Well I lied :) I couldn't wait a week to update. I really wanted to write this last chapter and get it to you guys. I hope you enjoy it and it isn't too mushy for you. I tried to make it as good as possible :) Please tell me your thoughts. xoxo

~ Two Years Later ~

I stood in the doorway of our bedroom and watched Patch pack up all of our stuff. We were going somewhere and he wouldn't tell me where. All he'd said was that we needed to pack some, if not all, of our clothes. When I questioned it too much, he decided that he was going to pack my clothes for me. He fit them all in to my suitcase and we left our apartment, heading out to the car.

"Can you please tell me where we're going?" I gave him the puppy eyes.

He smiled. "You know that doesn't work on me. You'll see when we get there."

"Fine," I pouted.

He kissed my forehead then took us away to wherever we were going. We dove all over town then ended up in the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?"

"Just outside of town, don't worry."

"Is this the part where I find out that you're going to murder me in the middle of nowhere?"

He laughed. "No, I'm not going to kill you Nora. It's just a surprise. Relax."

I exhaled and leaned back in my seat. I tried to clear my mind and focus on how beautiful it is out here. We drove about another two miles when Patch told me to cover my eyes.


"Just part of the surprise."

I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands.

"No peeking."

"I won't."

We drove a little longer then we finally stopped. He didn't turn off the car.

"Can I peek yet?"

"No, not yet."

I waited patiently as he turned off the car, got out, opened my door, led me out of the car, and whispered in my ear to uncover my eyes. I took my hands off of my eyes and looked in front of us. I nearly cried. We were standing in front of a gorgeous house.

"I know it's in the middle of nowhere, but I wanted it to be special and for just us. It's almost always beautiful out here."

"I love it Patch, it's wonderful," I nearly choked on the sob in my throat.

"Don't cry."

"I can't help it, it's amazing."

"I'm glad you love it."

"Can we go inside?"

"Of course."

I walked up the front steps to the porch and tried the door. It opened easy. The inside resembled Patch's place at the old park. The living room was all rock with a nice homey feel to it. I smiled.

"This is our dream house."

"All for you," he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Does it look good?"

"Yes. Reminds me of your old place. Just like I wanted."

"Why don't you go look around in all the rooms?"

"Without you?'

"I'll be there in a moment Angel."

I kissed him then headed down the hallway. It led to a huge kitchen with marble counters and all the appliances were stainless steel. All brand new and wonderful. Across the hall was a half bathroom. All marble too with a gorgeous mirror hanging over the sink. I walked up the stairs and found three bedrooms. Each with huge beds, dressers, TVs, and walk-in closets. I almost fainted. There was another separate bathroom but then there was another that connected to our bedroom. I almost laughed at the thought of Patch thinking we needed all of these bathrooms. The bedrooms of course are a necessity for visitors. Like Vee. There was a huge window in our bedroom that looked out into the backyard. It had a flower bed near the back door and a couples swing farther down. I smiled at the thought of us swinging together in that swing.

"Enjoying the view?"

I turned and Patch was standing in the doorway. I ran over to him and jumped in to his arms.

"It's perfect Patch. I love it. Thank you so much."

"Of course, Angel."

I kissed him hard and pulled myself closer to him.

"Is this your subtle way of telling me that you want to try out our bed?"

I giggled. "Can we?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

He threw me down on the bed and kissed me, quickly ripping all my clothes. In between kisses I told him that I was so thankful and happy for the house. He moaned in response. I took that as a cue to shut up and let the moment happen.

~ A Couple Hours Later ~

I woke up and for a moment forgot where I was. Until I remembered that we were in the amazing dream house Patch secretly built for me. I looked up at him and caught him staring at me. He smiled and rubbed my back.

"Sleep well?"


He smirked. "I'll take that as a yes."

I smiled. "How did we have the money for this?"

"Well we've saved up for two years, and I remembered that I had a secret bank account with some money from my gambling days."

I gasped. "No way."

"I'm serious."

"How did you forget that?"

"I've had a lot on my mind." He kissed me.

"How much was it?"

"Over 10 grand. I used half of it for the house. So we have quite a bit for our groceries and everything."

I grinned from ear to ear. "This is perfect."

"I told you things would work out in the end."

"They almost always do. Hungry?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"Yes. I'm going to go make us some food."

"I'll help."

"No. You stay up here. You've done enough. I'm going to make you something on my own."

He grinned. "Yes ma'am."

I grabbed my clothes and put them on, heading down the stairs to our kitchen. I looked in our refrigerator and saw that it was fully stocked. I picked some eggs, sausage, and milk. I set them on the counter and looked all over my kitchen. I didn't want to cook, afraid I'd ruin the new and beautiful look of everything. I took a couple skillets off the hanging ornament in the middle of the island and set them on the stove to heat up. I cracked a few eggs and set all of the sausage links on the other skillet. Then I got to work.

I headed up the stairs to get Patch before the food got cold on the table. He was sitting in the middle of the bed and looked up at me when I walked in the room.

"What are you doing?"


"Well can you pause the thinking for a minute or two? The food's getting cold on the table."

He laughed and followed me down the stairs. We sat at the kitchen table together and ate our food. I kept stealing glances at him, trying to figure out what his mood was and guess his thoughts. But everytime I was met with his eyes, smiling at me.

Nice try,he said. I looked up at him.

"You can still do that?"

"Of course."

"Why haven't you done it in years?"

"I didn't want to do that to you anymore. And why say something in your head when I can say it aloud?"

I smiled. "Good point."

~ In The Evening ~

"How about I make our dinner and you go get ready?"

"Get ready for what?"

"A nice dinner. The first in our new home."

I couldn't stop grinning on my way up the stairs. I went in to our closet and looked for one of my dresses. I settled on a simple baby blue dress. No reason in wearing a real fancy one for a dinner at home. I put on simple makeup and slipped on ballet flats. I walked down the stairs and about walked in to the kitchen when Patch told me not to come in yet. I obeyed and sat in the living room, waiting for him to finish.

"It's ready Nora."

I walked in to the kitchen and there was two candles on the table, which had a tablecloth, and all of our dinner. I sat down in my chair and he pushed me in then sat in his own. He took his glass of wine.

"A toast to our new home?"

I smiled and grabbed mine. "To our new home."

We took a drink then started eating.

"This is so good Patch."

"Thank you," he smiled.

We finished and he took our plates, setting them in the sink.

"Now for dessert."

"There's dessert too?"


He grabbed two bowls from the refrigerator and sat them down on the table. It was a chocolate pudding or mousse. I took a bite.

"Mm. This is amazing. Thank you."

Halfway through my mousse, I noticed a weird black box sitting in between us.

"When did that get here?"


"That black bo-oh."

He took the box and got up, standing next to me.

"Well, it's sitting here because I have a very important question for you."

"Yes?" I held my breath.

He got down on one knee in front of me and opened up the box.

"It would make me the luckiest man alive if you said yes to marrying me."

"Yes!" I cried. "A million times yes."

He smiled and slid the ring on my finger, grabbing me and kissing me. He stood up and picked me up, heading towards the stairs.

"But what about the dishes.."

"They can wait," he said as he kissed my neck.

I held on tight and let him carry me to our bedroom. We barely made it to the bed. And the entire time I was thinking about how lucky I am. I have the perfect house, perfect fiance, and perfect life now that no one is around to stop us. It couldn't get any better than this. Now I can count down the days until we have our wedding. I have to call Vee and my mom.