Me and Kai walked behind Zane towards the infirmary, but before we got there Kai decided to make a break for it, and I left to go find Jake.

"Jay!? What are you doing!" Kai asked me.

"oh you know, just going to find Jake" I said, "well hurry because I think Zane is onto us" said Kai before he disappeared into the lower part of the bounty. Then I heard Jake call for me "Jay?" he said.

"yeah I'm coming" I answered back. Then I walked out onto the deck and saw him standing there.

"Hey Jake what are you doing?" I asked.

He sighed "just waiting for you so I can say bye". "why?" i asked, "because your back safe and I have to get back to Silver" he said while smiling.

"alright well bye" I said. "yeah bye… my werewolf friend" he whispered the last part.

"hope to see you again soon, and not up there" said Jake gesturing towards the sky. "ha you don't have to tell me twice" I said.

"Bye!" he yelled. "Bye!" I yelled back.

Then a small part of the clouds opened up and Jake looked at me then he sprouted wings and flew up into the hole in the clouds but once he got there he turned around and yelled "what!? I'm dead so I can do that!" then the hole closed up.

And I was left standing there with my mouth open and looking into the sky which somehow it was almost dark.

But then I heard some foots steps behind me, "well looks like we found one escapee" he said.

I whipped around and saw Cole with Zane and Nya. "Uhh…Kai's in the lower part of the bounty!" I yelled. "Zane will you go get him? you two Nya, I got Jay so its good up here" said Cole.

Zane and Nya nodded and ran off to find Kai. Which left me with Cole "well lets do this" I heard Cole say, and he started to come after me, then he lounged at me.

"oh crap" I mumbled, then I jumped away from his attack but wasn't fast enough and he grabbed me and then he sat on me. "ahh Cole…I can't breathe!" I yelled.

"oh sorry I forgot you're a dog" he said then he got off me. Then I jumped up and pinned him down" hey get off me" he said "I'm a wolf not a dog" I growled at him, "oh sorry!" he said. Then I got off and he picked me up.

"hey let me go!" I yelled while trying to get out of his grip. "sorry Jay Zane's gotta fix you up" he said.

"oh whatever-" I said til' I was cut off, bye a scream that echoed throughout the ship.

"what the-" Cole started to say but I cut him off.

"that was Kai" I said. "oh, I thought that was you" he joked, "what!? No I don't sound like a girl" I said.

"sure" he said then he starts walking and after a few minutes we arrived at the infirmary, were Zane and Nya had Kai tied up to a chair.

Me and Cole started laughing, "haha laugh all you want" said Kai.

Then Zane walked over to Kai and stuck him with anesthetic, he continued to fight but each time had even less effort than the first.

"Kai just calm down" said Nya, and Kai stopped fighting and looked at us "ok but only for you Nya…" then he drifted off into slumber. Leaving us in an awkward silence.

"Cole you can put me down now" I said breaking then silence, "huh?...ok" then he put me down. And he then he closed and locked the door.

"try to escape now" he smirked. "nah- Nya's in here so I think I'll stay" i said then he frowned and walked over to a chair and sat in it "whatever" he said.

"aw Jay" I heard Nya say, I looked up at her and wagged my tail, she came over to me with a needle and my eyes widened. "Its ok Jay" she said and I relaxed, she then stuck me with it and I laid down, and I continued to look up at Nya who was smiling, after a few seconds I laid my head down and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.


I watched Jay fall asleep, and Nya pick him up and lay him on a table, with great easiness.

Then she started working on his leg.

After what seemed like an hour Zane and Nya were done. "bout time" I said. "yeah, just help Zane" said Nya and she walked out of the room to who knows were.

Zane picked up Kai "Cole will you please get Jay" he said, "sure" I got up and walked over to were Jay lay and picked him up.

"ok Zane where are we taking them?" I asked, "to there beds" he said and we walked out the door and once we got to are room Zane laid Kai on his bed and I went to lay Jay on his bed but was stopped by Zane "umm…perhaps we should make Jay a bed on the floor so he does not fall off of his bed" he said

"yeah that would be best" I agreed. Then Zane left and came back with a pillow and blanket.

"yeah! Good thinking Zane" I said, "why thank you" he said back.

Then he laid the pillow and blanket on the ground, by my bed.

Great it was bad enough when he slept above me I thought.

I set Jay on there, "hey Zane what do ya wanna do now?" I asked, "well since it is dark out we should go to bed" he responded.

"I guess your right" I said. Then we both got changed and got into bed.

Man this is going to be difficult having Jay as a wolf I thought, before I fell asleep

But little did we know this was just the beginning…

I Hope you liked! I'm thinking of making another one and it will be a sequel to this.

So R&R!