
I do not own One Piece or Fairy Tail in any way. They belonged rightfully to their artist/author.

"What's that?" A voice boomed through the loud speaker, "I see a boat!"

Out of curiosity, the dark-haired captain adjusted his straw hat, stretched his rubber hands and grabbed onto the side of Sunny. He flew there in an instant. Luffy scanned the surroundings of Sunny and noticed that the waves were abnormally calm. Finally, he spotted it. A small boat, quite far from sight, was floating on the calm waves. From the size of it, it seemed like a wandering lost boat.

"Robin," Luffy squinted his eyes. "Can you see what's in it?" He could barely contain his excitement of the discovery.

"Sure, leave it to me." The older archeologist replied. Posing her hands in a familiar position, Robin shut her blue eyes.

"Could it be a treasure chest?" Nami's eyes lit up in a scary way at the mention of treasures. The beli signs had already replaced her eyes.

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed.

"It's a… human girl…?" Robin sounded unsure as her amused expression ceased to a frown. "She seemed to be in pain." Robin opened her eyes, her blue eyes looked straight at her captain, waiting for orders.

"We should just ignore it. She could be a threat to us." All eyes turned to the green-haired swordsman, who just came out from the men's quarters.

"I can ignore a shitty marimo, but I can never ignore a lady!" The blonde haired, swirly eyebrowed cook commented.

"Who are you calling a shitty marimo, you ero-cook!" Zoro stood up in anger, his hands on one of his katanas, ready to kill.

Sanji raised his leg in defense; "You wanna have a go at it, you shi-!"

Before he could finish his sentence, an unexpected person interrupted. "Enough! I'm a doctor, I'll heal anybody who needs help!" The blue-nosed reindeer made adorable steps towards the captain. "Luffy, please." Chopper knew no one, not even Zoro, could defy the orders that came directly from the captain. Luffy gave Chopper a smile in approval. His crew members sighed. Chopper's eyes widened in horror when Luffy stretched out his rubbery hands towards to boat. "No!" Switching to his Heavy point, he quickly held onto Luffy's hands. "That is too dangerous!"

"We can use Mini Merry II," The blue-haired robot suggested.

"That's it!" Chopper exclaimed. Soon after, Chopper, Robin and Sanji, who insisted on coming no matter what, were on their way towards the small boat. Despite the far distance and calm waves, it only took them a minute to reach the boat. The moment the girl could be seen, Sanji turned into stone, a unique and troublesome technique he developed after two years. However, this time, Chopper could understand.
Judging from her position, the girl looked like she had collapsed. Her long platinum blonde hair was tied up into a high ponytail, her fringe falling all over her face. She was wearing a pair of old denim shorts and a short tank top that revealed her stomach. Her face was red, and her breathing was heavy. Chopper jumped into her boat from Mini Merry II, and placed his hoofs on her forehead. It was burning hot. As expected, she was running a high fever. "We need to bring her back to Sunny."

Robin looked into Chopper's eyes, and nodded. Sanji was still in his petrified stone state, which was so totally helping. Chopper went back into Sunny using the small boat, while Robin remained on Mini Merry II. The moment they reached, Chopper made Zoro carry the girl into the infirmary while he went and got his medical supplies ready.

The whole crew was gathered in the cramp and narrow infirmary, catching a glimpse of the girl. "She's so beautiful that I think my eyes are going to pop out!" The skeleton joked. "Although I don't have eyes because I'm a skeleton! Skull joke! Yohohoho!"

"Shishishi!" Luffy was giggling so badly.

Zoro sighed, at this noise level, they were all going get chased out by the doctor later when he was back. Zoro glanced at the girl, lying helplessly on the infirmary bed. She was, no doubt, pretty. She seemed to be around Nami's age. Zoro assessed her, like he would an enemy. He was never supportive of them bringing this girl to Sunny no matter how harmless she seemed. It was then Zoro spotted a purple mark on her hips. It was hidden behind her shorts. Without thinking, his hands shot up and pulled her shorts down a little.
His sudden movement shocked his crewmates; only the damned cook couldn't stop yelling at him for attacking a lady who was sleeping innocently. Everyone finally got what he was staring at. The crew became silent, except for Luffy who could not stop poking at the girl's hips and screaming "SUGEH".

"What is… that?" Nami stuttered and her eyes widened.

Nobody replied. For a long moment, there was an awkward silence until Robin finally spoke. "I recognized that mark. From a certain book. In a land quite near here, there is a country called Fiore. This mark belonged to its number 1 guild, Fairy Tail."