This is written purely for my own dealing with the crap that was S3 and maybe something I hoped Chuck would do in that situation. (Bear in mind I have not watched this since I got the dvd's) AU from that point.

I don't own anything of Chuck, if I did we wouldn't see the s3 we got.

He couldn't believe what he heard through his headphones. Sam? What the hell? He had never felt this angry in his whole life. He couldn't control his emotions. Telling that man who she barely knew her real name and not him who she known for some years now and desperately wanted her saying it to him. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run. He wanted to confront them.

Take the shot! He heard one of the men shouting to him. When he found out it was Shaw he was supposed to eliminate he tried to think of anything to get out of the situation. Now however, things were a little different. He slowly aimed the rifle towards the window and looked through the scope.

He aimed towards the woman who betrayed him. I hate her! No, I love her! The voices in his head shouted on top of each other. He then aimed the rifle a little to the right and looked at Shaw smug over his own accomplishment. Bastard! He thought before gently squeezing the trigger and a sound coming from the rifle was all he heard. A second later he opened his eyes and looked through the scope seeing Shaw lying on the floor, blood pouring from his head. Sarah was screaming. No, Sam was screaming.

Nice shot! He heard one of the men saying with a grin. He turned and quickly flashed on martial arts and knocked both men out before placing the rifle back in its case. He quickly walked out of the building heading for the ocean. He found a deserted place and carefully threw the case in the water without anyone looking. He walked to his beach and sat down looking at his hands. What have I done?