A/N: It's a bit later than usual, but here's episode 5 :3 I hope you guys enjoy it. Reviews are always welcome.

Disclaimer: I own nothing other than Neko.

The Adventures of Loki and Neko

Episode 5:


Everyone now knew my real name-Neko. They didn't call me Ink anymore. Steven and Tony were the first ones to use it. Then they told it to the others and they started using it. I didn't know how they knew my name…it was strange. I tried asking them, but they didn't understand me. Tony was telling them something and then they all seemed sad about it. Steve had disappeared and when he came back told them something that made them even sadder. I wanted to know what was going on, but I couldn't understand anything they were saying.

Steve picked me up and said something to the others before starting to walk away. Tony and Thor came with us. They were talking and petting me as they took me into that small box that moved. It made me nervous, but with the way they were all petting me I couldn't help but feel soothed. I could tell they were still sad about something, but I didn't know what.

When the doors to the small room opened they started walking out of the building. Once we were outside they all froze. I looked around and stared in disbelief when I saw why.

POV: Loki

I got a call from someone about a day after I had posted the lost pet posters. They told me that their name was Steve Rogers. I recognized the name as that of the leader of the Avengers, but I hoped that it wasn't really him. As I made my way to the address he'd given me I knew that my hopes were in vain. I now stood before Stark Tower, which had been changed to Avengers Tower. This was just perfect. My worst enemies were in possession of my cat.

I walked up to the door and waited. Steve said he would meet me with my cat at the door. If it came to a fight I hoped that the damned creature had enough sense to run. I didn't know what I was expecting. When they walked out, it was Steve, the man of iron and my brother. Neko was cradled in Steve's arms and when she looked at me, I didn't know what else to do.

POV: Steve

I knew that the voice over the phone had sounded familiar. This Mr. Nicholls had to be someone I'd seen before. I just wasn't expecting that he was Loki. I was to run back inside to get my shield and I could tell that Tony was seconds away from calling Jarvis to send out one of his suits. Thor already had his hand out to call for Mjölnir. But something made us all stop and turn.

My arms were suddenly empty and Neko was running straight towards Loki.

POV: Neko

"LOKI!" I cried out in surprise. I leapt from Steve's arms and ran straight for Loki. He dropped to one knee and easily scooped me up into his arms when I got to him. He laughed and scratched me behind my ears.

"There you are," He said chuckling. I looked up at him, still purring. "Why did you leave?"

"You were mad at me…" I said, my ears drooping. I looked down in shame. Loki laughed and hugged me close.

"You infernal creature," He said stroking my fur. "I was not mad at you. I kept the door locked so that you were not harmed by my magic." I blinked and looked up at him, feeling rather dumb.

"Really?" I asked sheepishly. Loki chuckled and stroked my nose.

"Yes," He said. I heard one of the others say something and Loki looked up, his demeanor instantly stiffening.

"Loki, what's wrong?" I asked softly. Loki looked down at me but returned his gaze to the others when Tony said something.

POV: Loki

"Excuse me!" The Captain said making me look up from my reunion with Neko. "What exactly is going on here?" Neko asked me what was wrong and I meant to answer her but the man of iron interrupted.

"Are you really Ink's owner?" He asked crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes in irritation.

"I am and her name is Neko, not 'Ink'," I retorted. "Where did you find her?"

"In an alley," The captain responded.

"Well, I thank you for taking care of her, but I will be taking her home now," I said before turning to leave.

"Brother, when did you acquire Neko?" Thor suddenly spoke. I fought the urge to groan and turned back to them.

"I don't think that is any of your business," I sneered. The three of them were all on edge and I was not about to start a fight when I had Neko to take care of. I turned away. "Good bye." I began walking away and thanked my luck that they let me leave.

"Loki? What was that about?" Neko asked me, looking up at me. I sighed and scratched her behind her ears, making her purr loudly.

"It was nothing, Neko," I told her. She looked at me like she didn't believe me but left it alone. I like this about Neko. She never pried when I didn't want her to. We got back to the apartment and I set Neko on the couch.

"What were you doing in the bedroom, Loki?" She asked looking up at me. "When you locked it, I mean."

"I was perfecting a few spells," I explained, petting her fur. I wouldn't admit it, but I had missed the damned cat. She curled up in my lap and sighed.

"I'm sorry I ran away, Loki," She said closing her eyes as I continued to stroke her fur.

"It's alright, Neko. Just don't do it again," I said smiling. I heard her laugh softly and curl a bit more into a ball.

"I won't," She said. "I promise." She fell asleep soon after that. I sighed, relieved. I hadn't realized how much I'd really missed the infernal creature. I allowed myself to smile softly. What a strange predicament I found myself in with this feline.

POV: Tony

"Is it just me…or was that really strange?" I asked after Loki disappeared from view. Thor and Steve looked at me. Yeah, it wasn't just me. "I mean, how the hell can Loki, of all people, own a cat that likes him that much? Did you see the way she ran after him?"

"It is not impossible for my brother to love," Thor said. "But I do admit…this is strange." The Asgardian looked towards the way his adoptive brother had gone. I had to admit, it was strange too. But it wasn't my problem. I turned and started back into the tower. Steve and Thor didn't take long to follow.