Disclaimer: I own nothing.
a/n: Okay guys….so I decided to wrap this story up in this chapter instead of making it two. You guys have been wonderful and I hope you continue to be wonderful and leave me some reviews.
Hope you enjoy.
Rachel feels like she's walking on a cloud. This month has been as close to perfect as Rachel thinks perfect can be. Her bands album was released and has been selling well; they even got invited to perform their new single on a late night talk show next week. The band also will start back touring soon as part of the main act. Rachel loves not being the prelude. They are the main attraction now.
Things with Santana are amazing as always. Santana has been working a lot more but that works out because Rachel has been busy too. But when they are not busy they are all over each other. They spend time at home or out on dates with each other. Just last week they watched Beth for the day and then had dinner with Quinn and Beth. Rachel just adores that little girl.
"Are you okay?" Rachel turns her head to see her mom standing in the back doorway. Rachel's currently sitting on her parents back porch watching Santana and her dad run around with Beth.
Rachel gives her mom a small nod before reaching a hand out for her. "Sit with me?"
Shelby nods and takes a seat next to Rachel on the porch. "Oh look at your dad," Shelby and Rachel laugh when Beth jumps on Kevin's back. Santana is trying to get the little girl off of him, telling her to be careful not to hurt Rachel's dad. "He's really enjoying Beth's company. It's nice to have a kid around."
"Yeah," Rachel waves at Beth who has moved on to attacking Santana. "Anyway," Rachel moves her eyes over to her mom. "Thank you guys for tonight."
Kevin and Shelby Berry had a nice little dinner for Rachel. They didn't attend the album release party, so they made up for it by inviting Rachel and her close friends over for dinner. The band and Quinn attended the dinner too. They all joked around and laughed before Rachel's band mates left. Now Quinn and Marley are in the kitchen nerding out over some blog they both subscribe to, while everyone else hangs out in the back yard.
The dinner meant a lot to Rachel. Santana and her parents are getting along better and even though they still don't fully approve of her career choice, they are not outwardly making it known. Rachel appreciates that.
"Look," Shelby reaches over and takes Rachel's hand. "You're my baby," Shelby smiles when Rachel roll her eyes. "You are. You're my baby and I'm going to always worry about you. About the decisions you make and the people you let in." Shelby sighs. "The world is a scary place and I just don't want you to get hurt."
"I know." Shelby squeezes her hand. "I know that that's not possible. But I'm your mom. I worry."
"Yeah,"Rachel scoots closer to her mom.
"I like Santana. She's good for you." Shelby looks out at the three people laughing in the yard. "She helps me worry a little less."
"But why, Rae?" Beth pouts up at Rachel. The little blonde is sitting on the couch, Rachel on a knee in front of her trying to put on her shoes. "I don't wanna go."
"I know but it's late."Rachel finally gets Beth to sit still long enough to get one shoe on.
"But…but Mr. K said he would play with me." Beth kicks her feet up. Rachel's quick to move out of the way. "I wanna play with Mr. K and make cookies with your Mommy." Beth kicks again when Rachel tries to grab her foot again.
"I know, baby but we…"
"Beth." Quinn walks in the room just as Beth kicks at Rachel again. "Don't kick at Rachel. You know better. Apologize." Beth just puts her head down. "Now Beth."
"Sorry auntie Rae." Beth whispers into her chest.
Rachel smiles and runs her fingers through Beth's hair. "It's okay."
Quinn rolls at Rachel's easiness. Santana and Rachel's kids are sure to be spoiled brats. Rachel gives in so easily.
"I'll finish getting her ready to go, Rach." Quinn says as she walks more into the room, kneeling next to Rachel. "Go say goodnight to your folks.
Rachel smiles over at Quinn before getting up to go say good night to her parents. Marley left about thirty minutes ago.
Santana and Shelby are laughing at something Kevin said when Rachel walks into the living room. "What did I miss?"
Santana pulls Rachel into her side when she's close enough. "Your dad just told me the story of your first day of school."
Rachel groans, and then claps her hands together. "Okay, so we are leaving now. Please keep the goodbyes short or Beth will never want to leave."
"Oh my…wait until you two have kids." Kevin shakes his head with a smirk. "Santana you're going to have your hands full."
Rachel frowns. "What does that mean?"
"Please, babe." Santana laughs along with Kevin. "You are so whipped when it comes to the little people. Our kids would get away with murder if left up to you."
"Totally true." Quinn comes into the room with Beth. Beth runs over to Shelby for a hug.
Rachel rolls her eyes. "Okay. Enough," Rachel gives Shelby a kiss on the cheek and hugs her father. "Let's go ladies."
Everyone share hugs and kisses before leaving to go home for the night.
"I want to meet your mom."
Santana almost spits out her orange juice, "What?"
Rachel rolls her eyes and continues to stare at Santana. "We've been together almost four years and I have yet to meet your family."
"You just saw Quinn and Beth last night." Santana stuffs some eggs in her pocket, hoping that Rachel will drop the subject.
"Does she even know about me?" Rachel raises an eyebrow.
"Seriously Rachel?" Santana pushes her plate away. "Of course she knows about you."
"I have to get to work." Santana flees the room before Rachel says anything else.
Santana goes into the bedroom and close the door. She doesn't slam it. She's not mad at Rachel, she's mad at the situation. Santana doesn't have the best relationship with her family. Since she left from college she's only been home twice and talks to her mom and brother every few months. Yes, they know about Rachel but they never ask about her nor care to meet her.
I mean how does one not know about Rachel? Rachel Berry is a celebrity. The band just released their second album a few weeks ago. Santana has been to a couple of events with Rachel. Some magazines have published some pictures of the two together and Rachel has never denied her relationship with Santana when asked in an interview. The world knows.
Lean Lopez knows…
Lena Lopez has beliefs.
Beliefs that do not involve meeting her daughter's girlfriend.
"San?" Santana sighs when she hears Rachel quiet voice on the other side of the door. "I'm coming in?"
Santana stays quiet as Rachel makes her way over to the bed. "You might need this." Rachel has Santana's left shoe hanging from the strings. Santana smiles sadly as she looks down at her feet, one black Chuck Taylor on her right foot. "You're too old not to know how to dress yourself." Rachel jokes as she sits next to her girlfriend.
"Shut up?"Santana leans into Rachel who has put her arms around her.
"My parents aren't like yours." Santana starts after a minute. "Yeah your mom and dad are a little corky and might be a little bit too nosey but…"
Rachel runs her fingers through Santana's hair. "It's okay baby."
"No its not." Santana groans. "I fucking love you. I do. And I'm proud." She keeps going. "And it fucking sucks that my mom doesn't want to know you." Santana pulls away from Rachel. "You're so amazing and I love you and I wish I could take you home. I do."
"I know." Rachel says when Santana starts to rush her words.
"But I can't Rachel." Santana can't hold back the tears anymore. "I took one girl home in college," Santana hates talking about this but she needs Rachel to understand. "Just this girl I was hooking up with. She didn't want to go home for break, so I brought her home with me."
Rachel robs Santana's back and tells her to take her time. "We weren't even serious, Rach." Santana lets out a pained laugh. "Just some girl I was…you know. And my mom was…she acted like Kelly wasn't even there. Hell…she acted like I wasn't even there." Santana shakes her head. "She doesn't want to know this part of me."
"It's okay. It's okay." Santana whips her face and stands. "I don't want her treating you like that." Santana snatches up her shoes and bends over to put it on. "Fuck I'm running late."
Rachel stays quiet on the bed while Santana gets ready to leave for work. "Are you okay?"Rachel asks just as Santana turns at the door to kiss her goodbye.
"You love me?"Santana asks from the open door.
"More than I've ever loved anyone before." Rachel pulls Santana in by the shirt.
They share a few quick kisses before Santana pulls away. "Love you babe. See you later."
"…Yeah you like that?" Santana pants into Rachel's ear. "Fuck I missed you."
"San…uh…fuck!" Rachel lets out a loud moan when Santana speeds up the two fingers she has stuffed inside her. Santana thumb flicking the hell out of her clit. "Yeah, baby…make me cum."
Santana kisses Rachel's ear, pulls back to watch her fingers fuck the hell out of Rachel. "Come on, babe. Cum all over me."
"Oh fuck!" Rachel screams as she releases juices all over Santana's hand. "Don't." Rachel grabs Santana's arm when she tries to pull out.
"Shit babe," Santana laughs and collapse on Rachel. "We're going to have to change the sheets. Maybe even burn them." Santana jokes as she feels all of their fluids on the bed.
Rachel has been on tour for a few months now and this is their first time seeing each other in three weeks. Santana flew out to watch Rachel in concert with Marley. They are going to spend the next two days in the city with the band. But right now. Tonight they are too busy screwing each other.
"Stop…wait," Rachel giggles when Santana growls and busy herself with swirling her tongue around Rachel's hard right nipple. "Tana." Rachel reaches down and smacks Santana's ass.
"What?"Santana licks the nipple one more time before looking up at Rachel.
"I'm glad you're here." Santana roll her eyes. "I'm serious."
"I know…you and your feelings." Santana slides to the side. "I was serious about these sheets."
"Shut up." Rachel smiles and pulls Santana into her side.
"Ugh babe," Santana sits up. "Let's change the sheets, you let me go down on you in the shower, and then we can talk all you want."
Rachel pretends to think about it. "Hmm…I guess that sounds like a plan."
It takes them an hour to finishes their shower. Afterwards they lay on their clean bed, sharing kisses and catching up with each other. Being together in person is way better then live chatting or just talking on the phone.
"What are you grinning about?" Santana chuckles at the look on Rachel's face. She's just sitting next to her with the biggest grin on her face. "Thinking about something dirty?"
"No." Rachel rolls her eyes, reaching over to pinch Santana in the side.
"Ow…okay. No dirty thoughts." Santana pouts. "If you're not thinking dirty then you must be thinking about me, huh."
"Actually," Rachel smiles over at Santana, before moving to straddle her lap. "You're right. I was thinking about you." They share a few passionate kisses.
"Mmmm….I like the way you think." Santana jokes when Rachel pulls back.
"You're so great." Rachel runs her fingers along Santana cheeks. "I don't think I could do any of this without your love and support."
"Yeah?" Santana calms down with the joking. She runs her hands up and down Rachel's back.
And the look Rachel has on her face has Santana's heart beating out of her chest. Santana's never imagined she would feel this way about someone. Never thought she would want to come home to the same person every night. Make life decision for and because of one person. Spend the rest of her life with one woman.
But then she met Rachel Berry.
Rachel Berry who calls her every night just to say I love you. Rachel Berry who makes her cookies in the middle of the night and gives her back rubs after a long day of work.
Rachel Berry who would cancel one of her shows if Santana said she needs her.
The same Rachel Berry who is currently sitting on her lap, looking cute, blurting out every, and anything she's feeling and thinking.
"Get up?" Santana squeezes Rachel's side.
"What?" Rachel looks confused.
"I need to get something," Santana gently pushes Rachel to the side. "Move your fat ass." She jokes.
"Ugh...leave it to you to ruin a romantic moment." Rachel lays flat on her stomach, watching Santana search through her bags. "What are you doing?"
"Looking for something?"
Rachel rolls her eyes and sits up. "You are such an ass."
"Got it!" Santana puts her hands behind her back and walks over to Rachel. Rachel's now sitting Indian style in the middle of the bed.
"Got what?" Rachel tilts her head, amused at the playful look on Santana's face.
"This," Santana pulls her hands from behind her back. Rachel's eyes go wide. Sitting in Santana's hand is a little box with a Diamond ring shinning from it. "I um…" Santana pauses as she looks at the tears on Rachel's face. "Marry me?"
Rachel stares at Santana trying to figure out if Santana is joking. When Santana clears her throat Rachel pushes up onto her knees. "San…yes. Yes!"
"Thank you for finally answering." Santana releases her breath.
"Shut up and get over here." Rachel pulls Santana onto the bed. After a passionate kiss, Rachel snatches the ring out of Santana's hand. "By the way," Rachel slides the ring onto her finger. "You should sound more certain when asking someone that kind of question." Rachel admires the ring on her figure.
"That was the worst proposal ever. I know," Santana shrugs. "But I just couldn't…I…you…"
"Shush," Rachel puts a finger to Santana's lips. "Since when has anything having to do with our relationship been normal?"
"You like romance." Santana shrugs.
"Yeah," Rachel grins. "But I love you."
Santana nods and then after a minute she looks to Rachel, "Sex?"
The end
Thanks for reading….
If this story could get to 100 or more great reviews that would be awesome! :)