Too complicated
Hello, this is my first fanfiction! It is a Lazel-fanfic, so Frazel-shippers should stay away ;) I am not good at writing, so sorry if it is boring... I really love Leo Valdez, and I think writing from his POV will just offend his character, becuase I am so bad with humour and so, so it will only be from Hazels POV. I think.
I hope you will enjoy it!
Chapter 1 - Eavesdropping
Hazel opened her eyes.
It was late at night, but she was used to wake up all the time. Her seasickness woke her up almost every night. She really wished the quest would not be on a boat.
And, as usual, she had nightmares. They were not demigod nightmares, dream messages from gods or so, they were regular nightmares that she dreamed since Percy and Annabeth fallen into Tartarus.
Hazel could not stop blame herself. She had been there, she saw the line wrapped around Annabeth first, but she had not done anything. She had felt so terrified she could not move.
Now she cursed herself for not doing anything, not helping Percy and Annabeth at all. Then maybe they would still be on the ship, sailing to Greece.
"Stop it." Hazel muttered for herself. "That will not help you get back to sleep."
After a few minutes of just lying there and feeling how all the food in her stomach wanted to come out, Hazel got up. She decided to go to the mess hall and order some orange juice. Apparently that would help toward seasickness.
She stepped out of her cabin and started to walk. It was dark, but that never had bothered Hazel. She was a child of the Underworld, the darkest place of all.
Just as she almost reached the mess hall she felt how the ship turned. She shut her eyes and hugged her stomach, and she remembered something.
"Don't lean over. Don't close your eyes. It will make the queasiness worse."
It felt like it was so long ago, but the thought of that moment alone with Leo made Hazel nervous. She had mixed feelings about him. He was so nice to her, cute, funny, basically everything she ever loved with Sammy. But Leo was not Sammy. Oh, right, almost forgot, Sammy was his great-grandfather.
Since that flashback, Hazel's feelings got a lot more complicated than before. The message was clear: He is not Sammy. Stay away. But the truth was, when they were in that underwater camp, she found herself a little bit disappointed when Leo told her he fixed things up with Frank.
And then there was Frank. She still liked him, of course she did. He was her boyfriend. But Hazel did not feel attracted to him the same way as before, not since Leo came around.
She had reached the mess hall. Silently she ordered one of the glasses on the table to fill with orange juice.
Hazel was about to drink it when she heard something that made her heart leap.
A low voice came from deck, where Festus and the helm were. It sounded upset, maybe even panicked. Hazel left her cup on the table and started to carefully go toward the voice.
"Festus, I don't know what to do…"
With shock Hazel realized it was Leo's voice, but it did not sound like him at all. His voice was trembling, fear and panic reflected in it.
She got closer so she could hear what he said clearer.
From where she was standing she could see Leo. He was walking on and off on the deck, his hands trembling. Hazel could not make out his face from there, but she could tell that he was deeply upset.
"I had this dream, I saw my mother." He ran his nimble fingers through his black, curly hair. "She was just like I remember her, but she was a ghost. I couldn't see where she was, it was just darkness behind her. She was just standing, drifting, whatever, there with her eyes closed, I didn't know what to think, but before I could say something she opened her eyes and saw me. She looked terrified. She s-said: 'Mijo, you can't be here. It is too dangerous, for any of you. If Gaea finds out… You have to go, Leo. I will meet you soon. Ten cuidado, mijo. And Gaea is not the only one you will have to worry about. Alert your friends, Leo. We will meet soon.'"
Hazel shuddered. It was not just the dream that freaked her out, but how Leo reacted. He was the calmest person she knew, he was always together and nothing could hurt him. She realized that all that could have been an act. He looked so vulnerable right now.
"I d-don't understand. I really saw her, Festus. She looked so terrified, y sus ojos estaba lleno de dolor."
Hazel blinked. Had he just switched to Spanish?
Leo did not notice it. He kept talking, walking on and off on the deck, looking terrified, angry and sad at the same time.
A series creaks came from Festus. Hazel did not understand a thing of them, but Leo apparently did. He looked even more agitated.
"I don't care! She said we will meet soon. What did she mean? She is dead." The pain in Leo's voice was sharper than glass.
Hazel held back a sob. She felt like she was melting. All the time Leo had been there on the Argo II, she always looked up on him like the admiral, the joke-boy that never would take something really serious. He was the only one that did not show any kind of feelings besides happiness, nervousness and seriousness (but the last one was only in life-or-death situations, sometimes not even then). She felt like she had the responsibility to know him and all his feelings, because of her time with Sammy.
"And what did she mean, that Gaea isn't our only enemy?! Annabeth fought Arachne, Percy and Jason killed the giants, now we should not have anything to worry about until we are in Greece. Right?"
Leo ran his fingers through his hair, furiously tapping them to his leg, or fiddling with some machine parts he took from his toolbelt.
Hazel felt like her legs were transforming to lead. She never felt so guilty or sad. She wanted to bolt, run back to her room, but she could not move.
"I…I-" Leo stopped walking on and off and just looked desperately around himself. "I am a fool, right? I thought this would be my fresh start, sailing with seven awesome friends in my mastership to Greece. Truth is, Piper and Jason's idea of quality time doesn't involve me anymore. Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus, which is my fault because of that stupid fortune cookie. Frank and I don't have a good relationship. Hazel-"
Leo sighed. He got quiet, and then he walked back to the helm and started to steer the ship.
Hazel left as fast as she could. She almost ran, leaving her orange juice. She felt nauseous, but not because of the ships movements.