Firstly I appologise profusely for how long this has taken. The chapter has actually been ready for just short of two years and just needed a small bit of editing to make ready to post. The reason it's taken so long is a combination of loosing the memory stick it was stored on and not finding it for 6 months, university work piling on top of me (this totally isn't being done as a way of procrastiantion) and a lack of motivation to write in general. Still I promised I would write more Kyosaya and more Kyosaya I will write, I've got one or two idea's for later chapters though suggestions are always welcome.

Anyway I'll stop talking now and let you read. (Ps. This time it's wrote from Kyoko's POV)

Hope you enjoy.

"Why did you do it?" She asked me softly, hand stroking my hair. "Why did you risk your life on the off chance you could do the impossible?"

I sat for a moment, thinking of how best to put my thoughts into words.

"All my life I've been hunted for who or what I am. Now I'm tired of running, tired of just surviving, tired of being pushed around. So now I'm clinging to the one thing in my life that's real" I said eventually.

I couldn't face her, couldn't believe she was really there, that she was alive. To think that she felt the same way I do was near impossible. Yet she was there. Sayaka Miki. And she did return my feelings, and it was that hope that had led me to do what no magical girl had done before.

"Why me?" She asked in the end. "Kyoko, you hated me, seemed determined to kill me. But then it seems you changed so much, and I was too stubborn to notice it I guess." She trailed of laughing slightly.

I smiled despite myself.

"That's why it's you and it'll always be you." I said facing her for the first time since I'd broken down in her arms. "If in the end I still have to spend my life running, I know you're too stubborn to let me run alone."

"Baka." She said tears beginning to form in her own eyes now. "I'm a fighter of justice. I'm more likely to stand and make sure they can't catch you."

"Not if it's me that's breaking the rules." I said chuckling slightly.

"And when have you ever broken the rules?" she said ruffling my hair slightly. "I don't recall you ever doing such a thing." She added trying to look innocent and not quite managing.

"Maybe that's because I destroy them so completely that you can't remember what they were around me" I said laughing fully now.

"It could be that yeah." Sayaka conceded.

"So what're you gonna do?" I asked. "You realise they proclaimed you dead?"

"Really?" Sayaka blurted out falling off the bed dragging me with her. "Then how am I in my body?" she hurriedly started checking to be sure it was real.

"Relax." I said rubbing my back as I climbed to my feet. "I kept your body fresh with magic then recovered it after your funeral. Only Madoka actually knows about it though. She helped make sure you couldn't tell the grave had been altered in any way."

"So, everyone… really believes that I'm dead?" Sayaka said tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "I can't see my family again?"

Shit, what do I do? I thought panicking I don't know how to handle crying myself let alone when someone else does it.

"Hey," I said tentatively wrapping my arms around her and guiding her to sit lightly on the bed. "It's not all that bad."

She turned and glared at me disbelievingly.

"Ok maybe most of it is but at least you're still alive even if they will freak out after they buried you and all that… hey at least you can see them still and make sure they're ok even if they can't really see you. You can protect them from witches can't you? Their own guardian angel." I rattled off nervously hoping for anything to stop her crying again.

"Why only protect them? Me and you. We'll protect them all." She said sniffing but a defiant note in her voice. "Wait, Kyoko?. Where are we then?"

"My hotel room, where else would we be?" I said smiling. "As for protecting them all, you know I refuse to use magic for anyone other than myself so I'm not sure how well that plan will work" I said smiling more to push her buttons than anything else.

After nearly losing her once I sure as hell wasn't going to let her go a second time.

"That's true." Sayaka said thoughtfully looking at me, head tilted cutely to one side making her look like a blue haired curious puppy. "Though you haven't really stuck to that philosophy recently have you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely confused but also slightly annoyed.

"Well you used your magic to preserve my body didn't you?" She said a smirk forming on her face. "You gave everything you had to save me to the point you nearly killed yourself. Seems more like you won't use your magic for anyone other than me at the moment. You might even be a better wife than Madoka." She joked.

"I'd prefer if I was your only wife." I said managing to sound playful.

"And neglect poor poor Madoka-chan?" Sayaka said feigning hurt, ruining it by ruffling my hair. "I already said that I think I love you as well now I'm beginning to see something other than the things that annoy me."

"I guess that'll do for now but one day I will claim you all for my own." I said possessively as I tackled her throwing her onto the bed and landing on top of her. "Though seriously I mean it when I say that I fell for an idiot like you that infuriates me no end…" I paused thoughtfully. "Maybe that's why I love you actually. I seem to be a sucker for doing the things that annoy me and you're certainly enough of a pain in the arse to qualify."

"Hey" the bluenett said indignantly trying to push me off her. "You really have no idea how to charm a girl do you."

"I seem to be doing just fine at the moment." I said grinning as I managed to keep her pinned. "You're not managing to escape are you? Then again I'm not even sure you're trying to."

"Maybe I'm just letting you think that." She retorted. "You still haven't explained how you apparently only used magic for yourself by saving me."

"I did explain but I guess you're too stupid to realise it." I said trying to hide my blush.

"eh?.." Sayaka said looking more confused than ever.

I sighed realising I was going to have to spell it out plainly for her. Even Homura wasn't this slow on the uptake and I'm not sure she actually knows what emotions are.

"I saved you and used my magic on you, because I love you. Because even when you looked upon me in anger, as nothing more than scum off the street you were the first person since my father killed my family to actually see me. A person, who has feelings." I said slowly, forcing each word out. I never was one for sharing my true thoughts. "You reminded me of myself which is why I tried actually talking to you instead of simply killing you thinking you nothing more than competition. It was how convinced you were that you could change me that sparked my attraction to you and in the end I couldn't take watching you lose that very conviction that nearly had me convinced that saving everyone was the only way to survive." I paused for breath and noticed bitterly that at some point I had started crying again.

I wiped them away angrily and ploughed ahead before Sayaka could interrupt. Now that I'd started it'd be easier to just get it all out and done with at once.

"I couldn't lose you as well. For so long I had nothing and no-one to care about or who cared for me, you know how I lost my family. You cared about me, even if it was only about what I did and how it didn't fit into your perfect world. It was more than I'd had. Then you turned witch and I lost that. I'll admit I couldn't take it. Hell I even convinced Madoka to help me by spouting some of that justice crap about love conquering all. I was willing to die to cling on to you, I saved you for you. But more so I saved you for me. So I wouldn't have to be alone anymore. You saved me Sayaka; you showed me there's more to life than simply surviving. I can't lose you. I can't be alone anymore."

I couldn't help it anymore, the weight of it all. The tears streamed down my cheeks unheeded. I gave in for the first time to the girl that had been locked deep inside me since my father's breakdown. I wept openly.

"Hey, hey." Sayaka said wrapping her arms around my shoulders and pulling me to her. "Don't worry Kyoko. I'm not gonna leave you behind. Being alone, it really sucks doesn't it? It's ok, we can be together Kyoko."

"We can, can't we?" I said burrowing my face into her shoulder. "We don't have anyone else."

"We don't need anyone else" Sayaka said tracing light circles over my back. "We have each other to keep us sane… or make sure we stay insane is more likely."

"Yeah, I don't think I can be called sane in the slightest." I said jokingly hugging her closer to me. "I mean, I love you! That's just not normal."

"OI!" Sayaka said trying to push me off her and instead knocking us both onto the floor. "You're the one who saved me so you're stuck with me now." She huffed trying to regain the air that had been knocked out of her.

"I don't regret it." I said smiling up at her. "And I'm too tired of running." I added before pulling her face to mine kissing her softly on the lips.

"Then we'll walk through the rest of life together, ne?" The bluenette said when we parted resting her forehead on mine.

So, what did you think? I've got a few other fanfiction pieces I'm working on and hope to upload soon.

Personally I enjoyed writing this chapter though I'm worried that there are times that I made them break character a bit too much to get away with. I'm trying to decide which POV I write better so thoughts on that would be a huge help. Also thoes of you that've read other pieces I've wrote which is better? 1st person of 3rd person?

Thanks for taking the time to read.
