I only have 3 things to say :

1. Please read my other fanfics if you like this one
2. Please Review
3. Enjoy~

Yes, I re-upload it

Fairy Tail, the guild Lucy loves so much, the guild where she goes when she's happy, sad or angry... She really loves this guild, everyone in it. And yes, this is the place where she can meet her 'special someone' or... 'The one she loves, Natsu Dragneel. Okay, I admit that Natsu is really dense that he hasn't realize her feelings, Lucy knows that who's important to Natsu only 3 persons, Happy, Igneel and Lisanna. Lucy knows that Lisanna obviously likes Natsu, and Lucy thinks they make a great couple, if Natsu's happy, she's happy

"Yo, Luce!" Natsu appeared behind Lucy who is now almost choking from her drink

"Ah, Natsu... He-Hello" Lucy said with her voice shaking from the chocking, looking at her... Mira and everyone near the bar just can giggle, seeing the same thing happens almost every day, Natsu's surprise attack maybe can kill Lucy sooner or later, but he never learns

"Let's go on a mission Luce! I'm bored hereee" Natsu said, while taking a chair next to Lucy's. Lucy looks at him for a while, yes, maybe she's admiring, but she's thinking too, she just got back from her last mission with Natsu, and currently, the drink she was choking is a 'Magic Power Restorer'

"Okay... Let's go!" Lucy stands up, pulls her bag, and walk with Natsu, but suddenly...

"Hime!" Suddenly, Virgo appears in front of Lucy, making Lucy stops walking, and looks at Virgo, her face is full of questions, but only 1 question that she wants to ask...

"Virgo... What are you doing here?" Lucy asked. Suddenly, Virgo face turns into a serious face, making Lucy scares to think what will Virgo say to her

"I have a request, hime..." That answers half of Lucy's question... But one thing, what request? Seeing Lucy trembles with the aura, making Virgo takes a deep breath "Hime, to improve your power, will you come to the Spirit World with me?" The sound of her request makes the guild silent, yes, that word echoing around the guild... Levy steps into the circle which is surrounding Lucy, Natsu and Virgo

"You won't go, will you, Lu-chan?" Levy asked

"I... Don't know..." Lucy looks at Natsu. A shock expression covers his face, no one except Natsu himself knows what his opinion about it... But the look on Natsu's face makes Lucy unsure what to do anymore...

"Virgo, please give me some time to think about it" Lucy said, after seeing Natsu's expression... Yes, what Virgo wanted is to make her master more powerful, seeing that she only needs few training more, and Spirit World is the perfect place to practice more

"As you wish, Hime" Virgo said, bows and leaves. After she left, everyone is staring at Lucy who is currently thinking... But her mind can't think right now, because of the shocking news. Hello? To leave the guild she loves so much, there's no way she can decide that so easily

"Na-Natsu, Minna... I'll be off for today" Lucy said. Her voice is shaking... She knows that she can reject it, she knows it well... But, this is her only chance. Lucy turns around, and starts to run outside

"Luce!" Shouted Natsu, wanting to catch her... Yet a hand wraps around his to stop him... Yes, Lisanna

"Don't disturb her, Natsu" Lisanna said, hugging his hand even tighter

"But-" Natsu couldn't finish his words because it was cut out by Lisanna pulling him to the edge of the guild, no one notice them, since, they all thinking about Lucy now

"He-Hey Natsu... Can we meet up tonight?" Lisanna said, blushing. Natsu is really dense, he doesn't know what she's plotting

"Hu-Huh?" The only thing he can say, since he doesn't understand. Lisanna smiles 'innocently' to him

"Let's meet up in front of Warren's house, okay?"





Let's get back to Lucy right now...

Lucy can't sleep, she has always thought about it. I mean, to leave Natsu, the person she loves the most and everyone in the guild. It's too hard, but to miss the opportunity, it's such a waste... Lucy pulls the blanket from her leg, force herself to sleep, but in the end, she looks at a picture next to her night lamp, the picture she took not long ago, the picture of Natsu, Lucy and Happy... At that time, she almost finds the answer to her riddle, until...

"Lucy. Are you awake?" There's a voice inside her head, yes... It's Warren.

Lucy takes the clock, 2.13 AM, is it an emergency? She thought... "Warren? Do you know what time is it?"

"YEAH! 2 AM and SOMEONE barging to MY HOUSE!" Warren said, pressing the words '2 AM', 'Someone' and 'my house', his voice making Lucy concerns, what's happening there... Who would barge into Warren's house?

"Huh? Who is it?" Lucy asked, suddenly there's something happened at Warren's house, there's a rustle and another voice, and it becomes quite again "He... Hello? Something's wrong there?"

"Hey, Luce" Natsu's voice is inside Lucy imagination. She's thinking about Natsu too much, maybe? She pinches herself... No, this is not a dream

"Na-Natsu?" Lucy asked, she still not sure "Is it really you?"

"Yea... By the way, Luce. Have you slept yet?" Natsu asked

"Nnn... Not yet" Lucy said, starting to sit up from her bed, yes, she was in sleeping position

"Then, have you decided it yet?" Lucy blinked, so this is his purpose to call at this time...

"No... I haven't..." Lucy said. Suddenly, there's a back voice, sounded squeaky, and that voice whispering to Natsu, Does Warren have a little sister? I never heard about it... So who's talking in the background? Lucy thought...

"Luce...?" Natsu started to speak, break the silence here...

"Ye... Yeah?" Lucy thinks that if Natsu says to her that she shouldn't go, it'll make things harder for her, because if she doesn't go, she will feel bad to Virgo, she read that to make a person to stay at the spirit world more than 2 days, the spirits have to ask the king, and it's pretty hard... Lucy just can't imagine that all her spirits doing it for her, especially Aquarius! But, If she tell her that she should go...

"Luce... I think you should go..." When Lucy heard that, she almost fell from the bed... Why did Natsu say that? What was he thinking? Did... He knows what he just said?! Lucy thought

"Wh-What did you mean, Natsu?" Lucy said, holding back her tears and anger, she grabs her blanket until it wrinkles, yes... She wanted to shout, to be honest...

Natsu takes a deep breath "I-I mean-" Suddenly there is a really noisy voice, like there are 3 people in there, Natsu, Warren, and another squeaky voice "O...Oi!" There's Warren's voice... He's scolding?

"Hey Lucyyy~~ what's upp?" The squeaky voice finally spoke... And that voice, the only one who can own that voice, only her... No one but Lisanna, hearing her voice, makes Lucy shocked. What is she doing there with Natsu at this time of the day? No... Don't tell me, they're…

"Li-Lisanna what are you do-" Lucy intended to ask her, but it was cut

"Hey Lucyy, I have the same opinion as Natsu, you should go~ you can become stronger and won't be a burden anymore, right? No need to worry about him, I'll take care of him!" Lisanna said excitingly, makes Lucy burst into tears... We all know she tries her best to hold it in, but she just can't do it anymore

"I-I see..." Lucy said, standing up from her bed, pulling her almost full suitcase... She already decided... "Then, I'll be going. Say my goodbye to Natsu and everyone else" Then, Lucy hears someone giggles

"Okayy! See ya~!" Lisanna said. The telepathy effect stops

Drip, Tears flowing even more from Lucy's eyes... Lucy zips her suitcase... Fine, if that what Natsu wanted, I'll go then! Go have fun with Lisanna, Natsu baka! Lucy thought, pulling Virgo's key

"Gate of the maiden, I open thee, Virgo!" Lucy shouted, and Virgo appears

"You've decided, Hime?" Virgo asked, Lucy wipes her tears, looking straightly at Virgo

"Yes, I'll go!" Lucy said, her decision is final

Virgo looks at Lucy, seeing her master eyes, sad yet confident eyes, Virgo takes a deep breath "Very well, Him-"

"Stop, Virgo" Suddenly, Loke appears, Virgo kinda shocked looking at Loke, yes, actually he kinda object this 'training program' seeing his master always think about her spirits, he wants the spirits to think about their master too

"Onii-san/Loke" Virgo and Lucy said together, they both surprised seeing the presence of a certain spirit. Loke looks straightly to Lucy, his eyes is more than serious eyes

"Lucy, I'll confirm this to you again. First, 1 day in Spirit World means 3 months in Earthland. Second, when you arrive there, there's no turning back. Third, you won't be able to communicate with ANYONE during your training. Are you sure, Lucy?" He said, but he was kinda shock seeing Lucy's eyes don't lost against his, looking back at him

"Positive" Lucy said, Loke admits, he lost. Loke sighs deeply

"Okay, but if something happens to him, I... No, we won't take any responsibility" Lucy's eyes softened a bit, 'something happened?' what will happen to him? But, I don't care, my decision is final, Celestial Mage never breaks a promise! Lucy though, and her eyes look serious again

"Yes, I know" Lucy said, full of confidence, Loke looks half sad, and disappears. Virgo moves closer to Lucy

"Then Hime, shall we?" Virgo asked

"Yes" Lucy answered, Virgo opens the gate to the spirit world, before she steps in and she looks at the window

Natsu, I guess this is goodbye

Well, if you asked me why I re-updated it, if you truly read this story before I re-updated it, you must've known what changed, no? Yes, I change the POV, All my fanfics re-updated because of the same reason, if there any new readers, then, Thank you for reading thiss~!


Keiko Amano