Alright! The final chapter of this story is already done! Sorry for the long wait :D

I don't have that much confidence in this chapter, but... Better try, no?

Well... Please don't kill me if this story kinda off. And I don't really think that the characterization is off. Last time I checked, I think the character personalities are the same here. Don't be too critic, no one's perfect. Don't expect to be perfect. Only god is perfect

Anyways! Enjoy~

The sun rises and the birds are flying happily, today is the first day ever since Natsu and Lucy go out! Lucy wakes up from her bed. She walks to the bathroom. Maybe last night was just a dream of mine? Lucy thought. She sighs at the mirror and getting ready for going to the guild. Lucy takes her stuffs and walks outside the apartment, seeing a pink-haired boy is sitting at the staircase in front of her apartment

"Yo, Luce! You sure take a lot of time to change, huh?" Natsu said, smiling at the blonde-haired girl

"N-Natsu… Wh-What are you doing here?" Lucy asked

"Why you're asking? I'm picking up my girlfriend!" Natsu said with red shades upon his face as Lucy blushes. So last night wasn't a dream after all! Lucy thought "Shall we go to the guild?" Natsu said, he offers his hand to Lucy, he's being all prince-like

"Yeah!" Lucy said, smiling at her boyfriend and takes his hand




Lucy and Natsu are standing in front of the big door of the guild and stare at it for a while. Lucy lets out a big sigh and Natsu notices it

"What is it, Luce?" Natsu asked

"Umm… It's just that… The guild must've known… You know… About u-us… A-And about la-last night" Lucy said while blushing lightly

"Isn't that great? For everyone to know that we're something, right?" Natsu said while pulling Lucy's hand as Lucy blushes harder

"O-Okay then" Lucy said. Natsu opens the door as everyone shouts really really loudly

"AND HERE'S COME THE NEW COUPLE! APPLAUSE, GUYS!" A guy said as everyone applause

"T-Thanks guys! I don't know what'll do without you guys!" Lucy said, smiling widely

"Yeah! Thanks, guys! You're the best!" Natsu shouted. The guys smirk and pull Natsu away from Lucy to tease him harder and ask him for the details while Lucy smiles at the boys and then walks to the bar

"Hey, guys!" Lucy greeted her friends at the bar

"Hey, Lucy! Congratulation for finally going out with Natsu!" Mira said. Lucy takes one of the seats next to Levy

"Yeah, thanks!" Lucy said

"All of your hard work paid off, huh, Lu-chan?" Levy said

"Yeah! I was planning to give up… But thanks to you, Lisanna!" Lucy said

"Eh? Me? Why me? I intended to tear you guys apart, remember?" Lisanna said

"But, you said that I shouldn't give up! And because of that, this happens!" Lucy said and then she smiles brightly "Thanks, Lisanna!" Lucy said as Lisanna blushes

"You're welcome, then!" Lisanna said and Lucy smiles. Lucy chats with the girls like always, telling gossips, or about the boys, or even about the boys they like. It was rare that Erza doesn't join… Lucy notices the missing of a certain red-haired girl

"Hey… Where's Erza?" Lucy asked as everyone face changes

"U-Umm… A-About Er-Erza…" Levy stammered. Everyone becomes silent. Suddenly, Lucy feels someone pats her shoulder. Lucy turns her face, seeing the person in question appears

"Erza! Where've you been?" Lucy asked

"Ah… Lucy… Umm… Could you wait outside? I need one more person to talk about this…" Erza said. Lucy freezes. About 'this'? What's 'this'? Lucy thought. She walks outside while thinking about what might happen? She feels restless while waiting outside, what's happening? Suddenly, the red-haired girl appears bringing a certain pink-haired boy. Lucy gasps at the view

"Natsu?! Wait… What's going on here?" Lucy said

"I don't know, either! What's up, Erza?" Natsu asked. Erza takes a deep, a very deep breath and then she exhales loudly. She puts her hand on her skirt pocket, and pulls out a paper from it

"It's hard for me to say this…. First, congratulation" Erza said in a very flat tone which make Lucy and Natsu look at each other "Second… Natsu, please take this…" Erza said while giving Natsu the paper she took from her pocket. Natsu opens the paper and look at it, and then, his face changes. Lucy looks at him deeply

"Natsu? What's wrong?" Lucy asked. Natsu crumbles the paper, he intended to throw it away, but Lucy able to snatches it away. She reads the paper "T-This! Isn't this too sudden?" Lucy asked

"I was shocked too… But, it's master's order… I couldn't do anything about it" Erza said. Lucy glances at Natsu who tightens his fists and shaking in anger "Then, I should go… You guys, talk about it…" Erza said as she walks into the guild. Lucy looks at Natsu

"Na-Natsu…" Lucy said

"Why does it feel like everyone trying to tear us apart, Luce?" Natsu said. Lucy pulls Natsu and hugs him tightly as tears start appearing from Lucy's eyes

"Come on, Natsu… It's just a test from god. I know we can stand it… Everything will be alright" Lucy said. Lucy pulls Natsu face to face her and the distance from her face is just 3 centimeters away "You said it, right? You really, always, forever, love me… Then, me too…" Lucy said. Suddenly, Natsu crashes his lips on hers

"Thanks, Luce… I don't know what I'll do without you…" Natsu said while smiling at the blushing blonde girl




The end of the day…

Lucy sits on her bed. Even though everything will be alright… She feels really sad now. Away from Natsu again, and this is not just any mission, this is the 100 years quest. Lucy sighs heavily as tears start shedding from her eyes

"…Natsu…" Lucy mumbled

Knock… knock… Suddenly, someone is knocking the window Lucy leaned on. Lucy looks at the window, seeing her boyfriend is there. Lucy opens the window as Natsu walks in

"Natsu? What are you going here?" Lucy asked

"As I thought, you must be crying…" Natsu said while wiping Lucy's tears "Don't pretend to be someone you're not, Luce…" Natsu said while hugging her lightly as Lucy cries even more while hugging him back

"T-Thank you, Natsu…" Lucy said

"Don't mention it, Luce…" Natsu said while stroking Lucy's hair "If you say 'don't go', I won't go" Natsu said "Think about it, Luce… You know the best for us, I know that…" Natsu said

"Why are you so sure?" Lucy asked

"Because, it's you…" Natsu said, suddenly kissing Lucy on the forehead as Lucy blushes wildly "Anyway, I'll be going for now… See ya, Lu-"

"Wait… Y-you're not going to s-sleep here, l-like always?" Lucy stammered as Natsu smirks

"You want to do 'it', Luce?" Natsu asked as Lucy face becomes very very red

"Wh- NO!" Lucy shouted and then Natsu grins

"I'm kiddin'! Sweet dream!" Natsu shouted and then he jumps out of Lucy's apartment from the window. Lucy closes the window, still blushing

"Gosh… He's an idiot…" Lucy said, suddenly her eyes soften "But, I love that idiot…" Lucy said while smiling softly




The next day…

Lucy is at the bar like always, everything seems normal. Just like last night, nothing happened. Lucy sometimes looks at the window nearby, seeing the snow still falling. She used to always complain about snows, but ever since back then, she doesn't hate snows that much…

"Lucy, do you have plans on Starry Night Festival?" Mira asked. Ahaha, yeah, I take this festival from Harvest moon :D I'm prohibited to make Christmas stories, sorry! Anyways…

"Huh? I don't have one" Lucy answered "But maybe I'll just join Fairy Tail Starry Night Party like always…" Lucy said as Mira smirks

"Natsu! Come here for a sec!" Mira shouted as Natsu walks to the bar. Lucy stares at the white-haired woman. She's up to something! Lucy thought

"What is it, Mira?" Natsu asked

"Do you have any plans on Starry Night Festival?" Mira asked

"No, I don't. Why did you ask?" Natsu asked back

"Why don't you take Lucy on a date?! I mean, the NOT SINGLE ANYMORE, should go on date on that beautiful night, right?" Mira said

"H-Huh?" Natsu and Lucy said in union

"Come on! Just say yes, Natsu!" Mira said

"I guess that's alright…" Natsu said. He turns his face to Lucy "Do you want to go, Luce? Tonight?" Natsu asked

"S-Sure…" Lucy said

"Okay, then… I'll pick you up at 8" Natsu said as Lucy nods. Natsu leaves and Lucy leans her head on the counter

"Haaa… I'm so nervous!" Lucy said

"Do you already have the answer?" Mira asked. Lucy jolts, she looks at the empty glass next to her face which is still on the counter. Lucy shakes her head lightly and Mira sighs "You have to give him the answer now, Lucy… He must leave tomorrow…" Mira said. Lucy suddenly wakes up

"Tomorrow?!" Lucy shouted and Mira nods "Arrgh!" Lucy shouted

"This date will be your first date with Natsu, and maybe will be the last… This will be important to you, Lucy. I suggest you go home and get ready" Mira said

"Yeah! Thanks Mira!" Lucy said and then she runs to her apartment. I won't waste this chance! Lucy thought




The night…

Knock… knock… Someone is knocking the door. Lucy is wearing a blue tank top, with blue jeans, dark blue gloves and then a white scarf, knee-long boots and a brown jacket, and final touch, a curly hair…

"Coming…" Lucy said. She walks to the door and opens the door, seeing Natsu using his scarf like usual, white sneakers, dark blue jeans, black t-shirt and red jacket. Lucy blushes when she looks how handsome he is right now, and Natsu does the same

"You're beautiful/handsome" Lucy and Natsu said together. They stop for a while, and then, they laugh together

"Shall we go?" Natsu said while offering Lucy his hand. Lucy smiles softy and takes his hand

"Sure…" She said. They walk out of the apartment. They walk together followed by the snow falling softly. Lucy stares at Natsu for a while… "Natsu… Where are we going?" Lucy asked

"Let's just go to the park…" Natsu said. He directs Lucy to the park where there's no one in it. The park, in the middle of it, there's an empty space, people usually go on picnic there, and trees surround the park, the trees are decorated with lights and there are a lot of benches around the empty space. The place is really perfect for star viewing "Hope you like it here, Luce… Since, I don't like crowds…" Natsu said. Lucy shakes her head

"No… This is perfect" Lucy said. Natsu walks to the nearest bench and sit on it as Lucy follows him. Their hands were 5 centimeters away. Natsu and Lucy move their hands slowly, but Lucy doesn't notice that Natsu moves his hand, and so does Natsu

4 centimeters…




Their hand finally connected to each other. Natsu hides his blushing face behind his scarf and Lucy notices it. She looks at her boyfriend

"Natsu…" Lucy said gently

"Yeah?" Natsu asked

"What if I say that you should go to that quest?" Lucy said as Natsu jolts. He becomes silent for a while. He takes a deep breath and exhale slowly

"If you said that I should go, I will go… I promised that I will follow you, right?" Natsu said

"Then… Here it comes… Natsu… You should go…" Lucy said. Natsu turns his face and now facing his girlfriend

"Why?" Natsu said

"It's an honor, right? Master trusts you to go on that 100 years quest…" Lucy said

"But, Luc-"

"Even if you're going to go on that mission, even if we can't see each other for a long time, we still love each other, right? I belong to you, Natsu…" Lucy said while smiling softly. Natsu suddenly hugs her tightly

"I understand… I'll go…" Natsu said while his voice is shaking "Don't you dare cheat on me when I'm gone, Luce…" Natsu said

"Right back at you, dummy…" Lucy said. They release each other. Natsu puts his forehead on hers

"Will you miss me?" Natsu asked

"Is it necessary to ask?" Lucy asked back. Natsu grins, so does Lucy. And, the second after that, they kiss under the stars which are painting the sky so perfectly, the snows start falling again…

"Hey, Natsu…" Lucy said while walking home

"Yeah?" Natsu asked

"You'll be back right?" Lucy asked

"Of course! There's no way I will run away while the person I really love is here…" Natsu said as Lucy blushes… They finally arrived at Lucy's apartment. Natsu holds her hand tightly as Lucy looks at him in concern

"Natsu?" Lucy asked. Natsu suddenly pulls her to another long kiss. After a while, Lucy feels something on one of her fingers. She takes a look of it "Na-Natsu… T-This…" Lucy stammered

"It shows that you're mine, Luce… When I'm back, be prepared…" Natsu said. Lucy stares at the ring Natsu gave. It's really beautiful

"Yeah… Goodbye, Natsu… Better come back! And your words before is a promise, okay?" Lucy said

"Of course! I'm the man with my words! I'll be back!" Natsu said "Then, I guess this is goodbye, Luce?" Natsu continued

"Even though it was my line back then… But, yeah… Goodbye" Lucy said.

She walks in her apartment. She runs to her room and closes the door roughly. She leans her body on the door and then slides down.

Goodbye, Natsu… Lucy thought while crying uncontrollably




3 years have passed ever since that time… It's winter again…

Lucy walks in the guild like always. This S-Class wizard just got back from another mission alone… Even though she can do it alone, she still misses her long distance boyfriend, who else but Natsu Dragneel? Lucy opens the door while sighing and worries are covering her, suddenly…

BOOM! BOOM! A party-popper sound

"Happy three years anniversary, Lucy!" Everyone shouted. Lucy smiles at the door

"Thanks, guys!" Lucy said. She walks through the crowd and goes to Mira "Mira, any clues about Natsu?" Lucy asked. Mira shakes her head slowly. Lucy takes the nearest seat. She sighs and then, having that worried face again. Natsu's gone… The requester said that Natsu's missing, he didn't finish his job. And, he never comes to the guild ever since that… Laxus, the new master after Master Makarov died, has always been calling the researcher team. That dummy… Where are you?! Lucy thought

"Lucy… Happy anniversary…" Mira said

"Thanks, Mira!" Lucy said. She looks outside. The weather reporter said that it won't snow this year… Even though, snows are the most memorable thing for Lucy and Natsu. Lucy sighs seeing the sunny weather and then she turns her body back to Mira. Mira looks at the blonde girl

"Lucy… You're strong, huh? I never heard you complain about Natsu's disappearance, or about he never contacts you. I bet you're not crying about him that often, huh?" Mira said

"You think so? I guess I am strong, haha…" Lucy said. She stands up from her seat "Ah! I left something at my house! See you, Mira!" Lucy said as she walks outside.

She runs to her apartment. She doesn't enter it. She walks around it to the direction of the sakura tree behind her apartment. She falls on the ground while she hisses

"Don't complain…? And that's… The stupidest think I have ever heard…" Lucy said. Tears start shedding from her eyes. She looks at the ring Natsu gave her. She kisses the ring lightly "You said you'll come back…" Lucy said, she cries even louder

"As I thought, you must be crying…" A familiar voice coming from behind. Lucy immediately turns his face, seeing a certain pink-haired boy is behind her. He sits down and wipes her tears. Lucy shakes in anger, happiness and sadness "I'm home, Luce…" Natsu said. Suddenly, Lucy hugs him so tightly, so does Natsu. "What's up with that horrible face of yours, Luce?" Natsu asked, still hugging her

"Ask the one who did this to me!" Lucy shouted

"Okay, okay…. I'm sorry, Luce… Back then, I had some things to do more… And I can't contact everyone…" Natsu said after they finally finished hugging

"You ran away?" Lucy asked

"Y-Yes" Natsu confessed

"Everyone is worried, you know… Even me…" Lucy said. Natsu smirks and suddenly kisses her. At first it was just Natsu who kisses her, and by the time goes, Lucy kisses him too

"Did you cheat on me, Luce?" Natsu asked

"Of course not! What about you?" Lucy asked back

"Like I would dare to cheat on the girl I love the most…" Natsu said while grinning as Lucy blushes and then smiles softly. Lucy stands up from the ground

"So, how was it back then?" Lucy asked

"I miss you. That's 'how'…" Natsu said as Lucy blushes wildly as Natsu smirks. How can he say things so sweetly like that now? Lucy thought

"But why didn't you visit the guild first?" Lucy asked

"I came here to search for you, to fulfill my promise" Natsu said. Lucy blushes hearing Natsu said that he remembers their promise

"Yo-You've gotta be ki-kidding me! Natsu Dragneel!" Lucy shouted while blushing

"Oh no… I won't be the only Dragneel now…" Natsu steps closer to Lucy "Lucy… Will you marry me?" He asked. Lucy gasps in disbelieve. Natsu kisses Lucy's ring he gave

"I-I…" Lucy stammered

"I, what Luce?" Natsu teased. Lucy pouts and suddenly leans a kiss on him

"I do! That's what, dummy!" Lucy said. Natsu's face appears some red shades. He smiles widely at his soon to be wife

"Then, let's go tell everyone else about it, weirdo" Natsu said. He gives Lucy's his hand as they run hand in hand to the guild

Even though we have to fight, even though everyone said that 'Every time there's a meeting, there will be a goodbye' but for me, goodbye, doesn't mean separate forever, right? Look at me, hand in hand with the boy I love so much… Goodbye doesn't mean a sad ending, right? Lucy thought while hearing the guild shouted loudly

A dense head, flame freak, dragon lover, has motion sickness, loud, loyal, I love everything about him…

Review please! And no flame... Begging you... Most flames I got from the GUEST READER are heart breaking like 'boring' or 'worst fanfic ever'. No, from the fanfiction account members, your reviews are not that harsh, really! But that kind of review... Argh, I don't know. Karma does exist, right? Maybe Allah will repay him/her

Anyways! Hope you guys enjoy it! I haven't decided whether I should do Chasing A Dream, The Legend Of The Magical Tree, or The Secret Between Us first.

Anymore information about upcoming project will be available at my twitter!


Keiko Amano