This is my first D-Gray Man fan fiction. Please don't flame me if story is not please you.

Warming: un-betaed

Disclaimer: I don't own D-Gray Man.

In this story,

Allen- 15 (he skipped grades.)

Lavi- 17

Tyki- 17



A huge Japanese style palace owned by a powerful Feudal Lord Kanda Hakaisha stood under the full moon night with full of proud and glory and anyone who wanted to harm the Lord or his royal family would run away by the sight of it ….. Or may be not…

In the garden, a young man about 18 or 19 years of age was chained by veins and put in kneeling position in the weird cycle drawn on the ground. He had beautiful long blue hair, dark eyes clouded with pain and sadness and lean figure. He wore white kimono and his soft and flawless milky skin made him pretty and handsome at the same time. He was Lord Hakaisha's only son, Kanda Yuu. Lord Hakaisha too was standing in front of him in the cycle and a mirror which faced young Kanda. Cycling them, many sorcerers were singing magic song. This ceremony was to seal young Prince Kanda's soul into mirror which allowed the Lord to take over his son's healthy and young body.

'Please don't do it, Father. This is madness.' Prince Kanda pleaded his father as his soul was starting to be absorbed in mirror.

'This body is weak and old. It will allow me to rule this country for a few years. But yours is still young, strong and healthy. With yours, I can rule this country about 30 years. Lord Hakaisha must not be defected by old or death. This country needs me and you should be proud that you can offer your body to me!' Lord Hakaisha laughed madly looking at his son.

At this moment, Prince Kanda's beautiful dark eyes filled with hatred and said the curse before his soul was completely sealed in mirror.

"Anyone who looks in this mirror will suffer pain and will die! Their restless and tortured souls will become mine and destroy this country you love!"

The Lord and sorcerers were afraid of Prince Kanda's last words and thrown the mirror in the ocean. Thousands years passed after that and no one knew where mirror existed and it became a bedtime story.

'Ah…It is really scary, Lavi! Where did you hear that kind of story?' Allen said wrapping himself with blanket and moved closer to Tyki and hugged his cousin arm.

'Ha ha ha ha Allen, even Road and Linalee don't scare. Ya are a chicken.' Red haired boy named Lavi was laughing his ass off at his friend. The girls- Linalee and Road giggled at Allen and Tyki put his arm around his trembling cousin in a comforting manner. Said cousin was hugging his older cousin as his life depended on him with tear evident in his eyes.

Every Friday nights, Lavi, Allen, Tyki and Road came to sleep at Linalee's house because her brother Komui had to work overtime and did homework together since four of them are in the same class except Road who is 4 years younger them. But they go to same school, Black Order High. Sometime they played games or talked about what to do during weekends.

'Lavi, do you know where is that mirror now?' Road asked Lavi acting like she did not believe his story. But anime words "totally interested in" can be seem on her head.

'No, I don't know.' Lavi said face palmed. But he grinned and said,' It is in Panda-jiji's house. He doesn't say where he got it but he told me to come to him this Sunday if I want to look. Wanna come with me?'

'Road, don't even think about it. I don't WANT TO LOOK AT IT!' Allen screamed at his cousin. Sometime, he wandered whether Road was born without mind to scare.

'I want to look.' Tyki said lookind down at Allen with an I-am-so-sorry-but-I-want-to-look-it-so-much face.

'I want to go too.' Linalee said smiling at Allen.

'So four against one, we will go to see it. You will have to come too, Allen.' Road quickly added when she saw Allen trying to stay behind.

'Just kill me.' Allen said with a depressed face.

'Cheer up, Allen! Prince Yuu is nothing to scare of. He just had a loud mouth and said those words because he was too afraid. He is dead now. Don't scare of some stupid ancient old man ghost. I will protect ya!' Lavi promised his friends and they all went to bed…..

Oh how wrong you are, Lavi…. If they know what will happen afterwards, they will forget about it immediately….

To be continued…..

Waiting for your reviews, favorites ….

Next chap will be longer and now I am so sorry

Mystery Dream