Chapter 1 (Rewritten)
500 Years BNMM (Before Nightmare Moon)
"Discord!" Celestia shouted as she continuously zapped creatures left and right out of existance. "WHERE IS SHE!"
"Why whatever do you mean Celly?" Said the mischevious Spirit of Disharmony and Chaos.
""Though know damned well who!" Celestia yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice. ""WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER! WHAT HAST THOU DONE WITH LILIANA VILE SNAKE!"
"Draconequese dear Celly. Draconequese. And no need for the Royal Canterlot Voice. She's perfectly safe...inanalternatedimension." He said this very fast. "Hello Lulu." He said to the dark colored Alicorn behind him.
"Boy you two sure love using the Voice today." Discord laughed. "Don't worry, she's perfectly fine. Not one hair on her mane nor tail has been harmed. But you will never see her again. Of that I am sure. And what's with calling me Vile? I'm not Vile. I just love spreading Chaos. By the way did you know Vile is an anagram of Evil? And also a Homonym. Oh language is fun." He said eagerly as he floated on a chocolate covered cotton candy cloud.. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat more but I have Chaos to wreak!" He was about to leave when he felt three different sparks of magic surrounding him.
"The Elements of Harmony!" He said in terror. "No. No. NO!"
The Elements struck Discord. He fell to the earth and began to turn to stone.
"I will return." He said darkly to Luna and Celestia. "And nothing will be safe. NOTHING!" He groaned in pain as the stone crept onto his face and froze it in place.
Celestia wailed mournfully as Luna held her in a comforting manner while Equestria returned to normal and the ponizens all across Equestria cheered. Not knowing that their Crown Princess was gone...
1981 Godric's Hollow...
"Not Harry, please not Harry!" Lilana, known to friends and family as Lily, begged with the Dark Lord Voldemort who stared her down pitilessly.
"Stand aside I say." The evil man ordered. The now human Alicorn refused to obey.
Bastard doesn't know I have a backup plan. Liliana said in her mind as she played her part. Harry will be perfectly Equestria. Hopefully he will be sent to mother. Mother, I wish I could have come back too...
"Please have mercy!" She pleaded.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort shouted and Liliana crumbled to the floor like a stringless puppet.
Voldemort stared at the infant he was about to destroy. Such a pity. He felt great potential from this boy.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A snake faced wizard shouted as he fully intended to end the life of this particular infant. Harry James Potter. He had been obssessed with finding this child ever since Severus had told him of the Prophecy given to Dumbledore by Sybil Trewlaney. But somethings wrong...His curse is hovering in front of the boy!
With a flash of pink energy, Harry James Potter vanished from Earth.
Equestria. Apple Acres, Ponyville...Dusk...
Applejack Apple phwewed as she finished bucking the last barrel of apples from the last tree of the day. The mare had been working all day alongside her older brother Big Macintosh and was exhausted.
A flash of pink energy appeared on the farm.
"Wha' th' hay?" Applejack asked outloud with genuine curiosity. She took off at a run toward the energy burst and ignored Granny Smith who had called her in for dinner. It was at the edge of their property. She came to halt at a basket. And gasped.
In the basket was a blue pony infant with pegasus wings and a horn. An Alicorn! He was blue with a messy black mane and had the most beautiful green eyes.
She saw a note.
To Who It May Concern
This is my son. His name is Harry. Please take good care of him and give him a loving home.
Applejack was confused. How could this adorable infant not be Equestrian by birth? She cooed at him as he tried to grab her nose with his hoofs. His basket had a name plate.
"My name is Harry."
She had already fallen in love with the infant. She picked up the basket in her mouth and went back to the farmhouse. Granny Smith and Big Macintosh curiously looking into the basket as she came inside and seeing the baby Alicorn...
To Be Continued...
Yes I rewrote the first chapter. To fit my new plot. Harry is indeed the grandson of Celestia. The old plot...just didn't make much sense. But after writing out chapter 3 I finally got what I thought was a good plot in my head. I hope everyone enjoyed the new Chapter 1.
Btw, I'm pretty sure that words that mean the same thing are Homonyms. But I could be wrong. If I am please tell me. And I hope I portrayed Discord pretty well.
And I did change Harry's look. I changed it to fit the Harry described in my second MLP crossover Harry Sparkle.
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