Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Her long, red hair, beautiful hazel eyes, completely stunning smile-

'Ron is sitting right beside you, you dolt!' A voice in his head yelled at him.

Ginny had sat with Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the common room while Dean was helping Seamus with some Transfiguration homework. It was a rare occasion for the four of them to spend time together because Hermione wishes for nothing to do with Ron while Lavender is present. Lavender was having 'girl time' with Parvati so Ron was free for the evening and he and Hermione were at a temporary truce.

Hermione was checking over Harry's Defense essay, trying to reduce the amount of possible criticisms from Professor Snape- not that it would really help. Ron and Ginny were playing wizard's chess with Harry giving unhelpful advice to Ginny.

"Knight to E5," Ron said. "Checkmate." Ron's knight took Ginny's king, effectively ending the match.

"Oh, bugger," Ginny said. "Harry, you're awful at chess."

"You didn't know this before?" Ron asked, laughing.

"I'm not completely terrible!" Harry protested. "I won against Ron that one time!"

"One time?" Ginny asked skeptically.

"That's not fair!" Ron exclaimed. "I was distracted! You can't count that!"

They all laughed as the pieces reset themselves.

"You were only distracted because Lav-Lav couldn't bear the thought of not snogging her precious Won Won!" Ginny teased. Hermione grimaced and pushed her hair in the way of her face while Ron desperately tried to change the subject.

"Who's up for another round?" He looked at the three. Ginny declined, not wanting to add to Ron's oversized ego any further. Harry declined because he needed to make the corrections on his essay that Hermione pointed out. All that was left was Hermione, who had curled up on the couch with the intention to read a book. "Hermione?" Ron asked. "You want to play?"

Hermione flushed slightly and said, "I think the only person worse than Harry at chess is me." Ron and Ginny burst out laughing while Harry protested loudly.

Ginny wiped the tear from her eye and sobered up. "I have to use the loo. Hermione?"

Hermione nodded and the girls stood to leave.

"Wait a second," Ron said. "Why do you girls always go to the bathroom together?"

The girls glanced at each other and laughed.

"Seriously!" Harry said. "I saw a group of at least ten girls go the bathroom today! Together!"

The girls laughed harder as the boys stared at them, slightly irritated.

When they finished laughing, Hermione said, "Well, we don't want to go alone, do we?"

"What do you mean?" Ron asked.

"Well, think about it," Ginny said. "Myrtle was murdered in a bathroom."

"I was attacked by a troll in the bathroom," Hermione said.

"I was abducted in a bathroom," Ginny said.

"And, Katie was cursed in the bathroom!" Hermione finished.

"But, what has that got to do with going in groups?" Ron asked.

"Are you serious?" Hermione asked.

"No, he's Ron," Harry said with a straight face.

Ginny ignored him and said, "All that happened when we were alone. If we go in pairs, it is less likely for one of us to get hurt because we have the extra protection. We usually ask people we trust to go with us."

"I've never thought of it like that," Harry said.

"That's because you aren't as clever as us girls," Ginny smirked.

The girls walked away, giggling and leaving the boys to wonder what the hell just happened.