Thank you to Emmagination, TWILLINATOR, Qwerty321 and InkLilly for reviewing!

Sorry for the major late update! Was on holiday and kept writing this story on my phone...which was a bad idea D: I killed my phone with seawater so now I'm back to my old phone and I can't write on it T_T

Minor editing has been done to the Prologue and Chapter 1 because of a few grammatical and syntax errors (woops). Left the Urahara-explains-wizarding-world alone because people could get it. It was meant to show how Ichigo and Uryu couldn't keep up xD

On with the story!

Chapter 2

In a house in Little Whinging, number 4 Privet Drive to be exact, was a male teenager sleeping on his bed. The room he was in was messy and littered with all sorts of things: crumpled paper, broken quills, empty ink pots, open and closed spellbooks, issues of the Daily Prophet, owl feathers, and robes that needed washing. Harry was waiting for a 'certain person' to take him to The Burrow...but had fallen asleep in the process. He was half holding a piece of paper in one of his hands which read:

Dear Harry,

If it is alright with you, I shall send ... four, Privet Drive this coming Friday at seven p.m. to escort you to the The Burrow, where ... invited to spend the remainder of your school holidays.

If you are agreeable, I should also be glad ... in a few matters to which I hope to attend when ...

Kindly send you answer by return of this owl. Hoping to see you this Friday,

I am, yours most sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

Harry had read more than enough times to know off by heart the letter that was blotched by drops of tea in some places. His clock read 6:57 P.M. and today was the Friday mentioned in the letter. He had planned to take a short nap in the afternoon, then pack his trunk before he left with the 'person'. Unfortunately, Harry had been too excited at the prospect of leaving the Dursleys after staying for only two weeks instead of the usual two months. So his plan was ruined when he fell into a deep sleep without setting his alarm.

The minute hand reached 12 and at precisely the same time the doorbell rang.

"Who the ruddy hell is it when we're about to have dinner!?" was heard loud and clear from downstairs.

Harry woke with a start. He had forgotten to notify his relatives about the coming of 'that' person. He had only mentioned that he would be leaving them shortly after receiving the letter from Dumbledore. They had thrown a sort-of party and so did Harry, although separately, celebrating the fact Harry wasn't going to be around for most of the holidays. Especially Uncle Vernon. He was in a particularly good mood these passing days, probably because he couldn't wait to get rid of the magical abomination that was Harry.

Hurriedly rushing to the door and slamming it open, Harry burst out of his room in time to see Uncle Vernon turning the doorknob.

"Wait! Uncle Vernon-!" shouted Harry from the top of the staircase, about to run down.

Too late. The door was pulled open and revealed the visitor to be none other than one of Dumbledore's most trusted people, Minerva McGonagall. Wearing her usual forest green themed attire with her hair in an ever present bun, it was weird seeing a Professor from Hogwarts standing on the doorstep of the Dursleys' house.

"Who are you and why are you here!?" demanded Uncle Vernon, purple in the face. He was a person with a short temper, but for him to be purple already? Harry suspected that his uncle knew the person on his doorstep was one of those people from the 'other' world - the one where people waved wands around.

"Good evening to you Mr. Dursley." greeted McGonagall. "I am Professor McGonagall from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I believe Mr. Potter has told you why I am here tonight?"

Both adults turned to look at Harry, who froze halfway down the stairs. What was he supposed to say now? His uncle and Transfiguration professor were both looking directly at him, demanding answers with their eyes.

Coming down a step at a time, Harry said, "Er...well, you"Under the cool stare the professor was giving him alongside the small narrowed eyes of his uncle's, Harry couldn't find words to explain the reason why he didn't let the Dursleys know.

First of all, the Dursleys and Harry lived separately while living together. Although they had their meals together and slept at the similar times, the two sides (one was Harry, the other side were the Dursleys) hardly talked to each other, let alone share information. The only times the sides conversed were when Uncle Vernon was ordering Harry around (which hardly happened after Harry came back after his first year at Hogwarts), making him do chores around the house (which also lessened in amount), sending him to get Dudley from somewhere for mealtime, etc. So of course Harry wouldn't tell his relatives of any events that were going to happen unless their lives were at risk. Sure Harry disliked the Dursleys with his whole being, but he wasn't cruel enough to put their lives in danger. Perhaps a joke or a prank using magic, but not anything life threatening.

Secondly, if Harry had told the Dursleys of McGonagall's arrival, they would've thrown a fit that a being from the 'world-better-off-ignored' would be coming to their house. It was absolutely clear that the Dursleys, especially Aunt Petunia, didn't want to have anything to do with the magical world.

Harry's plan was to meet Professor McGonagall before she pressed the doorbell, so witch and Muggle wouldn't get a chance to interact. He would see his professor walking up the driveway, carry his packed trunk and a caged Hedwig downstairs, tell the Dursleys he was leaving (then hear them whooping in the background), and walk out the door, ready to leave the house he was sheltered in.

Well, look where that plan went. Straight out the window, up into the sky and doomed to forever float around in space. Why? Because Harry didn't set his alarm. One little mistake lead to screwing up the 'perfect' plan.

Back to the present. Did the two adults still expect him to give an answer? By now Harry had already reached the bottom of the staircase and just stood there. No one made a move. Why was the atmosphere so awkward?!


The three people at the doorway looked up to where the sound came from. Hedwig was perched on the top of the handrail, looking down at them, giving off an impatient aura.

Harry coughed slightly "Erm...I guess I should finish packing now."

Professor McGonagall turned to look at Harry once more, this time with one eyebrow raised. "You still haven't packed yet, Mr. Potter?"

"I, I just need to put in a few things and then I'm done." said Harry who then rushed up the stairs and into his room, Hedwig flying in after him.

He immediately went to his trunk, flung it open and faced his room.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt."

His belongings were everywhere! Literally. Starting with things close by, he threw his textbooks and robes into his trunk. Stuffing it with everything and anything he could find. He could hear his professor and his uncle 'conversing' like normal humans while he barely managed to get Hedwig into her cage. Mentally going over what he put into his trunk, he tried to see if he missed anything.

Ink pots.

Where did those ink pots go? Not the empty ones that were lying on the ground. Not the lids that were scattered about. . . ?


The door to his room opened, letting in a curious looking Professor McGonagall and a swearing-under-his-breath-about-how-rowdy-teens-were-these-days Uncle Vernon.

"Finished packing?"

Hastily shoving in some full and some half full ink pots and slamming the trunk shut, Harry nodded his head.

"Well then, we are ready to leave. Mr. Dursley, thank you for your hospitality tonight."

As Harry passed Uncle Vernon with a caged Hedwig and his trunk, he heard him mutter something that sounded suspiciously like 'Well thank YOU for coming unannounced.'

Harry followed Professor McGonagall down the stairs and out the door. He turned his head slightly to face the Dursley house and saw his uncle slam the door shut, and then continued to follow Professor McGonagall.

He followed her to the end of Privet Drive, where she stopped and turned to face him.

"Put your belongings down." Although confused, he did as she said.

Whisking her wand out from somewhere in her robe, she waved it once, gave it a flick and Harry's trunk and Hedwig disappeared.


"They have gone to The Burrow, where you will be going soon." cut the professor.

"I see." said Harry. "What are we doing now, professor?"

At that moment a figure dressed in black robes appeared, no, apparated near the two of them.

"You and Professor McGonagall will be coming with me, Mr. Potter, to assist Professor Dumbledore with a few matters." spoke the figure.

Harry's eyes widened.

Why was he here? Why did he have to come too? Nothing in the letter mentioned having to meet him!

"S-Professor Snape!"

I thought I should maybe give Harry some screen time? - my reason why I focused on Harry this chapter xD

Review Replies:

None! This is because I'm only doing replies here that I can't PM and I could send replies through PM this time.

Sorry again for the late update!