Finding Your Talent.

Rumours spread quickly in The Littlest Pet Shop so it wasn't long before everyone was talking about the new pet that was rumoured to be turning up. As is normally the way with rumours, when Penny Ling came to Blythe with news of what she had heard the other pets talking about, the actual truth was somewhat different to the rumours.

"Blythe, Russell said that we are all going to be gobbled up because Mrs. T. is bringing a horrible animal in that sucks blood and sleeps all day and can turn into a person when we aren't looking. Are people allowed to stay at the daycare if they don't work for Mrs. T.? I tried to ask Russell but he told me to go away, so I tried to speak to Zoe but she didn't have time to speak to me, so I asked Sunil, and he got scared, so I went to Minka and she..." began Penny Ling, but Blythe cut her off.

"Wait... what... sucks blood? Turns into a person? What are you talking about?" Said Blythe, somewhat confused by the little panda.

"The new pet" said Penny. Nobody seemed to understand her in this shop. Either that or they didn't have the time to try.

"Oh!" exclaimed Blythe. "A cat! Not a bat! And especially not a vampire bat! Just a sweet little kitten that has nowhere to live. Where did you hear that from, anyway?"

"Oh... Russell called a meeting this morning and Zoe said that she overheard Mrs. T. talking to a woman in a pretty dress, and the woman in the pretty dress said that she had a bat that she couldn't take care of any more because she was too busy to look after her and she worked all of the time so couldn't feed her. So she was coming here to eat us." Penny explained.

"Riiiiight... well maybe you should tell the others that Zoe must have misheard. Not the first time that has happened, is it?" asked Blythe as she re-stocked the pet food shelves.

"As if they would ever listen to me" Penny mumbled, shuffling away.

Hours later and Penny Ling was still stood alone in the pet shop twirling her ribbons around and humming to herself when Russel wondered up to her.

"What are you doing out here? We are all hiding at the top of the slide so the bat doesn't eat us!" he said.

"She isn't a cat, she is a bat, and she won't eat us" Penny replied, but Russel was having none of it, and he ran off to hide with the other pets just as the door of the shop jingled, and a stressed-looking lady in a pretty dress arrived with a stressed-looking cat with a pretty collar under her arms.

Penny stuck her head around the day care door to hear what the lady was saying to Mrs. T..

"Thank you for taking care of my little Blossom- she is such a lovely little thing, and I hate hate hate not being able to give her the love and attention that she deserves!" said the lady in the pretty dress, but Penny knew that she didn't mean it. She could see it in her eyes.

The little cat struggled free and ran into a corner of the pet shop, her sapphire encrusted collar shining in the artificial glow of the shop. It matched her eyes. Minka would love it.

The terrified cat's owner edged towards the bundle of white fur that was curled up under the collar display, "come on, sweetie, mummy is going home now, come say bye to mummy" she said, peering under the display.

With her snowy fur standing on end, the cat backed up against the wall, not wanting to be anywhere near "mummy", and eventually mummy got the hint. "Right, I am late for work as it is, so I must dash. Thank you for taking care of my little treasure" she said, and with a quick smile at Mrs. T. she whisked out of the door, leaving behind her startled pet, that was definitely a cat, and not a bat, Penny thought with a smile.