Boy it feels good to be back! I am sorry about the long wait. I have been working a lot plus school and I may or may not of lost my notebook more then once for a few months. Anywhere here is a new chapter of My Secret Songbird. Enjoy! XOXO PayPay

Disclaimer: I only own the plot. Everything else is someone own by other

Chapter 4: A Really Good Surprise

I was glad to be away from Finn Hudson. I was just generally glad for the day to be over with. I flipped through my planner to see how much homework I have do tonight after Quinn and I go dress shopping for Homecoming. When I got to Quinn's locker I pulled out my iPhone to write Sebastian a quick email while I waited for Quinn to get out of Cheerios practice.

"Hey, Rach!" Quinn cheerfully greeted me while she opened her locker to grab her books out of her locker.

"Hey, Q." I replied.

"Congrats on the Homecoming Queen nomination." Quinn said. She closed her locker and grabbed her keys out of her locker. "Let's go get you a Homecoming Queen worthy dress."

"Thanks, Q." I finished my email and dropped my phone in my purse before we linked arms and headed out the door to Quinn's car.

"How excited are you to see Sebastian?" Quinn asked as we got to her car.

"I am super excited but I wished he could of moved his visit to Homecoming week, so he could take me to the dance." I said, while putting our backpack and Binders in the trunk of her Red Beetle.

I got into the front seat, Quinn started to car and we made our way to Lima South Town Mall. I stared out the window while Quinn talked about the rest of the JV Practice went and how the whole team threw up at the same time. I had to find the perfect dress was the only thing I was thinking about the way to the mall. If I am going dateless I need to look amazing.

"We are here. Are you hungry?" Quinn asked while parking in one of the many reserved for McKinley High School Cheerios spaces.

"I famished." I replied while get out of the car. " Let's go to get PinkBerry."

We walked into the mall and made our way to PinkBerry. We got there and I ordered my favorite Butter Pecan Fro-yo with lots of chocolate. Which is totally against Coach Sue extremely strict diet, which is why I am no longer Vegan. I handed my Black Amex card to the blonde that need to have her roots redone.

"How does it feel to be the only Cheerio nominated for Homecoming Queen?" Quinn asked while we walked to Dresses by Tessa to find the perfect dress.

"A total honor but I am kinda surprised you and Sam didn't get nominated." I said before shoving a spoonful of fro-yo in my mouth. "But I will be the only Cheerio without a date which sucks."

"But you're the one with the perfect boyfriend." Quinn said.

"That means nothing when he is 4,040 miles way and there is a freakin' ocean between us." I said as we walked into one of the few Sue approve stores. I started to look at the dresses for homecoming. Homecoming is one of the biggest dance of the year for underclassmen followed by the Spring Fling. Unfortunately, Sebastian's visit is right before the big dance. I guess that is the price you pay when you are in a long distance relationship.

"Quinn, help me!" I cried for help. I couldn't find the perfect dress. I needed a look that said Vote Rachel Berry for Homecoming Queen. Quinn came over with the most perfect dress in her hand. She handed me the white lace dress with a little blue ribbon that would hug my waist perfectly.

"Quinn, this is perfect." I claimed. I took the dress from her and rushed to the fitting room. I slipped the dress on and it was perfect. I stepped out of the fitting rooms.

"Oh my god!" Quinn gushed. "Rachel, this dress was made for you."

"You really think that?" I asked as I did a little spin in front of the mirror. Quinn was right this was the perfect dress to bad Sebastian would see me in the dress. I fell in love with dress.

"I am getting this dress." I said. I went back into fitting room to take of the dress and put it back on the hanger. Quinn and I made our to check out. I handed the dress to the girl that was working at check out.

"Did you find anything?" I asked Quinn as I pulled out my amex card, and handed it to girl.

"Nope." she said. "I'll see what I can find when I go with Santana and Britt on Saturday."

I finished paying for the dress and we made our made back to Quinn's car. On the way home we chatted about the latest McKinley gossip. I also checked my email to see if i have anything from Sebastian. There wasn't anything, which was very weird. He would of replied by now. Quinn dropped me off at home. I made my way up the stairs to download some sheet music for Glee Club

"Mr. Schuester!" I yelled chasing after Mr. Schue in the school parking lot after Quinn and I got to the school the next morning.

"Yeah?" He said when I finally caught up.

"I downloaded some sheet music and I would like to run some songs by you feature me heavily on lead vocal" I told him pulling my backpack behind me.

"Sorry Rach, but I already got one picked out." Mr. Schue stated.

"Here let me help you that." I heard Finn said while he grabbed my backpack. Has much I didn't need help his heart was in the right place.

"Thanks, Finn. You're so Chivalrous." I giggled as Finn rolled my pink backpack into the school to meet up with the girls.

Quinn, Santana, Brittany and I made our way to homeroom when we saw Mr. Schue undressing the excuse this school calls a Guidance Counselor Miss Pillsberry with his eyes.

"Get a room." Santana said to them as we past them.

"Ms. Sylvester wants to see you in her office, Mr. Schue. She doesn't like to be kept waiting." Quinn said while walking backwards.

"You, got it." He replied and walked towards Ms. Sylvester office.

The day seemed to drag on. I wanted Glee Club to start so badly to see what song Mr. Schue picked out that I may or may on have the lead. I am Rachel Barbra Berry! I am star! I need to be lead to get into NAYDA. It's been mine and Sebastian dream since we were little and we saw a student production of Annie. Mr. Schue passed out sheet music as we each enter the choir room for Glee Club. I took my seat in the front row. I look at the sheet music that was in my hand. "Freak Out" those two words freaked me out.

"Mr. Schue, you're kidding me!" I gasped. "Disco Sucked and its not in my key."

"No, Rachel." Mr. Schue said to glee club. "We are performing this at the assembly at the end of the week."

"Mr. Schue, this song is terrible." Mercedes claimed.

"No, no, no. It's not the song. You guys just need to get into it." Mr. Schue said. I am thinking about how the hell we could get into this song.

"No, its the song. It's really gay," Kurt said. I thought it was funny that the gay kid said it was gay.

"We need Modern Music Mr. Schue." Artie claimed. I totally agreed with him. I started to make my way to pull out my sheet music.

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have the time to discuss this. We're doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly." He stood at the piano.

"In front of the whole sch-school?" Tina stutter

"Exactly." Mr. Schue proclaimed.

"They're gonna throw food at us." Kurt said with a little bit of sas. "And I just had a facial."

"I'll press charges if that happens. My daddy is a lawyer!" I chimed in.

"Guys. I can't express to you how important this assembly is." He started to lecture us. " We need recruits. There are six of you. We need twelve to qualify for regionals. We have no choice or the club is over. I know you guys don't like this song but we took nationals back in '93 with "Freak Out" It's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. Finn you're singing lead."

"I'm dead." Finn said. "I would like to join." A voice said. We all turn towards the door.

"Sam, what are you doing?" I asked. "Quinn might not like this." "

Rachel, I don't care." He said. "I like singing."

"Okay, welcome Sam Evans." Mr Schue said. "We will pick this up again tomorrow."

I left the choir room and walked to my locker. I opened my locker to get my school books for all the homework I had to do that night. A note fell to the ground I pick it up.

Ms. Rachel Barbra Berry,
There is a surprise for you in the auditorium.

I knew who the handwriting belonged to. I rush to the auditorium. I pushed open the doors and made my way to stage. The Dalton Academy Warblers stood on the stage. They started to perform "Uptown Girl". They hit every mark and note perfectly. They were good, nationals good. But I didn't understand why Sebastian had the Warblers come to McKinley High School.

"She'll see I'm not so tough. Just because I'm in love with an uptown girl." I heard Sebastian singing. He was standing right next to me. He jumped on the stage and joined the Warblers. I could help but smile at my boyfriend. The Warblers that was singing first pulled me on stage while the rest stood in a line. We began to dance down the line. I turned has Sebastian sang his part.

Our eyes locked while he sang "And when she's talking she'll say that she's Mi-i-i-ne." he finished and a third Warbler began to sing. At the point all the Warblers are circling around me. The group split and started to show off the dancing skills that included a few back flips. They ended their song with their hands behind their backs.

"My Uptown girl." Sebastian sang the last notes, as he pushed my hair behind my ear. He then kissed me, it was amazing to feel his lips on mine for the first time in two months.

"Hey, Berry." he said when we finally pulled apart.

"Hey, Smythe." I said back.

"Why are in Dalton uniform?" " I go to Dalton now." he replied. "Have been for the last two weeks."

"You have been at Dalton for two weeks and you did tell me!" I yelled at him.

"Calm down, Barbra." He said. "I wanted to surprise you. Did I surprise you?"

"Yes. It was a really good surprise." I said as I wrapped my arms around Sebastian's neck. We kissed again.

My Songbird was closer then he has ever been 88.4 miles and only an Hour in a half drive. I could get use to this.

A/N: Remember to review, follow and Share! Hope you guys enjoyed this! I promise I will update faster or at least try to... Thanks for reading. Until Next time XOXO PayPay