gotten a full resting period. I take a deep breath and wonder how Nya is holding up, a baby on the way, coming much faster than regular.

Just then I hear Zane call to us, "They're here...and they have a big army."

I opened my eyes, looking around the rest of the ninja, a frown on my face, "Let's show them what we can do. Get ready boys."

(No POV)

Just as the army came into view in the sky, droplets of rain fell from the heavens, sprinkling then. They were not bothered by it, but there were more clouds rolling in, blocking their vision.

"Drop the bounty a few feet!" Kai shouted to his sister who was driving the ship, the best at piloting. She nodded, bringing it down. Looking out to the army, they neared in their air ships.

The ninja prepared for battle, but just before they could strike an attack, the ships had vanished. Jay looked around, "Where did they go?"

"Keep your eyes peeled." Lloyd said, staring into the cloudy sky.

"Guys! They are right on top of us!" Zane shouted, as the rest looked above them, only to see nothing.

"Zane, there's nothing there." Kai said, confused.

Zane shook his head, no, my scanners detect something; not an army, but only three of those people.

Jay raised an eyebrow, "So, where did the army go?"

"There never was one." came a voice from behind. The ninja turned around, to see the three men, standing there. Two were supposedly foot soldiers, and the one who had spoken wore a long cape, looking like a king, "As you see, they were holograms, programed by us."

"But why?" Kai asked.

He sighed, "Our nation is a dying one, we need anything we can get. So, when we discovered if we shoot a laser through several planets, and direct you life back to us, it could potentially save our lives." He looked to the two men beside him, "Even these are mere illusions." As just as the words were spoken, the two figure fizzled into nonexistence.

Cole stepped towards the king, "I'm sorry for hat is happening to you, but there are countless lives here that cannot be lost."

The man nodded, "I figured as much." He opened up his cape to show his shirt on the inside stained red of blood, "And besides, I myself am dying already."

"Oh my God..." Kai spoke in a hushed voice.

Lloyd bit his lip, "Can't we help you? We could probably bandage you up, or..."

"No, no need to help a dead man. All I need is her, Nya Chance. She is pregnant, with our last hope." He said coughing up a little blood before wiping it from his mouth.

Jay frowned, "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

The man sighed, "You don't really think your world really has berries that can impregnate you, right? She holds new life, potential life, that will be strong, with out powers." He held out his hand, as a little sapling grew in it, "Plant magic. We create living plants," but just as soon as he made it, it had withered and crumbled to dust, blown away into the sky, "But we are weak, and I have no more strength to carry it on." He coughed harder this time, and fell to his knees.

Zane held the king up, "Sir, you wish us to raise the last of our race?"

He nodded, "Please, is can be the last of your doing. We never wanted to unleash an attack, we only wished to persuade you..." His eyes became glassy, tears flowing freely, "Don't let us be unknown..."

"What is your name?" Cole asked, kneeling in front of him.

He turned to the earth ninja, "...K-King Edmetine of the Wisphers...sadly defeated by Queen Bellathorne of the Clan of Trespassers. I hate to say it, but she will not cease until she owns everyone, and everything. She will come here next, please, protect that baby, and don't let her win again..."

Cole nodded, "We won't let it happen, we promise."

He wheezed, "Before I go...let me know the names of you brave souls."

Cole pointed to himself, "I am Cole Brookstone, as well as Jay Walker, Kai Chance, Zane Roberts, Lloyd Garmadon, and of course, Nya Chance."

He nodded, smiling, "Ah, you must live on, people...of...Ninjago...thank you..."

With that, his slow heart beat came to a stop, his glassy eyes closed, as he fell limp into Zane. There was complete silence around the for several seconds, with the only sounds of the rain and the city life below. Nya left it on auto as she came out to see the ninja and the man. As the rain fell, it touched the king, as he withered away, just as his plant did, into dust, and slowly disappeared into the cloudy sky.

Lloyd wiped his eyes, looking over to Kai, speaking up, "What do we do now?"

Cole stood up, "He said that Queen would come here; we need to keep a close watch out for her and her supposed army, as well as keep that baby protected." He turned to Nya, "How do you feel?"

She sighed, "I don't know. I feel fine right now, really."

Jay smiled, taking her hand in his, "That's great to know."

She smiled warmly back, interlocking their fingers. Zane took a deep breath, "You may be fine for now, Nya, but please, take things carefully. Perhaps you should rest."

Kai nodded, "Yeah, I agree. Here, I'll take you to your room sis." Kai said stepping forward.

But just as he did, Nya froze, as she blinked, falling to the ground. Jay caught her, "Nya, are you ok"?!"

She groaned out in pain, clutching onto Jay's arm, Kai ran to her side, "Hey! Sis! Can you hear me?!"

Zane keeled beside her, doing a speedy scan, her face paled by the second, "The baby..." Zane spoke softly, he turned to face the rest, "It's coming, now."

Dun! So, hopefully I manage to update more (probably not) and I'll also be trying to work on my other stories as well. Man, I forgot how fun this story was, and yes, there will be a sequel, and possible third one, but not for a while.

For now, tell me how it is going so far! Let me know in your reviews! Thanks for reading! :)