"The Change"

All right, here is yet another new story from me. This first chapter might be kind of short as you can you, but I'll try to make the next ones longer in the future. I hope you guys all like this one. It's different from the others, but also features my usual techniques. Like femDaisuke, that will be in it all right, so to those who wonder why I don't make more digimon stories with Daisuke as a male, please stop pestering me about it. Anyway, please enjoy and review.

Matt Ishida was in the Digital World with Gabumon exploring an old temple with him since he had wanted to take a break from his life in the Human World.

Things had been rough lately.

Jun was stalking him again now that he and Sora had broken up and the child of Love was with Tai, his band was having a hard time writing new songs to perform and his dad was getting more stressed out from his late hours at work.

Gabumon had contacted him and told the child of Friendship all about an old temple and asked him if he wanted to check it out with him, to which Matt had eagerly agreed.

He had TK open up the portal for him and went through.

Right now he was in the temple that was filled with carvings of wolves, wolves that were from the Garurumon family.

"This place is amazing." Matt said as he looked at the stone carvings in awe.

"Yes, it is quite the sight. There is actually a legend that says the legendary Wolfmon will grant you a wish that your heart desires." Gabumon explained to his partner as they stopped walking in front of a statue of a humanoid digimon that was dressed in wolf like armour.

"Yeah right. That's just a legend. Doesn't mean it's true." Matt said with a smile as he looked into the eyes of the statue that were made out of rubies.

"You never know." Gabumon said as he bowed in front of the statue, paying his respects to the mighty digimon.

Matt sighed as he looked into the Wolfmon's eyes, thinking about something that he truly did desire.

No one really had any time to spend with him anymore, except for Jun, but stalkers didn't count.

He wanted someone who would love to spend time with him, tend to him, never take him for granted and to also say that they loved him.

Was that really too much to ask for?

"Is this truly what you wish?" a deep, calming voice asked.

Matt gasped looking around the room, wondering where the voice had come from.

"Matt, is something wrong?" Gabumon asked his human partner.

"Gabumon, didn't you hear that voice?" the child of Friendship asked.

"No, I didn't hear a thing." The digimon said growing concerned for his friend.

"If this is what you truly do want, then so be it." the voice said again, the voice thudding around Matt's mind.

The blonde looked around, his azure eyes landing on the statue of the Wolfmon, who seemed to be looking directly at him, the rubies that were in the place of his eyes sparkling.

"Matt, perhaps we should leave now." Gabumon said as he grew worried over the way his partner was acting.

The blonde nodded at that and followed his digimon out of the temple, unaware of the Wolfmon statue glowing a light blue color.

(At the Ishida home…)

Matt was in his futon, groaning as his body felt warmer than normal and his skin itched far too much.

He botled upright in his bed when he felt a sharp pain shock him and nausea grew, making him run out of his room and into the bathroom.

He leaned over the tolei seat and started hurling the contents of his stomach, his throat burning from it.

He coughed and choked as everything he ate and drank that day came out, and he dry heaved after there was nothing left.

"Oh God." He panted as his itched.

He cried out as his spine cracked and the hair on his arms grew longer.

Matt cried out for his father before he remembered that the man was going to be gone for the entire night to work.

He shakily stood up on his legs and threw his body on the door, trying to focus on getting to a phone and will away the pain as his legs gave out under him.

He clawed at the door, his finger nails now longer and sharper and he tried to get a good grip on the metal of the doorknob.

"Damn it, come on." He cursed.

He finally got the door to swing open and he fell onto the floor, his hair in his face that had grown out.

"Phone…" he growled out as he searched for the white cordless, dragging himself on the ground.

The pain was getting worse and soon enough he just decided to forget about the phone and to go over to Tai's place since he lived close by.

Shakily, he rose to his feet and made the journey out of his apartment, into the hallway, to the elevator and out of the building.

He walked down the dark, cold streets, his body weak from the pain of his body going through these strange transformations.

His vision was fading in and out as he stumbled down the street, trying hard to reach his goal.

He really wondered what was happening to him and why it was.

Finally, the pain became too much for him to bear that he just dropped down onto the hard cold cement in front of the building that the Kamiya family lived in.

"Please…help me…" he rasped out praying someone would find him as his vision blurred, eventually becoming pitch black as he fell into the darkness and was unconscious.

To be continued…