Summary: Sometimes my heart is striped. Sometimes it's dotted. Sometimes it's circled, but always my heart is in the pattern of you.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I do own this story and the rights to it. R&R

Sometimes my heart is striped.

Like someone just took a knife and cut through the muscles.

As if they cut out a vital part of me, and that part I could never get back, no matter how many times I pleaded, begged and asked the gods. There was always something... missing.

The stripes had cut through my heart so many times that it was scared beyond repair. Nothing could make it go away.

Sometimes my heart is dotted.

Like bullet wound that had cut right through me my heart was dotted.

I felt like a lost Bambi and no light was to be found. No pot of gold at the end of a beautiful rainbow.

The heart I had claimed to be my own was just a mere muscle, beyond repair.

Nothing could take away the pain. The pain resembled the one of being shot. Right through my heart you could see my black veins.

Sometimes it's circled.

No edges, no peeks, no valleys or hills. Just a round circle.

The same routine, the same world that kept on living although I felt like dying.

It was a shell protecting me. From harm. Like a shield. But just like a shield it was bound to be hit.

Nothing could do me right, and yet nothing could touch me. I was protected by a pattern.

Always my heart is in the pattern of you

You make me fly, you make me fall, but most importantly, you make me want to pick myself up.

You are my life, my love.

You are the reason I'm dying.

*Du-dunk, Du-dunk, Du-dunk, Du-dunk, Du-dunk, Du-dunk... Silence*

One heart that would forever be broken stopped beating. And as for you, you will live in the shadows without my existence. You are my greatest strength. And you are my greatest weakness.

You are my sweetest downfall and nothing could save me. I would forever be broken.

Hey you guys! I just felt like pulling out the poetic side of me. Leave me a review and tell me what you thought of this short 'poem' ( If you can even call it that ) Don't forget to favorite :)

Until next time, JA NE ^^