Disclaimer: Don't own.

Chapter 1

Santana groans and buries her head deeper into the pillow the first time she hears a loud bang. Sometimes Rachel's neighbors can be loud. So she doesn't give the noise a second thought.

"What the fuck is that noise." Santana cries when a minute goes bye in the banging continues.

"Language Tana," Rachel says reaching for her robe so she can finally see what the banging noise is.

Santana scoffs and let Rachel slip from her arms. "I think that's your door." Santana watches as a sleepy Rachel eases into her house shoes and starts walking towards her closed bedroom door. "Babe it's seven in the morning. Who the fuck is banging on your door at seven in the fucking morning?" Santana smirks as Rachel gives her a dirty look before opening her bedroom door.

"Shut up and put on a t-shirt or something." And with that Rachel rushes to her front door.

Rachel is surprised when she asks who is it and her sister's voice greets her back. "Marley?" Rachel mouth opens in shuts as her younger sister pushes into the apartment. "What are you doing here?"

"You skipped out on dinner last night, Rach." Marley sits her purse down on the coffee table before getting comfortable in the corner of Rachel's rarely sat on loveseat. "Dad was all depressed and mom kept on asking me questions like I know what's going on in your life."

"I'm sorry." Rachel says guilty as she listens to her sister's reasons for coming over so early in the morning without even a phone call. "I've just been busy."

"Oh don't worry." Marley says care free as she eyes her big sister. "I told them you've been so busy that even I don't see you, even though we leave in the same city."

"Mar…" Rachel is cut of when they hear a thump followed by some not so nice choice words. "Grrr…excuse me for a minute." Rachel rushes off to her bedroom to see what Santana is cussing about now. When Rachel gets into the bedroom, she makes sure to close and lock her bedroom door. Last thing she needs is her sister to follow her into the room where her half naked…well Rachel doesn't know what to label Santana. That's another reason why she's not in a rush for Marley to meet Santana. Not just yet.

"Damn shoe!" Santana groans and kick the offending shoe.

"Hey, calm down." Rachel rolls her eyes at the frustrated Latina. "That was my sister."Rachel answers the unspoken question.

"Your sister?" Santana asks as she bends down to pick up the same pair of Chuck Taylor's she just kicked.

"Yeah…" Rachel hands the other girl her band t-shirt. "You know, the other girl in the pictures around this apartment. Just last week you made a comment about how her chest looks bigger than mine. Remember you…"

"Okay. Okay, I get it." Santana laughs and moves closer to Rachel. "Why is she here so early?"

Rachel shrugs and pulls on the bottom of Santana's t-shirt until there is no more room between them. "She wants to know why I've been so busy lately." Rachel bits on her bottom lip. "I guess my parents were upset that I didn't show up to dinner last night."

Santana frowns. "What? Why did you go to dinner?"

"I wanted to see you last night."

"Fuck Rachel." Santana sighs.

Rachel hadn't originally planned on telling the other girl about how she cancelled on her family to be with her. They've been sleeping with each other for a few months now but that's about it. Rachel can count on one hand the number of times that they've actually socialized outside of each other bedrooms since they've met.

The first time they met was when Santana's best friend, Quinn, took her out to celebrate her twenty sixth birthday. Quinn managed to pry Santana away from work long enough to go to a bar and get drunk. It was that night when Santana had drunkenly bumped into Rachel while trying to get to the rest room. They didn't exchange anything but awkward apologizes. Santana was too wasted to even began to flirt or stay awake long enough to pleasure Rachel.

The second time they saw each other, Santana was again at the bar with Quinn but this time only a little tipsy. And when her eyes landed on Rachel, she knew she had to have her. Rachel didn't put up much of a fight and that night they exchanged bodily fluids.

That was over two months ago, two months ago when what was pose to be a one night stand became a regular thing. Rachel would see Santana in the club in the next thing you know they'd be naked in a bed. Or Santana would call Rachel up in the middle of the night and asks if she wanted to come over.

It's just recently started to change. Rachel finds herself actually thinking about Santana during the day. Not just about her body or what she can do with her tongue but about how Santana knows her way around the kitchen. On one of the many nights she stayed at Rachel's, Santana made her something to eat. Rachel was surprised the other girl knew how to cook.

It was little things like finding out that Santana is skilled in the kitchen or that she hates a pickle's, that's been clueing Rachel in on her grown affectation for the other girl. But Rachel doesn't know how Santana feels because they never really get to talk before one of them has to leave for work or something.

Rachel thought she could spend this morning talking about what's been going on with them but that plan went downhill when her sister showed up at her door. They won't get to see each other until next week because Rachel is going to be traveling with her band for the next couple of days. She leaves tomorrow and today is going to be all about getting her family off her back and getting everything situated to leave for out of town for a week. The only thing that is keeping her from cornering Santana is the fact that they came to an agreements a few nights ago, to not sleep with other people.

"I…I just," Rachel lets out a tired sigh. She doesn't even know how to begin to explain herself. "I'm going to be gone for a week and…I just needed to see you." Rachel just goes for honesty.

Santana just stares down at her shoes. She never meant for things to get so complicated with them. Rachel was just going to be a booty call. Santana was tired of having to pick up random chicks at the bar whenever she was horny and having to explain why she didn't want to be in a relationship right now. Santana has had her fair share of failed relationships and is not that eager to jump into another one.

Rachel was pose to understand that.

Rachel was suppose to be fun.

No feelings.

It was never meant to go this far.

But Rachel.

It's just something about Rachel that keeps her coming back for more.

Santana knows that Rachel is starting to want more from her. They've been spending more time together. Yeah, they don't go out to public places together but they've been sitting in the living room and having actual conversations. Just last week, Rachel spent the night and they didn't do anything but talk and sleep. No sex. So Santana knows that things with her and Rachel are going in a different direction.

But she's not ready to meet the family. They don't even know what is going on between them yet, so meeting the family is out of question.

"You could have just called me." Another thing they've been doing more. Talking on the phone. Santana should have seen this coming. "Where's my phone?" Santana looks around the room for her purse. As soon as she finds her purse she can leave.

"It's in the living room." Rachel says. "Come on. I'll walk you out." Rachel gives up trying to get anything out of the other girl. Rachel can feel how uncomfortable Santana is with the conversation they are currently having.

"Whoa," Santana is quick to grab Rachel hand before it touches the door knob. "Your sisters still here," Santana states with wide eyes. "I'm not going out there."

"What?" Rachel huffs in turns around to stare at the other girl. "Don't be ridiculous Santana."

Santana ignores all the eye rolling Rachel is doing and says, "I'll wait until she leaves."

"That can be hours from now. You have to work in a few." Rachel tries to make Santana see how ridiculous she's being. "She already heard you in here cussing out your shoes. Just say hi, grab your purse and go."

"Fine." Santana gives into reason after a second of thinking it over.

When they get out into the living room, Marley is still relaxing on the couch but now she has a cup of coffee in her hand.

"About freaking time. I thought you forgot that I was here." Rachel rolls her eyes and motions towards Santana.

"Santana this is my sister Marley. Marley this is my friend Santana." Santana gives Marley a small wave and Marley grins.

"Oh sis, she's hot." Marley nods.

"Okay…." Santana spots her purse across the room and is quick to snatch it up. After a quick check, making sure she had her house keys and cell, Santana moves towards the door. "I'll talk to you later, Rachel." And before Rachel can say anything else, Santana is out of the door.

Marley shrugs and holds up her cup. "Coffee?"


Santana feels like an asshole as soon as Rachel's door closes behind her. She feels like she didn't handle the situation good at all. But it's too late to turn back now. Rachel was correct in saying that Santana had to be at work soon. She still has to make it across town to her own apartment before swing past her office and then to the location she is working on today.

An hour later, Santana is busy looking over the blueprint for the new kitchen she just designed when her best friend car pulled up behind her truck.

"You're late, Fabray." Santana doesn't even look up at Quinn before grabbing all her paper work and tools in heading towards the house she will be spending the next eight hours at.

"Sorry." Quinn is taking big steps to catch up to Santana. "Beth's babysitter was late and…"

"Save it." Santana doesn't let Quinn finish before ringing the door bell. A middle aged man opens the door. Santana spends five minutes going over her plans with her client while Quinn heads into the kitchen to scope out what they will be working with. "I called Finn and Matt to help us with this. I'm trying to get this job done in less than three weeks." Santana says once she joins Quinn in the kitchen.

"Three weeks," Quinn huffs. "Um…you do know that we are basically building a new kitchen. That's going to take more than three weeks, San."

"Three weeks, Quinn." Is all Santana says before they start working.


It takes Rachel an hour before she could get her sister to stop asking about Santana. Marley has been following Rachel around all day inquiring about the hot lady that was hiding out in the apartment. Marley even followed her to Aaron's, one of her band members, house where they hold their practices. Rachel and the band met up to go over what is the plans for tomorrow and everything they needed to get done today. Once she leaves from meeting with her band, Rachel treats Marley to lunch.

"So are you going to call mom and dad?" Marley asks as they leave from the little café they had lunch in. "You have to tell them something. You haven't been to dinner in like two months."

"Shut up." Rachel rolls her eyes. "It's only been a month." Marley loves to exaggerate. "I'll call them later. I don't feel like listening to them bitch about how I need to go back to school and all that jazz. I'm fine." Rachel stops walking so her sister can catch up. "I'm excited about this little tour and I don't need their negative comments bringing me down."

"They're not that bad." Marley tries to defend her parents. "They just care. Like really care."Marley thinks about her words. "Okay, so they can be a little intense."

"Exactly," They share an understanding smile before starting to walk down the busy street again. "I hope you don't plan on following me home."

"Why?" Marley raises an eyebrow. "Is that hot brunette waiting there for you?"

"Mar." Rachel says as a warning.

Marley ignores her big sister and hales a cab. "Oh come on, Rach. You have to tell me something about the girl you're ditching me for."The cab pulls to a stop before them.

"I'm not ditching you." Rachel follows Marley into the car.

"Kind of feels like it." Marley says, knowing which button to push. Marley knows that even when Rachel is trying her hardest to be a badass, she is still a very emotion human. "I thought I was your best friend, yet you've been hiding your new girlfriend from me."

Rachel stops working on what is the sixth text message she has sent to Santana and looks over at her sister. "Don't, Mar. You know you are my bestie. Santana is not my girlfriend."

"Really?" Marley roll her eyes. "You stared at the door for five minutes after she left. That wasn't your first time riding that pony." Rachel eyes go wide at her sister's words.

"Ew…I don't want to talk about my sex life with you." Rachel huffs.

"Well don't." Marley counters. "Tell me about Santana."Rachel takes a minute to think about what she does and doesn't want to tell her sister.

Being only two years apart and their parent's only children, Rachel and Marley have always been close. Their parents have always been the over protective types. They're plenty of things the sisters wasn't able to do is children. The first eighteen years of Rachel's life was very sheltered. There was a time, right after Rachel graduated high school, where it was really rocky between the sisters because Rachel decided to go against their parents' wishes and not go straight to college. The whole three months leading up to Rachel moving out made the house hold pretty intense. Marley still had to live with their parents so she couldn't show her support for Rachel like she wanted to. So in the privacy of their rooms, Marley would tell her sister how proud she was of Rachel for trying to do what makes her happy. Sometimes Marley would confine in Rachel about her fears of not being strong enough to stand up to their mom and dad.

Rachel and Marley have always told each other everything. So even though Rachel knows Marley is trying to play on her emotions just to get information, Rachel does feel a little guilty. She's been keeping everything that's been going on with Santana to herself and in return hurting her sister because of getting caught up in something that she can't even call a relationship. But then she remembers her main reason for not telling her sister about Santana. Marley is still intimidated by their parents and they easily get information out of the younger girl. She doesn't want her parents getting involved in her relationships.

"If I tell you about Santana you have to promise not to say anything to mom and dad." Rachel starts. Marley opens her mouth to reply but Rachel cuts her off. "And I mean nothing. Don't even mention her name around them."

"Okay. Okay…I won't." Marley nods.

Rachel looks out the window to figure out how much longer they have until they get to her apartment. "I really like her."

"Yeah. I figured." Marley says, trying to hurry her sister along. "Tell me something I don't know."

"She's an architect." Rachel smiles when she says that. "An artist if you will." Marley roll her eyes at the way her sisters gushes about this girl. "We met at a bar. Shut up!" Rachel slaps Marley's leg before the girl can even say anything. "She's different. She's sweet…smart…obviously beautiful… I like her."

"And you guys are not dating?" Rachel shakes her head.

"No." She sighs. "It's complicated."


"Okay?" Rachel raises an eyebrow. Usually she has to give more detail about someone she's seeing before her sister shuts up.

"Just be careful, Rach." Marley reaches for her sister's hand. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Yeah," Rachel sadly smiles at their joined hands. "Me either."


"Okay….so what's up your butt?" Quinn questions after watching Santana sigh at her phone before roughly pushing it back in her pocket. "You've been a bitch all day."

"I'm just tired." Santana tries out the excuse. "I didn't have the best morning either."

"Dude I said I was sorry I was late." Santana roll her eyes.

"It's not that dumb ass." Santana says collecting her tools. They are packing up for the day. Tomorrow they'll come back with two extra people to help them out. "I stayed at Rachel's and…"

"And…" Quinn holds the door open for Santana to pass through.

"I just…things are getting complicated with that one."Santana has told Quinn about her growing feelings for Rachel. "A few days ago we decided to only sleep with each other." Santana informs the blonde. They put the tools into the back of Santana truck before leaning against it.

"You're dating now?" Quinn eyes widen. Last time she checked Santana was against any type of commitment.

"No." Quinn frowns at the word.

"Just having sex," Santana pauses. "Only with each other."

"I'm confused." Quinn frown deepens. "How is that different from what you two been doing? Rachel's been the only one keeping your bed warm for months now."

"Shut up." Santana frowns at her own words. That was something Rachel would say. The other woman love telling people to shut up. "I just…her sister showed up this morning and I freaked." She rushes out. "I'm not ready to meet her family or friends."

"Too much. Too fast." Quinn states knowingly.

"Yeah." Santana breaths. She can always count on Quinn to understand her. "She leaves tomorrow to go on a tour thingy and I feel like a jackass because I'm actually glad she's going."

Quinn chuckle's at her friend, "You are a jackass. That's mean."

"I don't mean it like that," Santana tries to explain. "I'm just looking forward to the space. It gives me time to think about things."

"I guess." Quinn pulls her phone from her pocket and sees she has a texted message from her daughter's baby sister. "Look…I have to go loser. See you later." It's already pretty late but Santana sometimes stops at the blonde's house to hangout with Beth before the little girl has to go to bed.

"Probably not." Santana shrugs. "I've been ignoring her text messages all day. I think I'm going to drop by."

Quinn rolls her eyes at her friend. Not just ten minutes ago the girl was excited to have some time away from her bed buddy, but yet she plans on going to see her tonight. And by the way Santana is smirking; their making up is going to consist of getting naked.

"Well…have fun with that."Santana is in over her head, is the last thing Quinn thinks before driving away from her best friend.

a/n: so what do you guys think? Want more? Drop me a line or two please.