Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin' it…. sbi
Chapter 5
Kim's POV
I just noticed Jack had never been snowboarding. This is insane. Out of all the things that he is capable of he can't snowboard…
"Jack, stop." I said, waiting for him to turn around.
"What?" he said with a slightly annoyed tone.
"Look," I said moving in front of him so we were face-to-face, "If there is something wrong just tell me."
"I can trust you, right?" He said looking at me.
"Yeah of course. You're my best friend you can tell me anything." I said, while sitting down.
"Well, I've never been snowboarding." He said.
"So? What's the big deal?" I asked.
"I just didn't want you to think less of me." He said.
"Jack, nothing could change the way I feel about you. Even if it's something as silly as snowboarding." I said.
"Thanks Kim" He said pulling me into a hug.
It has been five hours since Jack and I had our talk, and we are still on the slopes. I decided to teach Jack how to snowboard, and let me just say, he caught on WAY too fast. Originally, I had Jack going down just the bunny hill…Then greens, which he mastered in maybe 5 minutes. Then blues, which he got the hold of and didn't fall once! Now he's about to get off the lift at the top of a terrain course!
We get off the lift and go over to the course. I'm actually nervous for this because, well… What do I do if I fall? I probably won't but, Jack will see me… And that is the last thing I want to happen.
The course is set up with a bunch of small grind rails and tubes. There is also a big picnic bench to jump on! To the side of the course is this huge, moving strip that is carrying people to the top of the course, very, very slowly. But, at the end of the course there is this one big jump that is maybe, just, I don't know, 10 feet tall!
Before I can even say anything, Jack is already going down the hill. He is actually performing the tricks with accuracy, until he is at the big jump.
"Jack," I yell, "STOP!"
But before he can hear me he is already halfway up the huge ramp. It looks like he was just going to do a simple 180, but no. The smart ass thought it would be cool to do a front layout.
Jack gets into the air and halfway through the trick when he dives straight into the snow. To me it looked like he hit just his shoulder, but apparently it was much worse.
I speed down the hill as fast as I could and look at Jack who was laying motionless on the ground. I lean down to make sure he is ok but he was out cold. I tried to take his pulse but my hands are too numb from the cold that I can't feel a thing. So, I decided to do what anyone would do.
I call the emergency crew that stays at the resort and they come within minutes. Jack was rushed to the hospital and I managed to climb into the ambulance with him. The paramedic started feeling his shoulder to see if anything was wrong. Then he started calling out random numbers to the driver. Next thing I know is the sirens turn on and we pick up speed. Now I know this is not going to be good.
Hey Guys! Look, I know this is late, but this is like MAJOR cram time at school. I have midterms almost all next week so I probably wont be on until Friday. Ughh. Well, Bye!
P.S. I may update earlier if I get… 10 reviews! Love you!
P.S.S. Should I write a Christmas one-shot? Or a one-shot about what happened in Newtown? #PRAY